
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Trusting Fool

"I greet your highness the crown prince," the green haired male greeted as soon as his brain finished processing the situation. How could he have known that the crown prince was behind the pillar he chose to hide behind?! Did the crown prince see the scene between him and Al? Was he done for?! Cedric panicked.

'This guy... fuck I remember him!'

Izekiel felt anger spreading in his body after remembering the angel in front of him. At first, he didn't recognise Cedric because he didn't get a good look at his face and his hair colour had changed, but after seeing Cedric's face up close, he realised that Cedric was one of the angels trying to take advantage of him!

'No matter if days, weeks, months or years have passed by already, he would never forget this grudge! How could he?!'

Izekiel had once intended to blackmail Al specifically but after remembering how manipulative and fake the angel in front of him was, he couldn't help but change his target because of personal feelings. It doesn't matter as long as he still blackmails at least one of the two lovers right?

"Cedric is it?" Izekiel spoke with a smile. He looked very kind, but his intentions definitely were not.

"Your highness it's an honour that you remember me." While Izekiel was acting casual, Cedric was extremely nervous- so nervous that he didn't even dare to raise his head and continued staring at their feet.

Out of all the angels that tried to take advantage of Izekiel, Cedric was the most transparent about it. While he was sticking around Izekiel, he didn't even bother to hide his true intentions and repeatedly talked about he wanted a bit of power and help.

Back then Cedric thought- no, he knew that Izekiel was naive and completely untarnished with complete purity so he put no effort in hiding anything. Izekiel was too naive to understand anyways but now, it felt as if Izekiel saw right through him.

"An honour?" Izekiel wanted to laugh, "it should be but not to you. The reason why I remember you is quite disgusting."

"Your highness I apologies for trying to take advantage of you but in the end I didn't even gain any benefits anyways!" Cedric felt his heart rate accelerating. It was different than the kind that he was use to though.

With Al, his heart was beating fast quite often. His cheeks would flush red, his mood was always happy and he loved the feeling of his heart racing because he knew that it proved how deep he had fallen in love however, it was not the same this time. His heart was beating fast like with Al, but he could only find one word to describe this feeling, 'Fear'.

"'Even'? How is it even?" Izekiel squinted his eyes. His left eyelid was lower than his right, making it look like his eye was kind of twitching. "I received more trust issues and trauma," Izekiel pointed to himself, "while you got away free of charge."

"Well I.... did lose some time and didn't even get anything," Cedric fidgeted with his fingers.

"And you think my time wasn't equally wasted by someone like you? No wait, that is a little unfair to compare, yes?" Izekiel put his thumb under his chin, looking to the left as if he was thinking about something.

"Yes, yes! I am only a low ranked angel who is unknown. It's unfair to compare me to the crown prince!" Cedric thought there was a little hope left for him after hearing Izekiel's words. He thought that maybe outlining the two of their ranks would making make Izekiel feel as if he's picking on the weak.

"Exactly," Izekiel smiled. "You are a low rank, and I am the crown prince. How could our time be compared the same? You are a low rank and not well known, so how could your time be compared to the value of my time." Cedric's heard dropped.

It was over. Completely over and Cedric knew it. In this moment he felt like he was more naive than how Izekiel was back then. Even another person who hasn't been as wronged as Izekiel would feel upset and might not let things go, so why did he think Izekiel would forgive him? His thinking was dumb, too dumb. Perhaps his brain had turned stupid after being pressured by fear.

"Your highness I beg you to forgive me just this once!" Cedric bowed his head even lower and held his hands together. The green haired angel could only hold his breath anxiously.

"Sure, what would you like to be forgiven?" Izekiel smiled brightly with his eyes closed. "I can forgive you for trying to take advantage of me, but what about you breaking the Angel Code? Or would you like it the other way around? You asked me to forgive you this 'once', so which is the one mistake you'd like me to forgive, hm?"

