
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasía
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15 Chs

What is Greed?

Izekiel was stunned hearing Noe's answer. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"What? Surprised?" Noe asked with a smile.

Yes, Izekiel was shocked but logically, it shouldn't have been a surprise. It really shouldn't have.

Noe is the only that could control Altheist. He is his creator and the one that gave him the chance to change from an imaginary friend to a God. Not only that, but Noe was in fact Altheist's only 'follower'.

Although many humans prayed for things to be created, Altheist didn't give a single shit about them. If this was another God, they would at least try to comply to some of the demands of their followers to keep their status as a God and to not vanish, but Altheist on the other hand, didn't have to do this because unlike other Gods, Altheist could survive to be the strongest God with only Noe's wishes alone.

Noe was the one that could create Altheist with his desires alone, so it's obvious Noe could keep him as the strongest and alive as well. This is the reason why Altheist holds Noe in high position in his heart.

'That is if he has a heart.'

Izekiel thought that maybe even a demon would have a bigger heart than Altheist, since they might not abandon their own children.

"I seemed to have forgotten to take your value into account," Izekiel spoke honestly.

It was a sin to lie and as long as he was still just an angel living in Celestar, so he has to try his best to reduce the amount of times that he sins. One thing that Izekiel currently feels grateful for was that he is biologically related to Altheist. On the outside, he's just a normal angel but in fact, his very being was close to divination which allowed him to stay in Celestar even with his thoughts of killing a God.

"How about I help you out?" Noe suggested with a smile.

With the light shinning behind Noe's back as he was on top of the windowsill, he looked like a saint with that sweat smile, but Izekiel knew better than that. How many times has Noe showed him that smile after breaking his limbs, humiliating him and making angels think that the crown prince was just a push over? He would never trust a smiling motherfucker ever again.

"Is this a trap?" Izekiel questioned, raising his eyebrows in distrust.

"Didn't I tell you that I look forward to seeing if you could become a God or not? You should know I value entertainment over anything."

That is true, Noe did value his own amusement over everything. He sat on a high position in Celestar because of Altheist's powers, so no one dared to disrespect him, including Gods though he could not carelessly humiliate them either. Everyone around him was so serious and he found it boring how people always just followed the same old routine over and over again, but if someone were to change drastically, maybe a new era of Gods would start and he would see some interesting things.

"Over 'anything'?" Izekiel questioned.

Noe nodded, "anything."

"Even over the God of Creation, your strongest puppet?" Izekiel wanted to know what the value of the God of Creation was in Noe's eyes.

If someone wanted an accurate judgement of a persons values or their whole being, Izekiel knew the one they should call is not the Goddess of Judgement, but Noe who was more brutal than her. If the Goddess of Judgement could make a person confess everything with just a wave of her hand and judge a person mercilessly, then Noe could see a person's worth and true nature with just a glance.

Noe could probably replace the Goddess of Judgement and become a God with Altheist's help, however fortunately for the Goddess of Judgement, Noe had no desire to become the 'mortal's retainer'.

"I created Altheist and I am also his only 'follower', so it should be my needs above his life. If I want his death for my amusement, then he can only offer his head to me," Noe answered with no hesitation.

Altheist's worth has been decided. The worth of a normal human and angels in Noe's eyes were zero, they were equal in his eyes but Altheist held a greater value.

'Two, The God of Creation's value in Noe's eyes is only two.'

Again Izekiel shouldn't be surprised but he was shocked.

"So, do you want to use me as Altheist's weakness to kill him or not? If you do want my help I'll willingly help you with all my heart," Noe offered with a smile.

"I don't need your help," Izekiel got up to leave.

"Is that so? Well sorry to inform you but you only have two week left," Noe's words made Izekiel freeze.

"What do you mean I only have two weeks left?" Izekiel asked.

For the past days Izekiel always felt like he had forgotten something but he couldn't seem to remember what it was. Now that Noe had told him that he only had two weeks left, he felt like it was exactly what he had forgotten.

"You only have two weeks before you'll fall to the human's land. I thought you already knew but when I came to visit you, you were buried in books instead of trying to get stronger, so I knew something was wrong. It seems you've forgotten about the time limit," Noe pulled out a hourglass that was constantly deducting time.

Izekiel knew that this matter was serious after seeing that specific hourglass, however he did not remember what the time limit was.

"Are you saying that you'll throw me down to the land of humans if I don't become a God in the next two weeks?" Izekiel pupils were shaking, "you never told me there was a time limit!"

"I said you have two weeks before you 'fall' not 'be thrown' to the land of humans," Noe pointed out, "you should know what this hourglass is, yes?"

It was an hourglass that could show the time of anything, and currently it was showing how much time Izekiel had left until he falls from Celestar to the land of humans. The hourglass is extremely accurate and once the time runs out, then it's over right then and there. Not a second late or a second early.

The hourglass is an extremely disgusting relic because inside the hourglass is not sand, but the ashes of the former strongest God that Altheist had killed under the orders of Noe with his own hands.

Other Gods found it disrespectful that the former strongest God's ashes were put into an hourglass just because Noe, a mortal ordered it however, all that Noe said was, "I thought this was a Good idea to teach you something, but clearly you dislike it. The meaning of my actions is to simply teach you arrogant Gods to not look down on the ones who were talentless just moments ago. Your lives may be above a mortal's, but to other Gods, it's no less or more valuable or worthless than their own. Time is always ticking, so hold onto your spots tightly and value life before it's stolen by the ones who use to be right bellow your feet and pray that your time won't be what this hourglass is counting down."

'How ironic come from someone who sees everyone bellow them, but it's not like there's anyone above him.'

"Why would I fall down to the land of humans after two weeks?" Izekiel asked.

"Do you think that you won't fall from sinning just because your form is close to divination? It only slows down the amount of time you have left before you fall. Usually, you would use that time to repent however for someone like you, even redemption would no longer be enough," Noe pointed at Izekiel's heart, "you now carry a greedy heart because of your dream."

Izekiel really wanted to complain, he wanted to shout and he wanted to curse the one who created the meaning of 'sins'. Without it, his wishes would be normal and maybe he'd be able to become free without having to kill his own father, consume his heart and ascend to a God just for his dream- just for freedom.

Izekiel once wished that his father had never existed, but that would mean that he wouldn't exist either. Then what if the source of him pain never existed?

Izekiel once wished that Noe never existed because then maybe everything would be fine even without his father's love, but then if Noe goes down, then all three of them would never be able to exist either. It was like Noe was holding a rope that held a bridge with all three of them on it. If Noe falls, then he'd drag everyone down with him.

Izekiel didn't want the people who were responsible for his existence to exist, but he wanted to be alive. He wanted to live.

'I am really selfish aren't I? But I don't think that I am wrong- no, I shouldn't be the one who is wrong.'

Izekiel wasn't the one who asked, prayed, wished, begged or desired to be born, but now that he's had a little taste of life, even if it was a terrible first taste, he had grown greedy for his own existence. No matter what, he wants to exist but without chains on his body, binding him from his own free will.

He was created for someone else and his life was given to them, but even if his purpose was to just be someone's puppet, he'll rebel and snatch his own puppet strings back and control his own life.

Is that greedy? No, how can that kind of pure dream be greedy?

"Can someone really be called greedy just because they have a dream?" Izekiel asked with a strange look in his eyes.

"Yes," Noe smiled, "because having a dream is the start of greed."

Pretty sure I edited this one ok?

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts