

The princess of Wei State, Qiu Rong saw her family being murdered and her state destroyed despite their unmoving loyalty to heaven. Because of this, she no longer believes in the things of heaven and has complete disregard for them even though she is the Chief disciple of one of the most powerful righteous sects in the world. Soon, her hatred causes big trouble not only for her but for her entire sect as she destroys an ancient artifact that was given to them by a god from heaven. The heavenly gods hear of this and want to punish her and her entire sect. Luckily, the crown prince of the heavenly gods, Xiang Yi Jun steps up and pleads for her vowing to make her repent and redeem Qiu Rong of her crime. This mission seems easy until he meets the cold Chief disciple who wants nothing to do with the heavenly gods

Chillaxzy168 · Fantasía
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10 Chs


Even after the five Chiefs had done their best to prevent the war, the war between Zhou and Wei was inevitable. Just as the emperor of Zhou had advised, the five Chiefs travelled to Wei to talk to the emperor of Wei. The emperor of Wei had stated strongly that he wasn't behind the kidnapping of Zhou citizens and this left the Chiefs to have to investigate on their own. Sun Chen who was the leader of Weather Lake Sect sent many of his disciples to go and investigate who was stealing the citizens. While the investigation was going on, the Chief of Wind Flow Sect suddenly saw a dark cloud in the sky while he was mediating in his sect. Unlike the rest of the sects that trained each day, the Wind Flow Sect focused on mediating to gain their power. The Chief of Wind Flow Sect quickly sent word to Sun Chen and they held a meeting.

"Brother Sun Chen, do you think this is from the evil sects?" The Chief of Wind Flow Sect asked.

" If they are preparing something, we will definitely be ready for them." The head of Flame Saber sect said.

" It isn't just about talking. We have to prepare." Lei Wu Ying said nodding her head at Sun Chen who agreed.

This made all the five Chiefs to enter cultivation to increase their powers. The king of Zhou found out that all the five Chiefs were not around and took the opportunity to attack Wei. Unfortunately for Zhou, when they attacked, Wei had been prepared and ready. The war began and the citizens from the two states suffered greatly.


(Wei State)

The emperor of Wei walked about anxiously in front of his officials as they awaited news from the battlefield. A lot of soliders had died and the citizens were just as anxious as he was over the situation.

"Your Majesty, should we offer marriage to Zhou? Just to stop the war. The state was already suffering from famine and now, the emperor of Zhou has taken advantage of it. Our soldiers may be fighting on empty stomachs." One of the officials said to the emperor of Wei.

"Your Majesty, I agree with him. A war at this time isn't proper. Even without an astrologer, we already know in our hearts that we are not going to win the war." Another official said.

The king of Wei was in dilemma as he knew who would be the person to be sent for marriage. His only child, Princess Qiu Rong. For many years, he and his wife had been looking for a child without any result. Not long ago, they had finally been able to conceive and have Qiu Rong. Qiu Rong had just clocked four years old last month and she was growing up to be very beautiful by the minute.

"Qiu Rong is too young for a marriage alliance. She cannot be sent to Zhou at such a young age." The emperor of Wei said.

" Of course we know that our little princess is too young to be sent to Zhou. Your Majesty, you can form a marriage contract. When Qiu Rong is of age, she can marry the crown prince of Zhou. They are of the same age so this might actually be a blessing from heaven." One of his officials said again supporting the idea of the other two.

The emperor of Wei sighed as he knew he had been defeated. Actually, what the court officials were proposing wasn't actually a bad idea since it would stop the war. Its just that he wasn't willing to let his only child go much less marry into the enemies country. Plus his wife would cry her eyes out when she finds out that their only daughter had to marry to Zhou.

Few hours later, it was night and the emperor of Wei was walking back to his wife's room. Despite having so many concubines, he was only faithful to his wife and refused to touch any of his concubines because his empress didn't have any children. Everyone knew it had just been an excuse because even after Qiu Rong had been born, he still refused to stay overnight with any concubine. Walking towards his wife's door, the emperor of Wei heard her sobbing and knew immediately that the empress had heard the news. The emperor of Wei stopped at the door and was about to turn around when the empress opened the door.

