

The princess of Wei State, Qiu Rong saw her family being murdered and her state destroyed despite their unmoving loyalty to heaven. Because of this, she no longer believes in the things of heaven and has complete disregard for them even though she is the Chief disciple of one of the most powerful righteous sects in the world. Soon, her hatred causes big trouble not only for her but for her entire sect as she destroys an ancient artifact that was given to them by a god from heaven. The heavenly gods hear of this and want to punish her and her entire sect. Luckily, the crown prince of the heavenly gods, Xiang Yi Jun steps up and pleads for her vowing to make her repent and redeem Qiu Rong of her crime. This mission seems easy until he meets the cold Chief disciple who wants nothing to do with the heavenly gods

Chillaxzy168 · Fantasía
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10 Chs


Few days later, all five Chiefs walked into the palace of Zhou. The king of Zhou had a reputation of being cunning and intelligent. They said that was what had gotten him to the throne, and that was what had sustained his position. Although he was the king of Zhou, the Chief of Wind Flow Sect didn't like him at all which made them be at odds with each other. Luckily, the Wind Flow Sect had their reputation of being good and naive. The Wind Flow Sect was built on air which made people believe the heavenly gods often talked to them. No matter how much they were at odds with each other, the king of Zhou had to give respect to the Chief of Wind Flow Sect because of his position.

When the king arrived, all five Chiefs stood up greeting the king as he arrived. The king of Zhou was dressed in his royal robe. The royal maids behind him greeted the five Chiefs as the king sat.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." The five Chiefs said together.

"All of you are gathered here complete. I thought that you people might not want to come. Was the journey tiresome?" The emperor of Zhou asked as he stretched out his hand signaling them to sit down.

"It was no trouble at all. Something urgent must have happened in order for you to send for us urgently, right?" Sun Chen asked.

" The weather has been too hot lately. Have some wine to cool your throats." The emperor of Zhou said signaling the maids to serve them wine.

"Osmanthus wine. The scent is so flavourful. Your Majesty, you must have some good wines in your possession." The Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect said as she moved the cup of wine across her nose inhaling it.

"I've long heard that the Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect loves different flavors of wine. The palace does possess some ancient beautiful wine. If you want, I can always send some to your palace." The emperor of Zhou said watching as the Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect bowed her head slightly smiling.

"Your Majesty, please get to the point. As you know, we cannot be seen with you for too long of the emperor of Wei will think we are plotting something." The head of Flame Saber sect said getting impatient.

" Head of Flame Saber sect. I have long heard of you. I know you are getting impatient so I will just get to the point immediately. I know the five sects don't like to get involved in political matters so I haven't gotten you involved. But your duty is to protect the citizens despite their state. You must talk to the emperor of Wei. With the way things are going, a war may be unavoidable. I suspect that he has colluded with the demons." The emperor of Zhou said.

" Maybe you're the one who colluded with the demons." The Chief of Wind Flow Sect said muttering under his breath.

"Little brother." Sun Chen warned.

" Is there a problem?" The emperor of Zhou asked.

" Nothing. Your Majesty, can you tell us why you suspect the emperor of Wei is colluding with the demons? Has he done anything to make you suspicious?" Sun Chen asked.

" For last few days, citizens have been disappearing. Initially, I thought it was a situation that could be solved within the state. I did everything that needed to be done and secured the state even more. Even in the night, there were always soliders patrolling the streets. I did my best but people still kept on disappearing. Later on, a witness who saw everything said he saw a black dragon carry the victims away. He tried to follow them but he saw the black dragon had disappeared. Unknown to the black dragon, he'd dropped a token. Its a token from the royal family in Wei." The emperor of Zhou said.

" A black dragon?" Lei Wu Ying asked turning to look at the other Chiefs.

"Second Evil." The Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect said.

" Why will the Second Evil be kidnapping people from Zhou state? Do you think that they want to use their blood to cultivate?" The Chief of Wind Flow Sect asked.

" Using people's blood to cultivate? I thought the only people that could do this were people from Ice Luminous Sect." The emperor of Zhou said making everyone to turn looking at the Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect.

"This matter has nothing to do with the Ice Luminous Sect. Although we do practice blood magic, it is also normal for people from the evil sects to practice blood magic too." The Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect said.

"Yes. I remember that before your ancestor joined the righteous sects, your sect used to be part of the evil sects. It was even the most powerful. But you left." The emperor of Zhou said smiling as he nodded his head.

"Sister Ling is different. The Ice Luminous Sect is no longer evil. Just as Sister Ling said, I believe they don't have anything to do with it too.". Lei Wu Ying said.

" I don't need you to defend me." The Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect said coldly as she stood up.

"Sister Ling, sit down." Sun Chen warned but instead, the Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect was set on leaving there.

"Listen Your Majesty, I don't care what happens between the two states. I also don't care if the demons are attacking the entire universe. Ice Luminous Sect works on its own. Please don't send for me again." The Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect said coldly before she disappeared.

"Yin Bai Ling!" Lei Wu Ying called the Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect when she realized her sister had walked out on the Emperor.

"Please forgive her, Your Majesty. Yin Bai Ling, it's just the way she is." The head of Flame Saber sect said.

" Don't worry. Her cold temperament is famous all over the world. Righteous sect Chiefs, please talk to the Emperor of Wei to stop whatever he's planning. There is already enough problems going on in the world. As long as he stops everything he is doing, I am willing to turn a blind eye to his past sins." The Emperor of Zhou said.

" We will try our best." Sun Chen said.



Meanwhile, two gods stood outside on the balcony of the heavenly palace watching everything. The heaven's Jade Emperor shook his head returning back to his palace along with Xiang Yi Jun. The Jade Emperor was the most powerful god in the heavenly realm. There wasn't anyone that were up to his level in cultivation except the Queen of Dark Abyss. She was the ruler and queen of the dark side. Head Evil and the rest of the evil sects was her pawns on the lower realm. Even with all the evil and chaos the Queen of Dark Abyss was causing, the Jade Emperor had never fought with her. Many believed it was because the Jade Emperor's cultivation was slowly declining while others believed that it was because the past relationship between them.

"What do you think of the five sects and what happened just now?" The Jade Emperor asked as he walked back into his palace with his arms folded.

"The five sects? There are a lot of cracks in their relationship. When one doesn't have self confidence, there is bound to be a lot of misfortunes surrounding them. With the way the five Chiefs are, I would say it's a miracle that they managed to win the first battle." Xiang Yi Jun said as he watched the Jade Emperor laugh.

" If you hadn't gotten involved and helped by using your cultivation to transform the moon blade of the Weather Chief, there is no way they would have won. Do you know what the evil sects have that they don't?" The Jade Emperor asked.

" I don't." Xiang Yi Jun said as he offered the Jade Emperor tea.

"Trust. The evil sects trust each other with their lives knowing that their teammate won't betray them. Do you think the righteous sects trust each other that much?" The Jade Emperor asked as he dropped the teacup on the table.

"Jade Emperor is right. Although they seem to maintain a very cordial relationship, they are very suspicious of each other." Xiang Yi Jun said.

" Don't you think the Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect and you have a similar bearing?" The Jade Emperor asked watching as Xiang Yi Jun stared at him for a while not understanding before shaking his head a few minutes later.

"I finally understand! You are trying to tell me to be more confident and believe in myself. I understand very much. Just that, how do you plan on dealing with this situation? We better take this chance to correct the things that need to be corrected or, we might suffer a huge setback in the future." Xiang Yi Jun said watching as the Jade Emperor said nothing but instead used his magic to fade away disappearing.