
Heaven's King Last Bride

Abigail is forced to ask some neighbors to thwart the work of Arfando, the man she believes to be her son who left her twenty years ago, and makes Arfando have to lose the opportunity to marry Abigail because of his failure. When she was restless knowing that Arfando left the village while continuing his tantrum, a handsome man wearing a royal crown came and protected her. Who was this man and what was his purpose in coming into Abigail's life?

arie_riyan · Fantasía
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20 Chs

4. Who is He?

After finding out about the facts that happened to Abigail, Anthropy approached Abigail and tried to calm the woman so that she would no longer be sad. He reached out and stroked Abigail's back, making the woman stunned. She didn't know how Anthropy got into her room, when she had locked the door.

"Don't be presumptuous for entering someone's room without saying goodbye! Even though you have extraordinary powers and are able to break through solid walls, you should respect me."

Anthropy refused to do so. He was truly sorry for making Abigail think he would harass her. He sat on the edge of the bed where Abigail sat and continued to look at the woman with pity. Several times he saw Abigail being bullied by the villagers and she never fought back. She prefers to remain silent and avoid them. Anthropy knew what the reason was that made Abigail do that. Her identity as the daughter of a great king makes her choose to find a safe position because Queen Elisa, her stepmother, is still chasing.

"I know I was wrong. I'm sorry for not being able to be honest with you."

"Go! I don't need anyone right now. I just need to be alone while still regretting the fate that came in my life."

"Why are you talking as if you blame fate? I came here in order to protect you from the plight of the citizens who are starting to annoy you. Marry me! I will be a husband who will continue to protect you from those who try to annoy you."

Both Abigail and Anthropy were stunned. They were both surprised by what was said by the man who now could only look down regretting her carelessness. It is true, Anthropy and his arrival to Abigail's house is in order to propose to a woman who has always been a byword among princes in several kingdoms. They are competing to make Abigail the queen of their kingdom. This made it even more difficult for the woman to move. She knows her whereabouts are not safe, but she doesn't want to leave the house left by her husband, who died twenty years ago as a result of being killed by Arfando.

"I'm not getting married. Come out!"

Anthropy looked at Abigail, unable to believe what the beautiful woman had said. He smiled even though he was really disappointed. How could she refuse him when many women in several kingdoms chased after him and never let himself go.

"Abigail, I . . . ."

"Sorry. I still love my husband. He is a man that I miss very much. Since his passing, I've lost love for the opposite sex."

Anthropy was stunned to hear Abigail's words. He really felt challenged to subdue the woman's heart. He promised in his heart that he would always follow Abigail's development and the fate of her love.

"May I ask you one thing?'


"I heard that a young man named Arfando proposed to you. I heard you agreed too. Then why do you say that you don't open your heart to any man other than your late husband?"

Abigail smiled. She had expected that the man would ask about it, but she wouldn't mind explaining it to anyone at all.

"He is my son. I knew from the start he came. I didn't want to make my own son disobey his mother so I pretended to agree to his wishes and thwarted him. I want him to know that there is a blood relationship between me and Arfando."

"Tsk, you can joke but don't say Arfando is your son, Abi. You are still a virgin and no one will believe you if you say Arfando is your son."

"Up to you. If you don't want to believe it, you can leave my house. Don't just because of your insolence, you just plunged me and made all the neighbors say I was a bitch."

"No one would dare say that if you wanted to be with me. I will mobilize my men to protect you and will make anyone who dares to be rude to you die in vain."

"That's enough! It's also a waste of your being arrogant like that because I absolutely won't allow you to do all your intentions."

Anthropy smiled. He had completely lost his mind. He was confused about how to explain to Abigail that he was the husband who was killed by Arfando. Anthropy wants to tell her all about himself and why then and now are different. He sighed. His mind drifted back to imagining how happy his life was at that time with Abigail. The king's daughter whom he forced to carry out her promise after he helped the woman. He is a prince from the land of heaven who is bewitched by a witch who is an enemy of his kingdom. The witch's extraordinary power is able to make Anthropy's form change into a brown haired wolf. That witch said he would turn back into a handsome prince if he married and was killed by his biological son.

Anthropy doesn't want to be dissolved in the sadness of fate that befell him. He wanted to get out of the witch's curse and return to his family. With a heavy heart he left his family and when he was away from the palace, his father followed. The King of Heaven named Nyctophillic, the father of Prince Anthropy, asked his son to do his duty on earth. He sent his son with the power he had. Anthropy arrives at the Mystick kingdom, where he hears Abigail make a promise as her embroidery tool falls into the river. He managed to grant Abigail's wish and they finally got married. Although the struggle is not light, Abigail and Wolfy get married. Many citizens of the Mystic kingdom messed up and protested the king's policy of blessing the marriage of his son named Sofia with a wolf, but Princess Sofia didn't care. The beautiful and gentle princess who at that time had a mean mother and step-sister to her, was forced to leave the palace.

Sofia disguised herself as an ordinary woman when they lived in a forest not far from a residential area on the outskirts of the royal city. She didn't want everyone to know who she really was. Sofia just wants to focus on building love and family with Wolfy, and finally has a child named Arfando.

"Why are you still here? Did you not hear my request? I want you to leave this house and forget about me! My heart is closed to any man."

"Including me?"

"Without exception."

"Wow, you are amazing, Abigail. I'm not at all finished thinking about your efforts to show loyalty to your husband. Even though he's gone, you still remember him and don't take his place with any other man. I salute you."

"You know where the door to this room is, don't you?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving. But I beg you, don't ever regret all the decisions you made, especially when you kicked me out. I'm sure you'll miss me a lot later."

Sofia was silent. She turned his gaze to another direction, distracting Anthropy who kept looking at her and didn't leave her room immediately.