
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Family Drama

"Are you ok?" Klein approached Izekiel with a worried look.

Izekiel looked at himself. A dirty blood stained white hoodie with rips and tears everywhere, black pants that clearly was not in a better condition than the hoodie and a pair of black sport shoes that were the only that looked fine. He then looked back at Klein with a "are you serious" face.

"Yeah I'm completely fine," Izekiel rubbed the back of his bloody neck for an extra blow. He then started cracking his wrist, making sure his bones made a loud crack.

"Haha... you can stop giving me that look," Klein said nervously.

"I don't know what you mean," Izekiel continued to give Klein the most obvious side eye that Klein had ever seen.

Klein, "..."

"Sir Xavier!" a girl's voice called out to Klein. It was a girl with straight light brown hair tied in a high ponytail, dark brown eyes and slightly visible scars on her arms.

"Ms Eve," Klein smiled, happy that she had saved her from Izekiel's burning side eye, "how can I help you?"

Eve took a glance at Izekiel before turning to Klein. "My boss would like to sincerely thank you for assisting us with the emergency last week. This is a gift from my boss," she took out a small mirror. "It may look small and useless but it's a protection relic that was kept in our storage. No matter how big the attack is, it will save you by sending the attack and dealing five the damage," Eve explained.

"It's alright you don't need to give me it," Klein rejected the gift, "I chose to help so I don't expect any reward."

"Your help in evacuating the citizens nearby and weakening the dragon had greatly saved Paradise a lot of manpower and deaths, so please don't reject this gift. You have also helped us a lot previously, so it's only right for us to repay you. Our members look up to you a lot so you rejecting this gift will make us guilty for using you."

"But still..." Klein was hesitant.

"Please, my boss will not let me go back until I successfully deliver this to you," Eve stared at Klein with begging eyes. Klein knew it was a lie, but knowing that Eve did not have any bad intentions he reluctantly accepted the gift and thanked her.

'Who is she?'

Klein turned to look at Izekiel who was wondering who Eve was and answered, "This is Eve Millers, the vice-leader of Paradise and Feng Zhiyuan's most trusted person."

"Nice to meet you," Izekiel smiled at her. Eve nodded and turned to leave, completely unaffected by his smile.

"Please ignore her attitude, she's not that friendly towards strangers and tend to seem a little... cold?" explained Klein. Izekiel stared at Eve's clenched fists and smirk appeared on his face.

'Are all the people that are called "cold" all fakes here?'

It was clear to Izekiel that Eve was only faking it. It seemed like Klein also did not know how to describe her due to her emotions and actions being completely different.

Looking at those clenched fists... did she want to hit him? Did she want shake hands with him and introduce herself formally but decided against it last second? Well even if Izekiel could tell she was acting, it wasn't like he could read minds and wouldn't know what she wants unless if she says it out loud.

'Her acting was also quite bad too. Unlike Feng Zhiyuan who was perfectly cold, she only seemed like a ice cube while he was a glacier.'

"Well her idol is Feng Zhiyuan, so maybe she's imitating him?" Klein suggested. "A lot of people think Feng Zhiyuan's cold personality is cool you know."

"It's rude to read other people's thoughts without their permission you know?" Izekiel paused, " what about you? Do you find that cool too?"

"What is cool about that?" Klein raised his eyebrows. "I can tell that if Feng Zhiyuan could, he'd prefer not being cold. His skill "iron heart" is a great skill, but it also turns him into a killing machine without any emotions day by day. If others knew the truth, who would want that?"

"I would," Izekiel quickly replied without thinking.

Ever since Izekiel failed to assassinate Althiest, he's been questioning why he failed other than him being baited. The conclusion that he came up with was that he was too consumed in his emotions and hesitated. If only he didn't, then he would at least be able to stab Althiest once before falling down to the land of humans.

"No, you don't want that," Klein spoke with certainty.

Izekiel felt overwhelmed by the look in Klein's eyes. It was as if the other knew everything about him. Things that even he himself did not know.

"How do you know that?" Izekiel questioned. "Even if you have the ability to understand others, it could still be inaccurate or false in some situations."

"It's not, because that's the reason why I desired it."

Izekiel did not know what to say. The conversation had firmly ended since then and their trip back to Klein's house was completely shrouded in silence, apart from the occasional sound of crows cawing in the distance.

