
Heaven's Mercy

[Attention Humans of the World 'Earth'.] [You are about to be transported to Heaven's Mercy whereupon you shall be able to gain the power needed to acclimate to your world after your stay in Heaven's Mercy.] [The Heavens does not force its will upon anyone. You will be given the option to decline or accept this offer. You have one 'Earth' hour to decide.] [59:59] [59:58] [59:57] Gu Erin smiled, it was not a kind smile. He did not know who or what gave him this second shot at life, but this time he would change the fate of his world and the ones he loved. He already knew the first steps that must be taken. * The last protector of Earth had fallen, sacrificing his very existence for revenge. Betrayed by his fellow cultivators and surrounded on all sides by his enemies, he dies fighting with every ounce of strength left within him. Unknowing that he had grabbed the attention of a primordial being. The being however, only smiles at his plight thinking it was interesting to watch, so with this slight will the essence of time and fate broke and warped. Gu Erin now finds himself in a interesting position, now a day before it all started. Not knowing that his fate and the fates of everything in existence was just casually played with by an almighty being. Yet despite everything he decided on one thing. He needed the power to change everything, and this time, he would not be so kind in obtaining it. *** WARNING: This is a warning to anyone who might be easily triggered by sensitive topics. Please take note of this warning before reading.

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50 Chs

Making Money 3

Sure enough, Gu Erin's premonition was right on the money… as soon as the alchemist came out, Gu Erin felt qi wash over his body. Gu Erin looked over at the old man, his face was long, and his white hair was tied back, his eyebrows looked slightly singed. However, Gu Erin didn't miss the slight glint in the old man's eyes.

They had really hit an iron plate this time, Gu Erin knew that they had run into a fellow schemer. Gu Erin's mind spun a mile a second as he tried to work his way through the situation. All compensation at this rate would enter this fox's hands. So, Gu Erin had to come up with a balance where all parties were happy.

Alchemists were rare, and a good one was even rarer, Gu Erin had not been proficient in any profession in his past life. However, there were certain things all cultivators knew how to do and make. It was out of desperation to save their coin and spirit stones.

Although Gu Erin didn't care much for the lesser merchant, they too had their own circles, if they fleeced him too heavily, he and Lee Tao might be blacklisted for some time in Haymire.

So, Gu Erin found a compromise, but this time he might really lose big if this didn't work.

Gu Erin weakly waved the old Alchemist over, to come closer to his mouth. The old man was hesitant, but after making eye contact with Gu Erin, and saw his clear eyes, and that same noticeable glint, the old man became a little more willing.

"One of the missing ingredients to Body Foraging Pill is Rock Ox marrow." This was one of Gu Erin's trump cards. Although he wanted to nurture his own alchemist he had seen nobody with the makings of that talent in his group.

To save time Gu Erin reluctantly compromised with giving out the ingredients to this lost pill recipe. Although it would help his group, it would also help his competitors if they find out its qualities.

Like Gu Erin thought the old man's eyes flashed with an indescribable light. Before the alchemist abruptly stood up. "Little friends, these are some bad injuries, what caused them?"

The alchemist looked to the now serious Lee Tao, who thought Gu Erin might actually be injured, and not acting. The gloomy Driver on the other hand was doing his best to pray for mercy from his ancestors, he feared he might lose all of his wealth this day.

Lee Tao answered him, "Sir my brother was run over by this man's carriage, what will it cost to help my brother?"

Not affected by Lee Tao's worries, the old alchemist smiled calmly, "Three gold will definitely cover the costs."

Gu Erin and the Driver immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. Was this old man so shameless? Wasn't he happy with just the missing ingredients of the Body Foraging Pill? Did this big tailed wolf want to swallow them all?

The alchemist continued. "But do not worry, this boy has the fine makings of an alchemist, so I'm sure my little friends won't mind giving him some face?"

Again, the Driver spat out a mouthful of blood, with a pale face he hurriedly brought out a pouch from his belt. What was an alchemist? An alchemist was a great person in even a city, elders of clans and sects would pay respect to an alchemist.

If one made an enemy out of an alchemist countless powerful figures would collect your head and present it to gain favor with that alchemist.

With a trembling hand the Driver handed over three gold coins, the Alchemist carelessly grabbed them and let some of his qi wash over them. With a nod of satisfaction, the old fox spoke. "Good, good, my little friends you should leave now, you too Val."

Gu Erin sent a subtle wink to Lee Tao, which immediately lightened up his mood. With a bow Lee Tao spoke to the alchemist. "This junior thanks Senior, for taking care of brother's injuries. I will wait outside for brother's return."

The Alchemist nodded as the Driver hurriedly left the shop, not offering apology or gratitude. The Alchemist frowned, this Driver did not show him face, perhaps he hadn't made any moved lately. He needed to show those of the merchant class, who was truly in control of the economy.

