
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasía
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15 Chs

GMX Compnay

"Here is the ID card," Klein handed Izekiel a card with a picture of a man with dark brown hair styled to one side with curly tips and brown eyes, smiling right at the camera. The words at the bottom read, "Louis Xavier" accompanied by the title of "president".

The man looked extremely friendly like Klein, however Izekiel knew that it was better not to assume things based on appearances, especially in a dog blooded household like this. Klein and his uncle may both look kind, but from the way that Klein could act so coldly and change his expressions so quickly meant that people in the Xavier family were well trained and taught.

"Thank you," Izekiel thanked Klein, taking the card.

"No one has touched or entered the company building ever since my uncle died, so I can guarantee that no one has taken anything from there and you will not be wronged," assured Klein.

"How could I be wronged? You just gave me a building."

"Izekiel what I said to give you was the whole property so of course anything that is and use to be in it is obviously yours," Klein clarified. He then moved closer to Izekiel and whispered, "be careful of anyone coming to assassinate you, my family is like that. It's been getting easier for them to go against the law ever since power riots started happening in Var."

"Your family is brutal," Klein only smiled at Izekiel's comment. It wasn't like Izekiel was saying false things after all.

'Althiest would fit right in.'

"Red," Klein called out to the red eyed crow on his shoulder, "do you mind showing Izekiel to the company building?" The crow did not reply but it silently landed onto Izekiel's shoulder. "Thank you," Klein smiled.

"Here you are sir," the butler from before then handed Izekiel a plain black jumper. "The blood won't so look visible on black, so you can definitely reuse this jumper again and not be afraid of staining it."

"Thank you," Izekiel accepted the jumper before making his way to the company building with the red eyed crow.

'Is that why Feng Zhiyuan wears all black?'

In his mind, Izekiel was debating on whether Feng Zhiyuan was wearing all black so it doesn't get ruined by blood or if he was just a moody bastard. After thinking for a while, he concluded that it was because Feng Zhiyuan is emo! Yes! It has to be because he's emo!

Walking on the streets, Izekiel froze, looking up at the sky. He was completely dumbfounded seeing the letters "GMX" very clearly on a blue skyscraper. The letters were white and bold, standing out to the point that Izekiel felt insulted for even having guide.

'… Why the fuck do I need a guide.'

Even a mentally retarded person would be able to find where the company building is! The company was basically screaming "I fucking exist" to the point that even someone who uses a phone to zoom in at a menu would be able to see it.

"Just... just go, I know where it is," Izekiel face palmed, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. The crow immediately took off and flew away so fast that Izekiel could tell how happy it was. It's like, what the fuck man.

Scanning the ID card and entering the company, Izekiel wandered around the place, finding papers about game designs, empty desks with computers and drawing pads. Izekiel instantly knew that this was a game company that was successful because Klein's family members really wanted it.

'If the president's office is on the 11th floor, then what's on the 12th floor?'

What was strange was that the last floor was only accessible through an elevator that was in the president's office. You even needed to scan the president's ID card for the elevator to work.

What Izekiel expected to find was an office filled with money that the president had hidden or something, but beyond the elevator door was what looked like an apartment room. There was a living room, kitchen, bedroom, study, bathroom and a door that was locked, but no money in sight.

'And I thought that I'd be able to get stronger.'

After awakening his divine blood, Izekiel had to find a way to become stronger. He needed to choose a title and a way to get stronger which he fortunately had the freedom of, unlike real Gods who are bound with a title and specific way to strengthen themselves.

Izekiel has yet to pick a title, however he has chosen a way to get stronger, it was money. He knows how valuable money is on the land of humans. He knows that money equals power and if you had enough money here, you could practically become a God amongst men.

Money is something that was completely worthless to creatures such as himself and Gods, however that just meant that other divine beings would never get in his way or compete with him. He would be competing with humans who thinks he's a God and he could leach off of Klein's wealth. How easy is that?

Although Izekiel could not convert money to power because he hasn't picked a suitable title yet, he planed to stock up on money and consume it at the right time. Unfortunately, the room filled with money that he had imagined was not real.

At first, Izekiel just accepted his disappointment and decided to live here, but then he realised that this "normal" floor was not normal at all.

The owner of this company is clearly rich and is apart of a noble family, so why would he live here? Maybe he just wanted a room to relax in at work, but then why is there a need for such a large kitchen and a full bathroom? There's even a bedroom filled with clothes and an extra study when there's already an office on floor 11.

'There was definitely a reason for this. Var started to slowly fall around a decade ago, so why would someone waste money on this? Even an already wealthy family like the Xavier family would be stingy and kill each other for a piece of property without even considering the option of sharing.'

Izekiel's eyes then wandered to the locked room. He didn't want to resort to violence since he doesn't know how to fix a door and this was going to be his home. He also wasn't that close to anyone and feels that asking Klein to help him fix a door was way too embarrassing and troublesome for the other.

'... Does Alice's black smoke know how to fix a door?'

Well since he doesn't know, he won't try it for now. It would be very helpful if the black smoke does know how to fix a door though, just in case if he needs to break any more doors in the future.

Finding a pair of blue slippers, he took off his shoes and put the slippers on. He then started to properly look around in hope to find the key that unlocks the door.

The one place that he wishes he doesn't have to search is the study. Unlike the president's office, it's incredibly messy with papers everywhere. You couldn't even see the table that was buried underneath the papers. Well, guess what?

'… Fuck it's in the study isn't it.'

Izekiel had restlessly checked every room aside from the study twice, but was unable to find the key. He had even found a random paper ball under the bed, but no key in sight at all!

Reluctantly entering the study, he searched in the piles of game designs, documents and under objects but there was no key. He then tried the three table draws.

The first two only had random items but when he was about to close the third, he couldn't close it because a booklet was poking at the top. When he pushed the corner of the booklet down, he felt a leather texture at the top. The whole table is made out of wood.

'What kind of evil master mind does this guy think he is?'

Izekiel took out a book with a black leather cover. It had a lock on it. Izekiel was about to curse the late president again when he saw a cute cat keychain with a small key attached to it.

'… Never mind, this man is not an evil master mind at all.'

Opening the book, Izekiel started to read it. The first few pages were just about how happy the president was when he first started his company. He said that he would finally be able to accumulate his own wealth without relying on the main family and dreamed to become a big shot.

Izekiel thought that the next few pages were going to be about Louis Xavier bragging about how successful his company is, but it was the complete opposite. He was a shit businessman.

Louis's company was going bankrupt because he was not experienced in the gaming industry and did not know what a great deal was. The Xavier family also stopped giving him financial support after seeing that the company was not doing well.

All of a sudden, many pages later, Louis no longer talked about how he was suffering from bankruptcy.

[#12 My family members were all bewildered to see my company still standing! They all asked me where I got the money to continue my company and I told them it was because I've gained experience. I am not stupid after all, I am a Xavier.]

Pages filled with grief soon turned into pages filled with happiness. Louis had even talked about gaining over billions of dollars and becoming the most prestigious company in the gaming industry. He always seemed to be in a good mood when writing these diary entries but then, thing took a turn.

[#21 I think my wife wants to kill me.]

Nah not the story changing genres again

Oh wait that's my fault

Also my fault that there might be spelling or editing mistakes.

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts