
The Air is Oblivious

Lio P.O.V

Okay, why was he teasing me!? I'm not just why!? I barely know him and now he wants to just graze my hand! Pre-marital hand holding is a sin and this is not allowed, even if it's not hand holding it would've been if he tried further. I don't like him, he just annoyed me when he did that, plus little ol' me is shy as h*ck so any form of physical contact like that makes me just freeze.

My next class was math, or more accurately, geometry, somehow finding the classroom, I saw the girl that Vix was according to Vei, 'simping' whatever that means, slowly approaching the girl I spoke calmly, "Hello? I'm Vix's older brother Lio, we're all in the same english class."

"Oh hello, I think I saw you earlier, my name is Yuiki, if my memory is correct you've met Veilai or Vei as he likes to be called right? If he starts bothering you too much let me know and I'll talk to him about it. He tends to be... well I don't know how to describe it, but I think you get it, even if you've only known him for a few hours. Sit with me, I could use the comapny." Yuiki talked and her voice was so calm and sweet with an light to medium european accent.

Sitting with her, we chatted about cats, she seemed from her facial expression, Yuiki loves animals more than people, reasonable enough, people can be vile at times. Cruel even, sometimes I wonder why Earth was created when some people should've just rotten in hell. Or even stayed in and can't escape.

Class passed by like a breeze and when leaving, it felt like I was being drained? My body was just falling and looking around no one else had the same problem as me. Was it by magic? And if so then who would cast a spell like that? Probably my sister, she definitely would pull a stunt like that, though this time it was longer than what she would've done. Running out of the door, I booked it to the bathroom and vomited right in the toilet.

A dark aura was showing itself and it was sickening me so much, I threw up again. I'm guessing this is the demon or person that sent the threat to the human world, question is now, is the human a teen or an adult? My guess goes for the adult but it wouldn't surprise me if it was a teen that stopped aging, thinking of this now it was odd.

Somehow feeling better I stepped out of the bathroom and looked both ways and continued my day normally, I hope. Going to my next class it was an elective which was French, I always wanted to learn another language but never had enough time, hopefully I can speak a sentence before going back to Heaven. Even better yet, a full conversation without stuttering.