"Where are you going?" The empress of Wei screamed after seeing the emperor.

The emperor of Wei stopped when he heard his wife screaming and turned around only to see her sobbing which broke his heart.

"Your Majesty, are you really going to send Rong'er to Zhou? Rong'er is barely four years old. Are you really going to marry her over to those good for nothings? Rong'er will definitely suffer misfortunes in the future." The empress said.

" It isn't now. I will never marry Rong'er to Zhou at this age. The crown prince of Zhou is said to be intelligent and different from his father. Maybe Rong'er will be protected." The emperor of Wei said trying to comfort his wife.

"Your Majesty, a leopard is still a leopard even if it pretends to be a sheep. The crown prince of Zhou is still he's son. In the future, the only thing he can remain as until his father dies is crown prince. The power of a crown prince, you know it all too well. He won't be able to protect Rong'er." The empress said bursting into tears.

The emperor of Wei stood hugging his wife without saying anything. In order to end the war, this was the only thing he could do.


(Mount Honor, Middle of both kingdoms)

The emperor of Wei had sent an envoy to meet the emperor of Zhou bearing his message. At first, the emperor of Zhou laughed it off happy that Wei wanted to surrender. The emperor of Zhou had wanted to refuse the marriage contract but the evil sects had told him agree and he had no choice. After messages were exchanged between them again, the two states decided to meet on Mount Honor. It was in the middle of both kingdoms and the Earth Honor Palace was also there.

Both emperors arrived at Mount Honor with their children. Young Qiu Rong was very adorable and cute even at a young age. Her hair was packed up neatly and decorated with the finest beads. At such a young age, Qiu Rong was very smart and knowledgeable.

"You are here." The emperor of Wei said watching as the emperor of Zhou arrived with the little crown prince.

"Yes, I am here. Feng'er, greet the emperor of Wei and your future wife." The emperor of Zhou said releasing his son.

The little crown prince of Zhou walked forward bowing his head smartly.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." The little crown prince said.

"Little crown prince. You are very handsome. Seems like Rong'er has landed herself a good husband." The emperor of Wei said.

" Greetings Emperor of Zhou. I am Lei Qiu Rong." Little Qiu Rong said winning over the emperor of Zhou.

"Is this Qiu Rong? She's very beautiful. Even more beautiful than the Mistress of Ice Luminous Sect." The emperor of Zhou said praising Qiu Rong.

" You can say she didn't get her looks from me. My wife must have given everything to Qiu Rong." The emperor of Wei said laughing.

The atmosphere seemed lively as the two emperors allowed both children to meet each other. Both children became friends instantly and went ahead to play leaving both of the emperors to chat with each other.

"You made a good decision to bring this marriage alliance up. Our people don't have continue suffering." The emperor of Zhou said.

" This alliance will benefit both of us. Our children seemed to be fated." The emperor of Wei said.

" I am glad that the both of you have decided to out aside your differences and reconcile." Lei Wu Ying said appearing from underneath the earth.

"Mistress of Earth Honor Palace." The two emperors said greeting Lei Wu Ying.

"Your Majesties. Please sit down." Lei Wu Ying said approaching them as she watched them sit down.

Lei Wu Ying poured tea for everyone as she watched the children play. Lei Wu Ying was from Wei State but she was unable to help her own brother. To her, this was also the best solution. As long as she was alive, she would never allow Zhou state to bully her niece, Qiu Rong. The marriage contract signing went on and the two children were brought up to sign the marriage contract. After the marriage contract was signed, the emperor of Zhou left with the crown prince leaving Lei Wu Ying and the emperor of Wei together.

Lei Wu Ying saw the distress in her brother's eyes as they sat down watching Qiu Rong. She could already tell that her brother didn't want this marriage contract.

"This is for the best." Lei Wu Ying said trying to comfort her brother.

"I know. After this, I just hope peace can reign once more." The emperor of Wei said.