
Chapter 10

Finally Kensho turned to Cedric. “And you?”

“Yes, please!” Cedric held out his hand, then withdrew it sharply after Kimberley sat up and whopped him on the side of the head.

“He already knows how to find my G-spot,” she explained. “He’s been well trained.”

“Excellent!” Kensho clapped her hands. “Everyone knows what to do now. Remember, the first step is to get your partner fully aroused. The quickest way to do this—and as I said, time is getting short now—is to stimulate the external genitalia: the labia and clitoris. When the labia are fully engorged and the clitoris is fully erect, it’s a safe bet the G-spot will be ready too. Then you just need to apply rhythmic finger pressure to release all that pent-up Kienergy!”