Once the room was clear Gu Erin sat up easily before nodding his head at the old man. "Junior thanks Senior for his help. This junior is named Gu Erin. May I know the esteemed senior's name?"

The old man smiled slightly, "This old man is Xia Hao." He tossed two gold coins to Gu Erin, and Gu Erin was more than thankful for just losing a single gold. This would be enough to at least get some resources. Maybe, ten people could enter the first realm of Blood Transforming Stage.

After that Gu Erin could lead these people to hunt Rankless and Rank 1 beasts. From there money will come easier, and be far more stable, but people like Lee Tao will stick to his shameless ways, no doubt with Gu Erin's knowledge he would be the biggest money maker for a while.

But, one thing caught his attention, something the old fox said, Gu Erin an alchemist? Nonsense, in fact, this was a troublesome thing, if word spread that he was an alchemist, and it was found out that he was lying. Every single alchemist would want to regain face and cut off his head.

"Senior Xia Hao, this junior wants to talk business. If you can give me 60% of the earnings of the Body Foraging Pill this junior can share his knowledge.." Gu Erin said humbly.

The old man nearly spat out fire, was this young brat trying to bankrupt him. "Now, now junior, shouldn't you give this old man some face, considering the failure rate of pills and the cost of the ingredients I already know it would be fair for you to get 5%."

This time it was Gu Erin's turn to nearly curse the man and his ancestors; his smile nearly crumbling Gu Erin responded. "Senior both you and I know that this is a sought-after recipe. What is some gold and spirit stones compared to face? Shouldn't you give this junior some benefits? I would say 50% is more than fair."

Xia Hao was cursing himself, what bad luck, he finally found a money-making tree and its as sturdy as a thousand-year-old ironwood. He wanted to pressure this little brat, but that would only drive him to another alchemist. Thinking that he would be the only one to sell such pills he thought he might as well price it not to take a loss. "Fine this Senior magnanimously agrees, equal profits."

In Heaven's Mercy there was one thing that would make any swindler cry. It was the contract system. However, one had to be a part of an association or a sect to qualify to use this system. So, when they both agreed a golden scroll appeared in front of the two, and it has a simple, no loophole contract. This was the benefit of being apart of an association or sect.

Gu Erin was unhesitant and bit his finger, he put it on the contract scroll, the blood being the binding of the parties involved. Seeing his lack of hesitation Xia Hao gladly followed, after this happened a slight aurora connected their two minds as information was shared with Xia Hao.

Although cultivators could share knowledge like this once they reach a certain level, but, when it came to contracts the Heavens did it itself, to ensure no tampering and ensure the sanctity of the contract.

Xia Hao opened his eyes, there was a bright smile on his face, likewise Gu Erin was also happy, this was passively earning wealth. Once new spread of this pill that was painstakingly researched in his past life to complete it, perhaps the entire Flood Dragon Kingdom would pay attention to Haymire.

Xia Hao faced Gu Erin; his happy expression turned solemn. "Junior are you an alchemist? With such knowledge you must be, but why not make it yourself?"

Xia Hao, looked Gu Erin up and down, before he realized something, "You're from a new world's induction?"

Xia Hao looked like he had aged fifty years, Gu Erin swore that part of Xia Hao's divine soul wanted to leave his body.

Gu Erin only gave a forced smile, if this old bastard recognized it earlier, no doubt he would have been tossed out or turned over to the guards for wasting his time. Thankfully it seems his luck is still slightly good.

That was before Gu Erin had a thought himself, contemplating it for a second while the old fox was in a daze Gu Erin voiced his idea. "Senior Xia Hao, is it possible that I try my hand at alchemy, I have the knowledge, but I would like to test my aptitude."

The old alchemist broke out of his daze and thought for a second, indeed this little junior had knowledge he should not have as a newly inducted. Should he at least test his aptitude? A kind smile appeared on the old man's face.

"Of course, this old man can help you, but you see the aptitude test is quite expensive, I'll give you a discount since were friends. But, my hands are tied, I'll need at least one gold fifty silvers." Xia Hao said with a helpless expression.

"Fuck your mother!" Gu Erin cursed in his mind. He was the one who wanted to fleece, why was he being shaken down instead?

With a tight smile Gu Erin asked. "What if I become Senior's apprentice, wouldn't it be a good investment? If I have no aptitude I'll pay, but if I have good aptitude won't you mentor me? I could get Master Xia Hao lots of face."

To Xia Hao who was an alchemist pushed out to the town from the city, even if it was near the capital it was still a great slap to his face. He wanted to repay all those old bastards who pushed him out tenfold. But, he did not have the talent. Suddenly Gu Erin's offer looked far more tempting than the Body Foraging Pill.

If this little junior was indeed talented, and with that knowledge, wouldn't he rise in the ranks of the Alchemy Association? And as his Master wouldn't he get the credit for such a genius? Xia Hao's eyes turned bloodshot.

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