
Chapter 11

A few minutes later Abigail’s phone tinged, and then Tara’s a few seconds after that. They consulted the messages.

“Well, what do you know?” Tara said disbelievingly. “The witch is burning in hell now. It seems he had a hand in it after all.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Abigail pointed to the cordoned-off tent, where a senior officer was giving an interview to camera. “Looks like it’s just gone out on the TV news. No, our guy’s an opportunist—I’d put money on it. He’s sitting at home masturbating in front of the TV and sending out anonymous text messages. The world is full of losers like that.”

“You’re probably right.” Tara shrugged. “Come on, let’s go buy another bottle of water. I’m dying of thirst.”

As they stood in a shady spot taking alternate swigs from the large plastic bottle, their phones chimed again.

“What is it this time?” Abigail pulled out her phone irritably and looked at the screen. “The Fortune Teller is next.Now what does that mean?”