'There's crows here again...'

Izekiel could not understand why there were crows everywhere he went, or it was more like every time he was with Klein. Even in the stadium, there were a few crows in the sky.

Izekiel stared at the red eyed crow on Klein's shoulder. The crow seemed to have noticed his stare and turned to look back at him. This crow was different from the rest. It never cawed unless if it was directly talking to him or Klein. It was silent most of the time and every time it stared at him with its red eyes, Izekiel would feel uncomfortable.

Izekiel felt like Klein deserved a medal for dealing with all these crows that seemed to stalk him. He also thinks that Klein should fry the red eyed crow as soon as he gets the chance because the crow was a little freaky. It was almost always on Klein's shoulder and Izekiel was surprised that Klein never felt annoyed or even paranoid by it.

"Young master Klein," two guards holding swords greeted Klein as soon as they arrived at the main residence of the Xavier family.

"Young master Klein, you've arrived just in time," a butler walked out. "The branch family members and the young miss are arguing about who will get the GMX company. The young miss had told me to ask you to help her get it as soon as you get back."

"They're still arguing about who will get the property?" Klein showed a helpless expression. "I thought it was finale that the property would go to uncle's son."

"He was assassinated last week and the only child that Mr Louis has left is an illegitimate child who hasn't even been brought back so the family disagrees that the property should go to him," explained the butler.

"Assassinated?" Klein questioned.

"It was said that the Mr Louis's mistress had hired someone to assassinate the legitimate son to give her son a chance at inheriting the property. Mr Louis's wife had also claimed that the mistress was also the one who hired someone to kill her husband so that the illegitimate child could get some shares."

"Where is the mistress now?" asked Klein.

"Both her and her son are currently kept in the first branch family's side residence," answered the butler, making Klein sigh and rub his temples.

"Tell them to bring the both of them over in a few days and give me the property," ordered Klein before turning to Izekiel, "let's go in."

The Xavier family's main residence was very large and before they could even enter the house itself, a group of people blocked their way. Izekiel only needed to look at them once to know they were pissed.

"Young master, just because you have the most authority does not mean that you should abuse your powers!" a lady with black hair and brown eyes wearing light makeup spoke. "The company is my husband's hard work! As his wife it should obviously go to me!"

"He didn't leave a will did he?" questioned Klein. "It might seem cruel to say this but because he didn't leave a will, not even you have the right to claim his property."

"Then why should it go to you?!" the woman shouted. "Your name is not on that will either! I will not tolerate your thievery just because you are the young master!"

"Who are you trying to disrespect?!" a young girl who looked extremely similar to Klein yelled. "You are currently in the main family residence and you dare you shout at my brother?! Who do you think you are? My uncle is gone and you don't even have a child anymore which means you hold no power!"

"No power?! Whether you like it or not I am your aunt! You're also after the company aren't you?" the woman sneered.

"Do you even know how to run the company when all you do is use your husband?" a man joined in the fight. "Young miss you are also young, what do you need that property for? I am older which means I have experience! It should go to me!"

"Older? Of course, go ahead and see how long you'll have the property in your name! One year? Two years? How many years do you have left?" the young miss retorted.

'... Dude just got violated.'

"Rena that's enough," Klein's voice shut the girl's mouth. He then turned to his aunt. "Auntie, I don't want the property myself."

"Is it for me then brother?" the young miss asked with sparkling eyes.

"Not for you either Rena."

"Then that old uncle?" Rena glared at the man standing next to her aunt.

"For him," Klein turned to look at Izekiel.

"Young master Klein!" his aunt yelled in frustration. "This is a family property and my husband's hard work! How could you hand it over to an outsider?!"

"If none of you can learn to talk it out peacefully and even going as low as hiring someone to kill your own family members, then none of you can have it," Klein glared at them coldly. "And you," Klein turned to his aunt, "don't think you can hide what you did from me."

"I-I," the woman's face turned pale.

"Tomorrow, go get your name taken off the family register," Klein stared at her with cold eyes before turning to everyone else, "dismissed."

Izekiel stared at Klein in silence.

'So even he could make that expression huh...'

Quick reminder, this is modern world

Maybe I forgot to edit something or maybe I didn't. Maybe, I don't know.

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts