
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasía
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15 Chs

How to Become a God

"Do you want this torment to end?" a dark purple haired male harshly grabbed the hair of a white haired male, dragging his head up.

"I do," the white haired male replied, staring up at his torturer with dull eyes.

"You want to leave?"

"Yes," the white haired male answered honestly.

A smirk appeared on the purple haired male's face.

"You think you have the option to?" Even without an answer, the both of them already knew the answer was 'no'.

The purple haired male was sitting on a chair while the other was kneeling on the ground with his white pair of wings closed. That difference was clearly enough to tell who had the higher status. The white haired male had no say or freewill in anything.

"..." the white haired male stayed silent. His knees were aching and his wings felt itchy after being closed and unmoving for a while, though he didn't dare to open his pair of snow white wings in front of the man sitting right before his eyes- even if he was an angel and they were an angel's pride.

"The wings on your back are so useless, especially since you can't fly free. Aren't you envious of all those birds you see Izekiel?" asked the purple haired male. "Would you like to flutter free like a butterfly? How about I tell you the way to escape from me?"

"How?" the angel identified as 'Izekiel' stared up with hope in his golden eyes, even if the one he was getting answers from was the one who created his hell.

"Become someone I cannot reach," the purple haired male spoke, smiling after seeing a confused expression on the angel's face. Izekiel's confusion was caused by the other male's words because he did not know of anything that 'Noe', the purple haired male could not touch or have. "A God. I cannot touch a God so carelessly."

"But you created the first God, my father," Izekiel pointed out, "I don't believe there is anything you cannot touch."

"Do you know how Gods are created?" questioned Noe.

"Through the prayers, wishes, desires and needs of human beings," answered Izekiel.

"It was my darkest desires that created your father through an evil prayer, but even before he became a God, he was already by my side. The God of Creation, 'Altheist' use to be just an imaginary friend- my imaginary friend. Apparently my desires were stronger than anyone's which lead to his creation. If it weren't for that, he would've never been stuck to my side. I can't just touch any God Izekiel, it's your father that decided to serve me," explained Noe. "You see, Gods are made for the purpose of helping humans, but your father was called a 'mortal's slave' because he follows and serves me without question. Don't you pity your father?"

No, Izekiel did not.

The reason why Izekiel ended up in this mess was because of his own father. He was created specifically from the orders of Noe, not because his father wanted a son, so after he was born, his father did not show him any love and just isolated him.

Izekiel grew up not knowing much because of isolation, so no doubt he became the purest out of all the angels in Celestar. To this day, Izekiel still remembers the moment his love and trust for his father faded when his father handed him over to Noe, telling him to obey the purple haired male.

How could one still trust another after they find out that they were created just to become a puppet for someone's entertainment? Even being born without a purpose would be a better option, since you'd have the freedom and a whole life to decide your own dreams and purpose to your existence!

"I can see it in your eyes Izekiel. You absolutely despise Altheist!" Noe spoke with a wide grin, almost chuckling. It seems like he found it amusing. "So even the purest angel in Celestar can show this kind of emotion!" Izekiel did not say anything to retort to Noe's remark.

"If I become a God, will I be able to destroy the God of Creation?" Izekiel asked, not even bothering to refer to the God as his own father.

"You can do whatever you like as a God if you become stronger than your father but, how do you intend to become one?"

"I... I don't know," Izekiel looked down.

No human knew of his existence, they only knew that angels existed in general, so how could they pray for him to become a God? It would be impossible to become a God that way, especially since he was created by his father, not desires or needs of humans in the first place.

"You know, Gods aren't only born through the needs of human beings, a person could also ascend to become a God." Izekiel snapped his head back up to stare at Noe. He did not know of this.

"Please tell me," Izekiel pleaded.

"This method's quite hard though, I've never seen someone successfully ascend to a God this way however, I know it does work. Do you still want to try?" Noe smiled, seeing that the determination in Izekiel's eyes did not falter or disappear.

"I do."

"Kill a God and consume their heart." The angel's eyes widened.

