
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · Otras
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58 Chs


Anastasia's eyes widened at Lucas's words. She immediately summoned her bow and was ready to fight at any moment. 

Lucas couldn't help but tilt his head at her attitude. Sure, she was wary of him, but it wasn't to the point that it would make her summon a bow. 

"What are you doing?" 

Lucas asked out loud not able to understand the reason for her actions.

He could understand if she was just cautious about him but now she looked as if she was going to fight him.

"You realllas are the worst. I should have known that you would do this." 

Anastasia hurled one complaint after another at him with a flushed face while Lucas just stood there not understanding the reason for her behavior. He decided to continue talking in hopes that she would at least answer his question.

"Come on, I am not going to ask anything difficult. It is an easy question that even you can answer."


Upon hearing his words, all the seriousness vanished from her face as she made a strange sound standing there like a statue.

"...so...all you wanted to...was ask a question?"

"Yeah, since you asked me a question it is only natural that I get to ask you a question as well right?"

Lucas said while looking at Anastasia. It seems that she had misunderstood him somewhere. As if she had also realized it, slowly Anastasia's face turned completely beet-red to the tip of her ears.

Strange, What did she think for her to give such a reaction?

Lucas recalled what he said and his eyes widened a little upon realization. 

Did she think that I was going to ask for a favor in that way? How amusing.

Lucas smirked at her reaction and decided to tease her a bit.

"What's this? Perhaps did you think that I was going to ask for something lewd?" Lucas said while maintaining a small smile on his face. Lucas wasn't mocking her when he said that, he was just playing with her since she was giving all sorts of cute reactions.

He now understood a little why people tease others they are close to. Having Lucas's emotions was definitely the main reason that made him realize this feeling.

This feeling is quite nice, I must say.

"You...You did it on purpose." 

Anastasia said glaring at Lucas as she recovered her composure a bit, though her face was still a little flushed. 

"No. I didn't do that on purpose at all. You are the one who misunderstood it all by yourself."


Anastasia could only grit her teeth and glare at him since she knew that what Lucas said was indeed true. 


On the other hand, Lucas was enjoying her reactions quite a bit. 

Anastasia is quite a beautiful girl, and might even be the most beautiful in the entire first year. So every expression she made didn't reduce her charm at all.

If anyone were to see the way she acts now, they would definitely be mesmerized by her.

But Lucas was different. His lack of emotions aside, he was nearly 10 years older than her mentally which made her look more like a little sister to him. 


"Hey, why are you guys being so loud in front of my ro-"

Just then, Nero opened the from behind Lucas and turned silent upon seeing Lucas and Anastasia.

For him, Lucas and Anastasia being together was strange enough but what caught his attention was the way Anastasia looked at Lucas. To him, she looked quite angry.

"Hey Nero, why did you turn silent all of a sudden?"

Another person entered the scene from behind Nero and fell silent just like Nero. It was Amelia.


Lucas could already tell what they were thinking after seeing Anastasia like that. Given his glorious reputation, it was no brainer for anyone to think what he might have done. 

"Hey, why are you both not return-..Oh!!"

As if the situation wasn't grim enough, Kent also came to the door and was surprised to see the situation in front of him. No doubt he was enjoying this a lot.

What a pain.

And Lucas could already see a massive headache coming his way, trying to explain it to them. He is now regretting not ignoring Anastasia's message and continue sleeping in his room.


"Ahh! I told you guys. We shouldn't have invited this person in the first place!"

"For the last time Amelia, listen to what I have to say. And you Anastasia, instead of just pouting there, explain to these people that I am innocent."

"I don't know, humph."

In the drawing room of Nero's apartment, two people were continuously arguing for the past 10 minutes. Far from arguing, it was more accurate to say that it was Amelia lashing at Lucas, and him not being able to explain due to Amelia's constant meddling.

Nero was just standing behind Amelia and continued to stare at Lucas in silence. The self-proclaimed creator of justice was waiting to see when he should take action. Kent, however, was grinning ear to ear at this situation. 

Seeing that the situation was going nowhere he sought help from Anastasia but she was still grumpy about the fact that Lucas had teased her and decided to let him suffer a bit at Amelia's hands.

Amelia was a bit surprised to see her always naïve friend acting like this and decided to ask her about it.

"Sia, what did this guy do to you exactly?"

Upon hearing her friend's question, Anastasia looked at Lucas before deciding to give her an answer. He had the same emotionless expression as always but she could see in his eyes that he was exhausted. 

Satisfied that Lucas had suffered a bit, Anastasia decided to tell Amelia the truth.

"well...he didn't do anything indecent, he just teased me." 

"Tease you? Like what?"

Amelia wasn't satisfied with her response and tried to dig deeper. This time, it was Anastasia's turn to be troubled. 

What's she going to say? That she imagined something lewd when I just asked for a favor? 

Lucas could already tell that Anastasia would avoid the matter as a whole.

From what he had observed about her character in the past few days, he concluded that she was the pure type, one who would get embarrassed at the slightest mention of something indecent.

Yet she is far more mature for her age and is also able to fight without hesitation.

This was what struck odd to Lucas. Although she was too pure for her age, she didn't hesitate to fight her opponents. She is getting more and more of an enigma to him.


"Yes, what did he tease you about?"

On the other hand, Anastasia was struggling to divert her friend's attention.

Just like Lucas expected, Anastasia wasn't planning on telling Amelia that she misunderstood Luca's words and acted that way.

If anyone else was in the same situation and had known about Lucas, then they would have thought the same, and no one would blame Anastasia for thinking the same.

But it was still shameful for her to say that she misunderstood all by herself even though Lucas didn't say it that way. 

"Nothing! Let's not talk about it anymore."

In the end, Anastasia evaded the matter completely and didn't say a word even though Amelia kept on asking. This went on for another two minutes before Amelia decided to drop the matter.

Judging that the matter was over, Lucas decided to get this meeting started and leave early so that he could sleep.

"Great, with that out of the way, tell me why we are meeting again."

"Since all of us got manuals to practice our weapons, I thought it would be good to improve our synergy," Nero answered.

Lucas looked Nero in the eye as he couldn't understand his reason for inviting him of all people.

Lucas could understand the logic behind Nero's words as it could earn more points for the team. But with Lucas and Amelia being present at the same time, it would have had the opposite effect instead.

Both Lucas and Nero stared at each other for some time and the remaining people felt the air around them turning more serious.

The situation didn't continue for long as Lucas got up from his seat and started to walk away.

"If that's what this was about, then you are just wasting my time."

Nero's expression turned serious seeing Lucas's attitude and he blocked Lucas from leaving the room and asked in a low voice,

"What do you think you are doing?"