
Heaven's King Last Bride

Abigail is forced to ask some neighbors to thwart the work of Arfando, the man she believes to be her son who left her twenty years ago, and makes Arfando have to lose the opportunity to marry Abigail because of his failure. When she was restless knowing that Arfando left the village while continuing his tantrum, a handsome man wearing a royal crown came and protected her. Who was this man and what was his purpose in coming into Abigail's life?

arie_riyan · Fantasía
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20 Chs

19. Queen Monalisa's Anger

Seeing no reaction from the people who were peeking at him, the King of Heaven then took back the pebble in front of him and threw it in the same place. This time there was a scream from a woman who finally came out of her hiding place holding her head which was bleeding as a result of being hit by a pebble thrown by the King of heaven.

"Why are you so mean to me, my husband? You never really thought about how I feel right now. You never let me have the slightest bit of happiness to meet my daughter-in-law whom I have longed for. She came and you didn't tell me at all? Really you are too much. I am her mother-in-law. I have missed her for a long time and asked Anthropy to come take her to this palace. But after she came, why didn't you immediately bring her before me? Even worse, you really had the heart to throw a pebble at me that made a wound on my head as it is now?"

The king of heaven stepped towards the queen of heaven. Queen Monalisa, the woman he loved so much since he was little. A very gentle woman, but she often hurt her feelings. The king stood up and approached his wife, trying to see how deep the wound was. In his heart, he was really very sorry because he had misjudged. He never thought that Queen Monalisa would follow his steps to the secret door and saw Sofia's arrival with Anthropy and even more did not think that he would be able to cause his wife pain due to a very hard stone throwing.

"I'm sorry my dear wife. I never thought that you could become a reliable stalker like you just did. I'm really sorry that I had the wrong idea and the wrong target. Here, let me treat you. As my regret for having hurt your head with a really hard throw."

Queen Monalisa choked. She really felt very disappointed with what her husband did to her. She stepped out of the king and headed to her bed and immediately locked it from the inside. Several times she recited a prayer to fortify her room so that it could not be penetrated by the power of the King of heaven. This time she didn't want to give the slightest gap to the man she loved so much and the person who had hurt her all this time. In her solitude in the luxurious room that is usually used to chat with the king of heaven, Queen Monalisa meditates asking the almighty for guidance so that she is given the opportunity to meet Sofia in person without the help of Anthropy or her husband. Meanwhile outside his room, the King of Heaven is trying to persuade Queen Monalisa to open the door and give him the opportunity to talk heart to heart about the reasons he used to hide Sofia from Queen Monalisa. Several times he called his wife in a low voice. He took care not to make a commotion there and make the whole palace rowdy. He didn't want his servants and soldiers to know what was currently going on between him and Queen Monalisa. A few moments passed but there was no sign that Queen Monalisa wanted to open the door for him. The king of heaven really felt very frustrated then he stepped out of the main room and headed to the hall. He wanted to meet someone and ask for his help to persuade Queen Monalisa to open the door, but several times he tried to look around, he found no one in that place. The hall which was usually bustling with soldiers on guard now seemed very quiet.

"What just happened? Why isn't there a single soldier here?"

The king of heaven then stepped out of the hall.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty the king. I have come to report a strange incident that has recently occurred in our palace."

A soldier knelt before the King of heaven while bowing his head waiting for the King of heaven to respond to his words. The king of heaven, who had never expected the presence of one person in front of him, looked at his soldiers while narrowing his eyes.

"What happened, soldier?"

"My goodness Your Highness a human came to our palace and she entered the prince's room. She walked while closing her eyes and it was very strange. She was very beautiful and all the soldiers who saw her were fascinated and without thinking twice the soldiers who were originally training in the field attacked the place. where the woman passed. So did the soldiers in the hall. All felt that there was an almighty power possessed by that woman. That power really made everyone feel afraid and had the desire to follow her wherever she went. But suddenly when the woman entered the exhibition room, we all felt very weak and helpless. You don't have any power to follow that woman to stand up."

The king of heaven really didn't expect that Sofia's arrival to his palace would really make everyone aware. At first, he only asked Atrophy to use his supernatural powers to hide himself and make it seem like Sofia didn't come with Anthropy, but he arrogantly didn't expect that Sofia's arrival was actually able to make all the soldiers interested in him.

"Once again you report the same thing as what you are reporting at this time, then I will eliminate all soldiers from the kingdom. I will absolutely never believe what you report. You are all just hallucinating. So far I know that you choose longing for women who exist on earth so that you hallucinate and create the same female figure for you as an object that you think is very real. I have never left this palace and until I am the first human who knows the presence of other creatures in my palace I will say to you guys that I don't see the presence of the woman you mean at all. Never dream and never report another lie. Now get out of my sight and normalize your brains again so you don't go crazy just because of a wish that never comes true. Do you know the consequences? What did you have to accept when you were still daring to have that ideal?"

"My Majesty, I know what we should do. Perhaps what His Majesty the King said was true that we were hallucinating and I will give instructions to my men so that they immediately put an end to our unreasonable desires."

"Go and don't make trouble in front of me!"

After saying his sentence, the King of Heaven then turned around and walked towards the place where he always spent time meditating. He wanted to calm his mind and wanted to immediately see his wife's condition in bed, but before he could take a step, suddenly Sarah was standing in front of him with her hands on her hips.