This method to ascending to a God was outrages! It was even more outrages that Noe even told him this in the first place! He was telling him, an angel and God's assistant, to kill a God?!

"What? Can't do it? This is unfortunately your only chance to become a God though. I'd love to see if you could do it or not, so do you need some more motivation to convince yourself?" Noe gripped Izekiel's shoulder harshly, his black eyes staring right into the angel's golden ones. The angel shivered.

Izekiel always felt fear under Noe's gaze, and even more when staring into his eyes. Izekiel's eyes were bright, beautiful and pure, but Noe's were deep and dark like an endless void. Izekiel always felt trapped when staring into them, and not in a good way.

"You don't need to try to motivate me more," Izekiel was afraid, but he grabbed Noe's wrist and moved it off his shoulder. "I'll do it, I'll kill a God."

A smirk appeared on Noe's face. He got off his chair and knelt down in front of Izekiel.

"You do know which God I'm suggesting right?" Noe placed a small knife in Izekiel's hand.

"I do. The God I have to kill is the strongest God, the God of Creation and then," Izekiel stabbed the knife through Noe's abdomen, "I'll get my freedom and revenge."

Izekiel then got up and walked away from the empty room, blood covering his hands.

Noe who was still on the floor, did not flinch or shiver from pain at all and continued to smile, staring at Izekiel's back that was moving further and further away.

"How foolish," Noe got up and checked his wound to see that it had already healed without leaving a scar or any pain. "Even if you're the purest, it doesn't mean you should be so naive and stupid. Haven't you already learnt your lesson about trust? You're more like a human than an angel. Only humans could be so dumb situations where they're incredibly desperate."

Izekiel made his way back to the palace built by his father, not knowing that the hope he had been given was false. His determination was strong, but the new dream he was given was 100 percent impossible to achieve.

"I greet the crown prince of Celestar. May I ask what happened to your hand your highness?" a soft voice called out towards Izekiel.

It was an angel with peach hair and clear blue eyes. She was an angel created by Altheist, though she and the other angels are not biologically related to Altheist like Izekiel. Only Izekiel is his blood related son however, he was colder to Izekiel than to the female angel in front of him. In fact, Altheist even named her 'Al', which is close to his own name and made her his right hand angel because she was his must trusted angel.

Even the angel that Althiest trusted the most... was not his own son.

"Al, I found a way to escape hell," Izekiel replied with a neutral expression.

It wasn't because Izekiel hated or disliked Al, but simply because he did not see her as someone close to him.

"Your highness, I understand that you despise Lord Noe however, you should've speak so mindlessly," Al did not believe that there is a way to do so.

"Do you not want me to be free?"

"Your highness, your greed for freedom could lead to hallucination and could harm you mentally and physically. Please be careful."

Izekiel wanted to laugh. Since when did she care about things like that? All that he witnessed her do was stand aside with a blank expression. This was the true face of 'Celestar', the Land of the 'Pure' and 'Divine'.

"I'll become a God."

"... What?" Al stared at Izekiel in disbelief.

Izekiel did not plan on telling anyone this, but he just couldn't help it. He wanted to shut Al's mouths. He wanted her to kindly fuck off and mind her own business. He wanted her to stand out of his way just like how she stood aside while he was being tossed around.

'What is this called? Right... anger.'

"Your highness you cannot!" Al grabbed Izekiel's wrist, "it is not possible! Please forget trying to become a God before you have to suffer!"

'And suffer silently like I have now? No way. There's a difference between enduring torture brought onto you because you refuse to fight back, and dealing with the consequences of your choices after being given a chance to freedom.'

"Al, you dare to touch the crown prince of Celestar so carelessly?" Izekiel glared at her.

Al froze, allowing Izekiel to snatch his wrist out of her grasps and walk away, knowing full well that he no longer deserved the title of the 'purest angel in Celestar'.

From anger and hatred, even an angel could become polluted.

Yeah, this chapter's pretty boring and souless

Also quickly warning, I lose interest in writing a story or motivation quickly.

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts