
Welp, Welcome To Panic Central Here, We Have Tea

Fuck he's cute, looking at the people in front of me I could see him staring at me. The boy had white hair and bright emerald green eyes, he was either an albino, had the Marie Antoinette syndrome, or he decided to dye his hair, still looked cute. Next to him was a girl that had silver hair and indigo eyes, cute but not my type. "Hello, who are you?" My teacher asked me, "My name is Vei Helixo, although in your attendance sheet it shows my name as Veilai but everyone calls me Vei."

I could see the jaws of the girls in the room drop and the drool from their faces, kinda disgusting for me. They may be cute but not for me fam, just not it. "Go sit with Lio and Vix, they're in the back." She instructed me, trotting on over the eyes of the people kept on gazing at me. Reaching at my seat I sat down and popped my neck.

I heard a giggle from the girl who I believe is Vix, or Lio. I don't judge names here, then she spoke, "Well, well, you already have the ladies eyes on you mister. Wish I was like you, a girl can dream though. If you need me to distract one of them for ya let me know okay?" She smiled, "Who are you? Vix or Lio?"

Hearing her laugh she responded, "Vixana, but call me Vix, the boy next to me is Lio, he's a softie so don't bully him too much." Lio blushed and exclaimed softly, "I'm not a softie! I just don't like conflicts okay? I'm not like you Ms. Chaos!" Chuckling my voice asked, "With a guess from me, you two are siblings right? With the somewhat same personalities and hair color you two have to be related."

Vix snapped her fingers and replied, "Bingo! Normally though, most people would've figured it out within just meeting the other or the way we talk and act to each other. He has the Marie Antoinette syndrome while I just dyed my hair because anime influenced me to do so. Now let's pay attention so the wit- I mean teacher doesn't kill us!" All of us stopped talking and had their own way of paying attention. Vix was drawing, Lio was staring at the board and I was writing notes.

After what it felt like hours, I looked at my schedule and fuck my life. The next class I had was English and it speaking the language wasn't easy since I was from Russia. Vix trotted on over to me and leaned down to my paper, not realizing it, her chest was showing and I looked up because of my respect for females. "Huh? Oh my shirt, here let me fix it back up, you have English with us actually, come on, let's all go together!"

My eyes wandered to the white haired teen and he smiled, "Sure let's go together." His voice when speaking those words were heavenly, thank you dad or making us move to here, I will buy you your birthday presents early because of this. Walking down the hall I saw the girl that was also sent to this school with me, we're both exchange students.

Vix stared at her and I saw some drool, "Her name is Yuiki, just an fyi for you since you seem to be drooling and probably simping for her as we speak." She bopped me on the head, "No I'm not! It's just her maroon colored hair and gray eyes were wow, fuck I think I'm simping for her, where's the bleach for my eyes?"

We all laughed and I continued, "You see, we're both exchange students from Russia, the school chose one male and one female that was the top of the school, which was me and her. She's fairly shy so talking to her will be challenging but the results in the end will be worth it. Have fun with chatting with her simp." Vix bopped me on the head again, I did deserve it so whatever.

Minutes passed by and we got to the english class, Yuiki was there as well and of course Vix was simping and drooling, "Go talk to her, as I said she's fairly shy so don't try forcing her to talk if you see Yuiki being uncomfortable, a way for her to start talking is by mentioning cats and cafés, she loves those two things." Giving her my advice she bolted to Yuiki, poor girl.

Now it was just me and Lio sitting next to each other, in the back of the classroom. With my eyes searching around, they targeted Vix and Yuiki, I could hear then laugh and Yuiki enjoying herself, so she did take my advice after all, not bad. I'd thought she'd ignored everything I say and start talking about conspiracy theories, good thing it didn't happen.

The teacher was teaching about some sort of famous poet, I was confused, a piece of paper was passed to me summarizing what they're talking about in an much easier format and all. Glancing at him he nodded and mouthed, "You're welcome, I'll pass you more notes and tips so you can learn and understand it much more easier, consider it a thanks for helping out my sister earlier." Smiling at Lio, he glanced at me and blushed, which resulted in him breaking his pencil, handing a mechanical one to him he quickly took it and started writing down immiedently.

An hour went by and class was done, Lio handed me the notes and tips and said, "This should help you in the class, if you need me to clear up anything for you due to the fact for one I have somewhat messy handwriting and two you don't quite get it yet which is fine, let me know and I can help out within the best of my abilities okay?" A huge grin was showing and I took the notes, but before doing that I softly grazed his hand with mine, let's just say his face was a tomato and stopped functioning for a few seconds.

"Well, um, have fun studying." He bolted off and I bursted out laughing, damn he's going to be fun to bully and tease.