
Heartless Love....

A time came when both of them became matured,and understood the meaning of life and got many dreams to fulfilled....they had no time for each other, pressured by great responsibilities... Rik ( make lead) chased his dream and became a military officer in India... Seth ( female lead ) due to some misfortunes she was determined to join ULFA( one of the largest terrorist organization in India) Both of them were best friends for years...but their jobs and passion made the sworn enemies till death.. Both of their mission of protecting the country were same but means were different... one fought for the citizens of his country and one fought for the citizens of her state.... What do you think...about what kind of story both of them had encountered..? to know more let go to the story..... ~Author~

Anonymous_Fandom · Fantasía
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15 Chs


A year flew.. slowly and gradually Seth and Rik were friends for a year now... again it was the first day of school.. only the difference is that both are in Grade 8 now..

Their classroom changed.. many students Transfered to different school....Grade 8 changed the complete course of Seth's life...although many of her dreams were broken into pieces.. but a deep feeling rooted in her heart..

This time again Rik and Seth were made to sit in the same row in the language period.. Rik was in section B and Seth was in section A

But this time Miss leena changed the partner of Seth.. it was Charles a senior boy who was a repeater.. but Charles was a quite and good boy he treated Seth warmly but he didn't talk much he only talked whenever required... in a soft and gentle tone..

Rik sat behind Seth and greeted Seth saying we are back again... and again we can have uninterrupted chats...

This time Rik's partner was Jennifer... Seth and Jennifer were not in good terms.. Seth and Jennifer had been hating each other since grade 2 but seth managed to tolerate her without fighting because of Henry's love fir Jennifer she thought if she did something to Jennifer Henry would feel bad so she did nothing.. but this time what she did to Henry was literally intolerable but Seth can say nothing cuz it was Henry who did everything at his own will even after knowing that Jennifer doesn't love him... and the biggest fact is that Jennifer never told she likes Henry nor did she asked Henry to like her she just enjoyed the things he did for her.. seth was angry because if she didn't love him she should have drawn a barrier before all this thing started she shouldn't have given him hope....

Although seth didn't do anything she was angry and same goes to Rik too but he didn't get himself involve because he didn't think it was right fir him to do so.... so he just ignored Jennifer and didn't even looked at her face during the language class

Jennifer too ignored them and she told everyone that they were rude.... but it was useless since all knows what actually happened...

Few days later seth and Rik didn't have enough time to talk during the language period and the reason is really funny... The reason is that Seth feels sleepy in the language period so she puts her head down on her desks and sleeps... that became a daily routine of her...

one day Seth didn't sleep in the class she awake and a beautiful smile was on her face that smile indicated that she was happy...

Rik : woah after a long time I don't see you tired but happy and mesmerizing instead..

Seth : yea something good happened...

Rik : what..? let me also know the reason why are you so happy share the joy with me too...

Seth : well...actually I was selected to participate on the district sports championship as a javelin player. I have successfully qualified for the event..

Rik : woah that's amazing...

Seth : so now if I can secure a position in the district sports championship I will be trained for nation sports event.. and I will be called a national player and will participate in the tokyo Olympics... I am so happy...soon I am gonna realise my dream if I work hard a little.....

Rik : so that's the reason you have been looking exhausted pass few days..

Seth : yea I have been practicing in the morning before coming to school and in the evening after school... a coach is appointment from the district sports stadium to train the athletes who are qualified and prepare us for the event.. so we gather at the field at 3 pm many athletes in different fields such as sprinter race, javelin, shot fut, discuss, long jump are coming from different places to join us..as our field is one of the centres.. it's a great opportunity for us...

Rik : wow.. great go for it..

Seth : thanks I gotta work hard..

Rik : btw how did you make your decision on what game you should apply for..

Seth : well that's a good question.. I actually didn't know how to choose until someone helped me realise my dream..

Rik : who your coach..?

Seth : ( laughs) no.. it's actually a brother... .

Rik : ?

Seth : well the story is like this..... when I first joined the field they were only full of boys so the people living in my society always complained my mother why are you letting your girl play with them that also wearing short pants , she should stay at home and learn some house work.. they had problem with me playing when I heard all of this I told my mom no matter what I will keep on playing no one can stop me from playing.. my mother respected my decision and allowed me to play..after some day I was unable to go to the field I went to visit my grandma.. when I came back I didn't know what was happening in the field but my society people told my mom that the field was closed for few days some kind of construction was going on... my mom believed it and I didn't go to field.. one day a sister works in my house she knows I play in the field so she told me some kind of training was given in the field and asked why am I not going... both I and my mom was shocked hearing this we took all the details and next day I sat my foot at the field .. when I reached there I realised everyone in the society lied to me they had problems with me.. but their children were playing in the field.. they all thought I had suppressed their child.. this made me really angry I wanted to get back by working hard.. but it was too late to get trained only few days were left and the coach told me to decide the game I am gonna play and learn the basic by my own I was really depressed thinking I lost my opportunity but then.....