'No matter what you pick, an insignificant angel like you is done for. Low rank angels fill the most the land of Celestia, so you'll be replaced in no time. I might as well let you pick which crime you want other angels to know of as your fall.'

"So," Izekiel broke the silence, "have you chosen which crime you want to be forgiven yet?"

"Your highness, what is the point in letting me pick if I'll end up separated from Al either way?" Although Cedric's back had been lowered for quite a while now, the pain could not equal to the aching of his heart when thinking about how he would no longer be able to stay with his lover.

'This will affect you the most, but you still think of others?'

"The purity that Al is supplying you with does not belong to my father, it is mine. If I were to disappear, then my purity in that necklace will end up vanishing like me since the main source where it was once created is gone." Izekiel lied. "I know that Al must've told you something about my future plans. You do understand what would happen if something happens to me, yes?"

"... I will occupy Al from revealing anything," Cedric clenched his fists, "but this isn't for just myself, but for our love."

During the next six days, Altheist still didn't show any kind of reaction towards Izekiel, so it was confirmed that Cedric really did somehow make Al forget about mentioning anything to Altheist. Even though Cedric seemed helpful, Izekiel grew more afraid everyday and decided he'd try to assassinate Altheist today.

'If this doesn't work, then I guess I really am not worthy of dreams or life.'

Izekiel stared at the small knife that Noe had given him. The blade was still bloody and covered in Noe's blood and Izekiel had no intention to clean it.

'Let your death be caused by a blade covered with your most trusted one's blood, or my death caused by a blade tainted by my most hated one's filth.'

Izekiel then hid the knife in his sleeve then made his way towards Noe's private garden where Althiest would accompany the purple haired male every once in a while. He knew that the two of them were there since Noe had told him in advance that he'd call Altheist out this specific afternoon after Izekiel told him of his plan.

"Greetings your majesty, the God of Creation and sir Noe," Izekiel greeted the two of them with a bright smile. The two nodded at him before continuing their previous conversation.

Izekiel didn't mind the two ignoring him, in fact, he was quite happy. Altheist would not have his guard up around Noe, and he's currently focused on something else; which means it was the perfect chance for Izekiel to carry out his assassination plan!

With a flick of his wrist, the small knife Izekiel hid up his sleeve slid down along his arm and right into his right hand. The sound of something making contact with fabric and a 'clink' noise was quiet and easily blocked by Altheist and Noe's voices, but Noe was facing Izekiel who stood behind Altheist could clearly see the greedy intention in the angel's eyes.

Even without seeing the sharp weapon in the 'purest' angel's hand, Noe knew everything. Well, he was the one who suggested this to Izekiel after all. He was also the one who corrupted the once purest angel and called Altheist out today just to see something entertaining.

While Altheist was staring at something else, Noe stared at Izekiel with the words, 'go ahead, do it' in his eyes as a smirk slowly appeared on his face. The expression he had on his face was very sinister, but as soon as Altheist turned back to him, his face changed from evil to casual, hiding his desire for entertainment. Noe's expression changed so fast and smoothly it was as if he knew exactly when Altheist was going to look at him.

'I have to kill him!'

Izekiel clenched the knife in his hands. He's never felt more scared in his whole life. If he's able to kill his father, then he'd gain freedom but if he doesn't, the devil spectating across from him is ready to drag him back to the hell created specifically for him.

'I'm an angel of Celestar, why must I go through hell?!'

Izekiel raised his hand up and slammed it down, ready to stab Altheist but before he could even touch Altheist, the ground beneath his feet seemed to... disappear. Izekiel was so stunned that he even forgot to scream.

"How foolish, never once have I ever heard of an angel becoming a God," Atheist spoke.

'... He knew'.

As Izekiel continued to fall, two pair of eyes stared at him through the patch of clouds that disappeared. One pair was cold, and the other pair held ridicule in them.

'Why did I chose to trust someone like him?'

Recently just changed how thoughts are written, might be errors.

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts