
My Home

Walking back to the front seat he started the engine, through the mirror glanced at the girl sitting close to his boss.

"Who is she" he thought.

He has been with his boss for years, he was one of Tang Li's assistant,but immediately Tang Xiao assumed position Tang Li asked him to go work for him.

Tang Xiao took over his father's company 3years ago, immediately after he came back from the State.

He was just 23years old back then, but he was able to bring Tang International to a greater level, he became the richest young CEO in all of the country, and if care is not taken, in a few years he would become the richest in the world.

His mother already made an arrangement for him to marry Xie Ming, daughter to the CEO of infinity Wines , though he has not said anything about it, its obvious he isn't interested.

Xie Ming has been trying all she could to get close to him, but to no avail, the love she feels for him is one sided.

Tang Xiao's personality drives people away from him apart from ladies.

Every girl in Beijing is fighting for a chance, and no matter how many times he embarrasses them they don't seem to go away. Who would? When at 26 he is the no 1 richest man in Beijing and he's still a bachelor.

Majority of business men don't dare to cross his path, because of how ruthless he is in the business world

Indeed if he were soft hearted, he wouldn't have attained the level he is now

For the first time, he has seen his boss with a lady, no doubt, she is very beautiful but old madam will not be happy,  if she found out about this, as for his father no doubt he wouldn't care.

" Take me home "

Tangxiao's voice brought him back and he responded quickly.

"yes sir "

Then he drove out of the hotel and headed home.


They arrived at his house, Tang Xiao took the lead while she trailed behind.

His house was huge, and beautiful she kept on looking around in amazement, when Mrs Wang came and welcomed them, Mrs Wang is the housekeeper.

"welcome sir" she said.

" This is Qingxia, and she will be staying here" he said.

She looked at him, shocked and asked "I'm going to be staying here, she stammers

"i -i-in this house? "

"Do you have somewhere else in mind?" he asked

She shook her head

"Then there is no issue here " he turned his gaze to Mrs Wang and said "Take her upstairs "

"yes sir "

He turns to his assistant, and said "get her some clothes "

"yes sir "

Already settled Qingxia walked down the stairs to the sitting room, she saw the housekeeper setting food on the dinning table.

She looked around and asked quietly "where is he?"

"he went out, but will be back soon ,come eat something "

"thank you " she said before she walked to the table, took a seat and started eating.

After eating her food, she went back to her room, waiting for him to come back.

Hours later he still wasn't back, she heard a knock on the door, Mrs Wang came in and said "Mr Tang called, he won't be coming home early today , he has a lot of things to sort out at the office "

She nodded and said "Okay"

"I will be leaving soon, ma" Mrs Wang said "I have already prepared dinner, you can come and have your dinner before I leave "

"I'm not hungry now "

"alright, if you want to eat, you can microwave the food before eating"

"thank you" Qinxia said

"bye "

"she Layed on the bed and dozed off "

Hours later, she was woken up by hunger, so she had to walked down stairs to the kitchen, and just as Mrs Wang has said everything has been prepared, she just took the food and placed it in the microwave to heat up, then she walked to the dinning table and began eating her food.

While she was still eating, the sound of a car was heard in the compound and few minutes later, the front door opened.

She looked up and saw him, she immediately looked at the time it was past 11pm, then she stood up and said

"you are back "

"why are you still awake and having late dinner dinnee"

Sitting down she said "I wasn't hungry earlier,you want some too?"

He nodded, sat down and joined her.

After eating he said goodnight,before he went upstairs to the masters bedroom took a shower and slept off.

Qingxia also went to her own room, climbed her bed and slept.


Pls tell me your favorite moment in this book
