
Hearts Forever

Hearts Forever is a story about Nate and Allyson who once fell in love within 24 hours of meeting each other. However, their love story takes a new turn as both of them got divorced. Soon, they got to encounter deep secrets that made their paths cross once again. This time around, will they get back together or will their entwined secrets keep them apart forever?

Ovirih_lizzy · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Chapter 2

Nate's POV

The morning sun bathed the beach in golden light as Nate Harper stood by the shoreline, savoring the fresh, salty breeze. Today felt different. Meeting Allyson last night had left him with a sense of exhilaration and curiosity that he hadn't felt in years. He had texted her first thing in the morning, suggesting a day of adventure, and she had agreed.

He spotted Allyson walking towards him, her smile as radiant as the sunlight. His heart skipped a beat, and he found himself grinning like a teenager. 

"Good morning," he called out as she approached.

"Good morning," she replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "So, what's the plan?"

"I thought we could start with some paddleboarding," Nate suggested, pointing to the boards lined up on the beach.

"Sounds perfect," Allyson said, her enthusiasm contagious.

They spent the morning paddleboarding, laughing and cheering each other on as they navigated the gentle waves. Nate was captivated by Allyson's grace and determination. After a while, they returned to shore, exhilarated and breathless.

"What's next?" Allyson asked, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

"How about a bike ride along the coastal trail?" Nate suggested.

Allyson's POV

The bike ride was just as delightful as the paddleboarding. They rode along the scenic coastal trail, the ocean breeze cooling their skin as they chatted about their lives, hopes, and dreams. Allyson found herself opening up to Nate in ways she hadn't with anyone else in a long time. There was something about him that made her feel safe and understood.

As they rode, Allyson couldn't help but feel a growing connection with Nate. He was thoughtful, funny, and genuinely interested in getting to know her. It was a refreshing change from the fast-paced, often superficial interactions she was used to in her professional life.

They stopped for a picnic lunch at a secluded spot overlooking the ocean. Nate had packed a basket with an assortment of sandwiches, fruits, and snacks. They sat on a blanket, enjoying the food and the stunning view.

"This is perfect," Allyson said, taking a bite of her sandwich. "Thank you for planning all of this."

"It's my pleasure," Nate replied, looking genuinely pleased. "I'm glad you're enjoying it."

Nate's POV

As they sat together, sharing stories and laughter, Nate felt a deep sense of contentment. He had never experienced such an immediate and profound connection with anyone before. Allyson was special, and he knew it. The way she listened, her insightful comments, and her infectious laughter—it all drew him in.

After lunch, they continued their adventure with a hike up a nearby trail that led to a breathtaking viewpoint. The climb was challenging, but the reward at the top was worth it. They stood side by side, taking in the panoramic view of the coastline, the ocean stretching out endlessly before them.

"This is amazing," Allyson said, her voice filled with awe.

"Yeah, it is," Nate agreed, though he couldn't help but think that the real beauty of the day was standing right beside him.

As the sun began to set, they made their way back to the beach, both feeling a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration.

"Today was incredible," Allyson said as they walked along the shore, the sky painted with hues of orange and pink.

"I'm glad you think so," Nate replied, his heart full. "I had an amazing time too."

They paused, facing each other. The moment felt charged with possibility, the air thick with unspoken words.

Allyson's POV

Allyson felt her heart racing as she looked into Nate's eyes. The day had been perfect, and she wasn't ready for it to end. There was something between them, something that felt right and inevitable.

"Nate, this has been one of the best days of my life," she said softly.

"Mine too," he replied, his gaze intense.

Without thinking, Allyson took his hand. The connection was undeniable, and she couldn't shake the feeling that this was meant to be. She was about to suggest dinner when Nate suddenly got down on one knee.

"Allyson, I know this sounds crazy, but I feel like I've known you forever. I don't want this day to end. Will you marry me?" he asked, his voice steady but filled with emotion.

Allyson's breath caught in her throat. The rational part of her mind screamed that it was too soon, but her heart knew the truth. She nodded, tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

"Yes, Nate. Yes, I will marry you," she said, her voice trembling with excitement.

Nate's POV

Nate felt a surge of joy as Allyson agreed. It was a whirlwind decision, but it felt right. They rushed to a nearby chapel, their excitement carrying them through the preparations. Within hours, they stood before the officiant, their hands intertwined and their hearts racing.

As they exchanged vows, Nate couldn't believe how quickly everything had happened. Yet, looking into Allyson's eyes, he felt a certainty he had never known before.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the officiant declared. "You may kiss the bride."

Nate leaned in and kissed Allyson, sealing their whirlwind romance with a promise of forever. The small gathering of their friends cheered, and Nate felt an overwhelming sense of happiness. 

Allyson's POV

Allyson's heart soared as she and Nate shared their first kiss as husband and wife. It was surreal, almost like a dream. But as she looked at Nate, she knew it was real. They celebrated with their friends, laughter and joy filling the night air.

As they walked along the beach, hand in hand, Allyson couldn't help but feel that this was just the beginning of something truly extraordinary and she didn't want it to end.