

A girl(Annie) lived in the slum area with her brother in the small rental house of street in the urban area And another side ceo of Mack Group lived in the same urban City . where girls is to innocent but a little fight girl with wrong point where she saw.. another side ceo MR.Mack who has lot of attitude towards the slum people. MR.mack having a wrong attitude Towards the slum people he thought all who belong to slum and poor people are always tricky. once a time the highway they accidentally meet by hit their car and scooty of her. Girl was in hurry so she left without saying sorry to Mr.mack which made him so angry . Another she have a interview with his company as his assistant. In which she rejected by Mr Mack due the accident she caused by her on Highway but she didn't aware of that hitted car was of his and she is rejected that's why. In office she fight with mr.mack why he refuses to as his assistant when she meet all the eligibility of as his assistant. She scolded by Mr .Mack and he said to her he never appointed a careless person as his assistant who make lot of mistakes and run from the situation without saying the sorry. Mr. Mack and she always meet by destiny But when he meet with her by chance always said u tried to follow me and influence me because I m rich. i know all the girl from slum used to do like that but miss i m not that type easy rich who is fooled by you . one day she is hired by his grandmother as her wedding planner but mr.mack was not aware of this. he suddenly saw his room . he was very upset to see her in his house and scold her to get out immediately from his house ther his grandmother and brother asked why he scolding to her . His brother said to him she is appointed by her grandmother for his wedding planning with miss Ginnie . In the couple day of his wedding planning he strt falling in love with her. But always shows his rude behaviour and insulted her to say that all poor people are tricky. Actually he is not aware of that he made a soft corner in his heart for her. the girl whose marriage fixed with Mr Mack was love with another guy . Allie found that and said to her run away from this marriage if u don't love mr .Mack she run away from the marriage and mr.mack know about that . that thing make him angry Allie help her to run away. The he pushed her to do marriage and wear the wedding outfits but she refused to wear and he show his brother kidnapped by him if she will not agree to do marry the car was blast by him . Said to her if u refused to wear and I will help u to pushed this wedding dress on you.after that he Locked the door left her to be ready for wedding. after that she is ready and hide their face with wedding outfits. everyone ask why he hide their face . he told that it's his family ritual can't see face before marriage. when they arrived the home everyone found she is not gennie . she is Allie. after welcomeing the home no one talk to her like everyone do as his family when she is her wedding planner. everyone hate her. Another side mr. Mack made a marriage contact of year with her. in their daily life they found their love to each other .when third person arrived.

piyaa_priyanka_22 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Annie Left The House

Mr.mack waiting for Annie in the balcony "where is she "and worried about her ,want to call her but him ego stopped him to call her where Another side demo drop the Annie at home ,seen by Mr .mack from the balcony but Mr mack missed to see the face of man who drop her. which make mr.mack angry and jeleous. Annie enter the room and scold by Mr mack it's your time to back at home. Will you please manage my image you are mrs.mack not an normal person.You too late and drop by a another man.Annie ignore the mr mack because she mostly scolded by a mr .mack without reason and after shower she goes to bed. Mr.mack still thinking about who was that with Annie dropped at home and making her so much smiling.

Next day.....

Mr.mack was in hurry to leave for meeting in office he left the house in hurry and forget to bring his lunch . Annie love him and cared about him but never showed. She bring his lunch to him office and suddenly meet his childhood friend where mr.mack supprised and shocked by both friendship . Demo tell to Annie -Mr. Mack and he are now business partners, Annie shocked to listen this but didn't react. Then mr.mack forcefully closed her and introduce to demo she is his wife she is mrs.mack.That make also demo shocked.

then mr.mack also kissed her and tried to show him how's he love and she also him so much.the mr.mack Said to Annie he have meeting so I have to leave.he left the office then demo ask Annie to have coffee with him in office cafeteria. mr.mack back from meeting and see Annie still in office and talking to demo with coffee that make him so much jeleous and angry( mr.mack coming to office Cafeteria to continue talking on call ,he saw both together and throw his phone in angerness). Mr. mack asked to go Annie at resturant and demo to discuss..

Annie restaurant are nearly mr.mack office where she work. Demo start going to eat for Lunch and dinner in Annie restaurant where she work. In jeleousy mr.mack also start to doing business meeting where Annie worked because demo usually going there for having lunch dinner .He can't tolerate him demo to walk around Annie All the time. Try to make difference between both of Them. Mr mack always thought why demo cared so much about her and mr.mack also hate to see that whe near her always he..

mr.mack started to care to her Ever since demo came into his life. Demo give him a sense of loosing her .

few days After there is a business party in the city where All businessman invited. Demo ask Annie while they having dinner in her restaurant.Annie are you going to in city party with Mr.mack if you not .then would you like to go with me . suddenly come,Mr.mack usually Neve bring her to any party but when demo asked her ,he suddenly said she is going with him .how dare to ask a married woman to go with you in a party ,demo. then mr.mack bring Annie back to home. Annie comes home and opens the cupboard. She sees the dress to go to the party but there is no good dress on it.Annie gets sad.Mr.Mack sees her sad face and but doesn't say anything, goes to his bed and goes to sleep.

next in morning....

Mack asked to Annie at breakfast time stay ready to go shopping during the day,Will shope for the outfit for the evening party.

In the showroom, Mr.Mack gives Annie a nice dress and asked to buy belly of her dress matching and size.

where Another side he buy a beautiful necklace for Annie as suprise for her beautiful dress.

In party evening.....

Annie out the room after wearing a beautiful pink gown and she is looking so stunning then Mr mack romantically said there is something missing in you and asked to can I help you to wear this necklace. Annie supprised and passing the love smile to him and said yes. he is just going to kiss her while helping her to wear the necklace but then driver arrived and asked to go for party...They both go to the party.

in party every business man greetings to each and where mr mack introduce his wife Annie.Demo is also in the party'. Mr.Mac Gets Busy With Another Business Man and asked to Annie stay there upto he back.When Annie stands alone, the demo comes and gives her company.mr. mack away from her feeling jealous when she closely talking with demo

After few min minutes Annie suddenly faint down and catched by demo and he bring her to hospital. where mr.mack asking how dare to touch my wife in your arms.

Dr checks on Annie. then called Mr. Mack and said sometimes this happens in pregnancy nothing big deal. Annie was unconscious at that time. After the doctor leaves, Mack starts beating the demo.He asked to him he is your child I know that you Both are so closed I can see . how dare you demo to touch my wife.

Annie gets up and Mack scold her to a lot.

Mr. Mack says I didn't know poor people like you would have fallen so much and have no principle in life after seeing a money.Mr.Mac angrily breaks the phone and leaves.Annie does not go home from the hospital. Annie sign the divorce paper and left the paper for mack for sign ...Asked to his manager to give these paper to him.Then Annie leaves the country with her younger brother and goes with the demo.

Because mr mack thought so much wrong idea about her and still he think his baby is demo's baby.

After few day mr.mack knows about Annie left the country with demo when his manager send a divorce papers sign by her then his manager told she went .At that time he was very Angry that's why he doesn't go to look for Annie but in evening Annie pregnancy report Arrived his home where he found she was 3 month pregnant and remembered about drunk night of 3 month before.After that he falling on floor cried and calling to Annie he was wrong.

But Annie left the country because of his trust.

but he still try to find her .

there is no information up to 2 month about Annie.

Mr.mack change his self totally in depression.

Day passes...

My Words - That love is not the place where there is no pain, the heart does not get hurt, need to be a distance pain.

continue to the next part.....