
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasía
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15 Chs


Ever since Noe told Izekiel how to escape his grasps, Izekiel started to slowly plan out his father's assassination. He was dead set on becoming a God, and killing his own father. He has a dream, and he's going to achieve it.

After the day Izekiel was given a dream, Noe no longer called him to his castle to test his skills, do his work or push him around anymore. It was as if he was giving Izekiel a free trial of what freedom from him tasted like.

Izekiel found it extremely appetizing. He loved every moment he didn't have to be a pushover, but he knew that this freedom was limited.

What Noe wanted was to make him addicted to this kind of freedom to motivate him to kill his father and ascend to a God. Perhaps the reason that Noe didn't push him around for now because he thought Izekiel was a coward who would back out at the last moment without a bit of temptation.

On the other hand, Al was extremely wary of Izekiel's movements. Every time he was close to her, she would put her guard up as if she didn't trust him. She also did this every time he glanced in the direction of his father. Al probably no longer saw him as a pure angel anymore. She probably wished for him to quickly be punished so he'd be afraid and revert back to his 'pure' self.

Izekiel sat at the palace library with numerous books on the table in front of him. While he slowly being corrupted by his dream of freedom and the way to accomplish it, his golden eyes that sparkled from the light coming through the window and his calm, gentle face made him look as innocent as ever. Though he found it an insult to be called 'innocent' by angels that would just assume things while lying right in front of his face.

Hearing footsteps nearby, Izekiel looked up from the book he was reading and saw a familiar peach haired angel- the angel that knew of his plans. In full honesty, Izekiel who was slowly being deprived from the path of 'good' would've loved to provoke Al however, she was not alone.

"I greet his majesty, the creator of angels," Izekiel got up and greeted his father with a smile before bowing.

"Your may raise your head," Altheist said in a cold voice, not even bothering to smile back or his own son.

"Thank you your majesty," Izekiel looked up at his father's face and tried to observe his expressions.

Altheist looked the same as ever despite being able to change his appearance as he wishes unlike most of the other Gods. His sharp blue eyes were clear but cold, his skin was white but not as pale as Izekiel's and his silky white hair seemed to be longer than before, reaching the middle of his back.

Seeing that Altheist stared at him as if he's a nothing but a pest like every other time, Izekiel confirmed that Al did not say anything to his father. If Al did tell his father that he wanted to become a God, his father would at least look at him with a bit more hatred or disappointed. Actually, he might even isolate him again so he could reflect on his mistakes.

Izekiel turned to Al, makine contact with her before smiling. To others it might seem like a sweat, ordinary smile, but to Al it was not friendly at all. It felt more sinister like a warning or provocation.

Izekiel then turned back to his father, smiling while asking him, "would you like to have tea with me father? Last week Al informed me that the angels in charge of collecting things have come back with a new bag of moonlight flowers from the Garden of Dreams. We could enjoy some moon tea together with some pastries while chatting."

"No!-" Al immediately cut into the conversation.

The female angel held fear in her eyes and was slightly trembling as if she was afraid or anxious of something.

"Al?" Izekiel put on a concerned expression, taking out a white handkerchief and extending it towards Al. "Are you ok? You're sweating."

"Apologies for interrupting your conversation your majesty and your highness. I have just remembered something important," Al said with her head down, not refusing or taking Izekiel's handkerchief.

"Speak," Altheist turned to the stare at the female angel.

"You have a meeting with the God of Light this afternoon. There's no time for you to have tea with his highness," Al felt her heart calming down.

"Ah, well that's too bad," Izekiel showed a sad smile.

"I can ask the God of Light to reschedule under your name your highness," Al offered with a smile.

Izekiel found that smile revolting.

'So this is her counter. It's an effective move and she's so confident in it that she offered to ask for a reschedule for the meeting with the God of Light, though anyone can tell that the God of Creation wouldn't agree to it since he doesn't care about me enough to do so.'

"No that is alright. I wouldn't dare ask a God to reschedule a meeting with his majesty just for me to have a father-son bonding session with him," Izekiel replied.

"Celestar was created by his majesty, making him the king here and you the crown prince. Since he stays on the land created by his majesty, of course he'd have to respect your words and wishes too," Al made it seem like Izekiel had a lot of power and say in Celestar, but to him, that power was just a title that people had to bow down to.

Izekiel felt like his title barely held any power. Compared to his father and Noe's power, it was as if he had none at all. No one bothered to respect him and even tried to use him, thinking he was too pure and innocent to know what they were doing. Well, he really was too pure and innocent to know back then, but not now.

The title of 'Celestar's crown prince' could've held so much more power if only he wasn't forced into isolation since young. Being confined in a castle, he could not add any respect, power or fear onto his title at all. He regrets not stepping out to the world on his own. His father probably wouldn't even notice until hearing about how angels started to support the crown prince.

If angels trying to take advantage of another's innocence and purity is not considered 'evil', then an angel abusing the privilege of his title should not be called 'evil' either. The angel that they could take advantage of, and the title the angel had, were both right in their grasps. If one is not a bad deed, then the other shouldn't be one either.

"A father-son bonding session would be a waste of time," Altheist spoke, not caring about how his son felt about his words.

"Yes, it would be quite a waste of time if the time could've been spent talking to a God," Izekiel retracted his hand and put his handkerchief away, seeing that Al did not need it.

"I apologise your highness," Al bowed.

"Let's go Al. I don't remember him liking tea anyways," Altheist walked away with his right hand angel trailing behind him.

'I do like tea you shitty father, it's you who doesn't like them. You could've at least kept your words to yourself, but you spoke without bothering to know me at all. If I really do succeed in killing you, don't blame me for being a bad son when you are a bad father yourself.'

Izekiel had a lot of determination, so much that he had no problem reading through hundreds of books in a week to try and find a way to get stronger, a way to improve stealth and even tried to find out what his father's weakness was, but there was nothing about his father's weakness. He even went through the history books about his father, written by the first few angels created and other Gods, however there was nothing. Nothing at all.

It was as if his father is an unkillable creature.

Determination, is not a weapon that could kill Izekiel's father. It was not his father's weakness and Izekiel could not imagine his father cower and tremble against someone through their determination right into his face. Well, Izekiel did try to imagine it but... his mind made it look like a kid drew the image in his head. It was extremely unrealistic and hard to look at.

Izekiel had to be honest, he was not confident that he could kill his father.

Izekiel then sat back down and began skimming through the books he picked out again with little but existing hope in his eyes. It seems impossible to kill his father, but his dream was so blinding that he could not see anything but it. There is no stop sign in his sight, so will continue to work towards his goal and hope that his dream will come true.

"What's with all these books? Killing someone only requires a weapons and the guts to," commented Noe, landing on the windowsill besides Izekiel with a pair of white wings on his back.

Noe is a mortal, not an angel. If someone like Noe was an angel, then Izekiel might not just be the purest angelin Celestar, but he might even be the purest being in the universe. The reason why Noe has wings is because his father created Noe a pair of wings to help him move around more quickly in Celestar.

"My target isn't just a 'someone', he's a God. If I can't find out his weakness, my chances of killing him would become lower than it already is," Izekiel replied to Noe's comment.

"So you want to know Altheist's weakness?" questioned Noe, resting his chin onto the back of his hands, supported by his elbow which was laying on top of his legs.

Izekiel nodded. A smirk appeared on Noe's face.

"I am his weakness."

Probably no mistakes?

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts