
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

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58 Chs

Dispute Between The Classes

This is my chance.

It was Lucas's first thought after seeing the interaction between the girl and Kent.

He had been looking for a way to leave this place and finally, a chance presented itself. Before Kent had a chance to respond to Lilly's question, Lucas interrupted and spoke out.

"Actually, Kent here was asking for advice about asking you on a coffee date," Lucas said, pointing at the blue-haired boy.

"What?" with visibly flushed cheeks, Lilly widened her eyes.

"I was?" Kent raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Yes, he's too shy actually to ask you for it so he asked me for advice." Lucas continued weaving lies while completely ignoring Kent's reaction.

"I did?" even more confused than before, Kent looked at him.

If one looked at Lucas now they wouldn't be able to determine that he was bluffing. That's just how perfect Lucas's poker face was and Kent's obliviousness only cemented that act.

"You did?" Lilly turned to Kent, clearly blushing her cheeks off.

"I-Uh, yes, I did! So um, will you accompany me to a cup of coffee?" clearing his head, Kent offered.

"S-Sure." The girl blushed, tucking her hands coyly into the pockets of her hoodie as she shyly nodded her head.

Taking his cue after playing the role of Cupid, Lucas got up from his seat and said his greetings.

"Enjoy your date, I guess."

But as Lucas was about to walk away, Kent grabbed his hand and pulled Lucas in close. He whispered, "Thanks for the great wingmanship, bro! I knew you'd make a great best friend. But sorry, looks like we won't be able to hit up that club now."

Lucas just blankly looked at Kent who failed to realize the intentions behind his words.

By now, Lucas was already accustomed to Kent's carefree nature. So he just nodded and said a few empty words to Kent.

"We will see about that."

With that, Lucas patted his back and quickly trailed towards the exit.

Just as he was about to step out of the café Lucas took one last glance at the couple.

Both of them were chatting happily without a care in the world. They looked just like an ordinary couple enjoying their date. 

"This is getting more and more interesting."

Lucas muttered to himself as he exited the café and started to move towards his room.


"The food here is surprisingly good."

This was Lucas's honest impression of the cafeteria food he was currently eating for the first time.

Ever since the start of the Academy, Lucas has never been to the cafeteria for even one time. There were two main reasons for that.

One, He was quite the big eater.

He always ate an enormous amount of food for a single meal, which would be considered unthinkable for a normal person. This was mainly due to his heavy workout routine and the frequent starvation he experienced in his past life.

Two, He didn't have a good opinion on the cafeteria food.

Lucas didn't hold a good opinion of the food provided by the Academy due to his past life experience in his student days. And the fact that he was in a military academy only strengthened his notion. 

Since he was quite good at cooking, Lucas always prepared his meals by himself and generally skipped when it was impossible to cook for himself due to the class schedule.

But today for some reason he had the urge to try the cafeteria food for the first time.

So as soon as the lunch break arrived, Lucas went to the cafeteria and ordered half of the items on the menu. After taking a bite, his opinion of the food was completely shattered.

Since he was satisfied with the taste, Lucas continued to eat his food. There were a few students who were gossiping about how much he was eating but Lucas promptly ignored them.

"Dude, Lucas, you okay?"

While Lucas continued to eat, a worried voice came from his right. Already having an idea of who it might be, Lucas looked to his side, and as expected the person standing there was Kent.

"I'm alright," Lucas replied after swallowing the food in his mouth before starting to eat again.

Kent sat across from Lucas, staring at him with concern and confusion.

"What's up?" 

Lucas was the first to initiate the conversation as he noticed that Kent was unusually silent for some reason.

"Do you always eat that much?" asked Kent as he regained some of his composure.

So that's what this was about.

Lucas found it odd that the ever-cheerful Kent looked at him with concern but it turned out he was worried about the amount of food he was eating.

"Nope, This is my first time eating in the cafeteria so I just ordered a lot to see which tastes good."

Lucas lied without an ounce of hesitation. It would be troublesome for him if someone as noisy as Kent were to know the details of his daily life. 

"Is that so?" The ever-cheerful Kent was visibly confused to give a proper response to Lucas's words. But it lasted for only a moment as he immediately regained his usual attitude and continued to ramble on about something.

Lucas, of course, completely ignored his words as he continued with his so-called taste testing.

A few minutes passed as the pair continued to spend time without any disturbance but just then a loud baam sound resounded throughout the whole cafeteria.

Instinctively everyone in the cafeteria turned their heads toward the source of the disturbance including Lucas.

 A huge, imposing tan tan-skinned boy had bumped into a boy with jet-black hair and dark brown eyes. It was Alberto who collided with Nero.

The tray of food Nero was holding slipped from his grasp, spilling its contents onto him and staining his school dress.

"Ahh, it's that guy!" Kent exclaimed, recognizing Alberto. "You know, the guy who baselessly accused William."

"I remember," Lucas said nodding his head.

"Oh, of course you do. You were eating popcorn while standing in the front row, hahaha!"


Lucas shifted his focus back to Nero and Alberto ignoring Kent's remark. 

"Are you blind? Can't you see a person twice your size walking toward you, you twat?" putting on his signature annoying smirk, Alberto scoffed.

"Alberto, I was standing here. You were the one who bumped into me. What are you talking about?" with a look of confusion plastered on his face, Nero asked.

"Oh wow, is everyone in your class a liar? You clearly walked and crashed into me! Ask anyone in my class."

As soon as Alberto said that, as if waiting for the cue, several people from his class started nodding their heads and exclaiming

-"Yeah, you bumped into him!"

-"Class 1-A-1 are a bunch of liars! Hahaha!"

-"Wow, they really have no shame."

In response to the taunts and ridicule from class 1-C-1, Lucas's class also didn't remain silent.

-"What? What do you mean by liars?! You guys are the ones lying!"

-"Why do they always come searching for a fight?"

-"What is wrong with them? I saw Nero was just standing there!"

"You guys are lucky your class has so many pretty girls!"

The one who said that last sentence was Kent to which Lucas gave him a blank look.

"What?" noticing the look on Lucas's face, Kent shrugged. "You gotta agree. Their class has so many hot chicks."

Lucas ignored Kent's comment and continued to look at the quarrel between the two classes. 

"Okay, everyone, calm down!" loudly yelling and ensuring his voice could reach every ear present here, Nero raised his hands to get everyone's attention. "We don't want to start a fight inside the academy. It will only affect us and our merit points."

As soon as Nero brought that point up, everyone who was earlier making a fuss quieted down.

After nodding adequately, Nero put on a wide bright smile and turned to face Alberto.

"And you, although I stand by what I said if you still think I had bumped into you intentionally, which would be crazy considering the food I was carrying spilled on me and not you so I gained nothing out of it, then I'm sorry."

Without bothering to wait for a response to his apology, Nero picked up his food tray from the ground and walked past Alberto to reorder his lunch.

However, before he could take more than a few steps, a cruel smile crept up on Alberto's face.

"Apology accepted… whoreson," he said.

Although he only murmured it under his breath, his voice seemed to have echoed in Nero's ears, causing him to stop in his tracks.