
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasía
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15 Chs


'Powers that could kill a messenger of God, is that person really a human?'

Even if Izekiel is currently injured, his strength should still not be underestimated, especially since his opponent would be a human or even multiple humans. He of course would still feel pain however, his form is not the same. His endurance, mana and strength is a lot higher than a normal human's, which means that if a human carried the same injuries as him, they would've already died from bleeding out while he could still fight.

"I can assure you that he is 100 percent human. I'm not sure if you're warry of him because he sounds strong or if it's because you think he's not human but he is very trust worthy if you have him as an ally. It would be a good idea to befriend him if you plan to save this nation since most of the citizens here trust him," Klein suggested.

Izekiel then realised something extremely crucial... where exactly is he? While talking to Klein, the other had just referred to this place as 'this nation' or 'my home' but he had never mentioned the name of this nation before. As long as Izekiel could get a name out of Klein, he'd immediately be able to identify it and its' situation.

"I forgot to ask but, what nation is this?" Izekiel asked nervously. It probably seemed strange that someone claiming to be the 'saviour' of a nation doesn't even know which nation it was that they said they would save.

"This is Var, it's probably one of the worst nations out there since the ones worse than Var can no longer be called a nation," Klein answered without even a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

'He's very... trusting.'

Izekiel really couldn't believe how a person like Klein could've survived in a nearly destroyed nation like Var for so long. He didn't even doubt the intentions of a strange creature that just randomly appeared in his home.

Var is a nation without a God, but it does have a royal family- though it was more like just a mob of pigs eating out the supplies of the nation. The royal family was not very helpful and it just seemed like plain dictatorship however, the citizens still listened to them because they had the most military strength and supplies. From the words of Klein, Izekiel could tell that people were starting to rebel under the influence of that powerful man.

Var was once a prosperous nation filled with wealth and power, but that when it did have a God well, a Goddess. The Goddess of Dreams, 'Sylva', had abandoned Var all of a sudden which depleted a lot of Var's power source and caused it to slowly plunge in strength.

In those dark times, it was most likely that the powerful man rose in power and became the citizen's light under the royal family's dictatorship and became worshipped. The power of influence started changing from the king having all of it, to the powerful man who everyone now wanted to befriend.

'If I could befriend that man then it would make life a lot easier but, Klein said that he is incredibly cold.'

"Klein, how do I befriend that man?" Izekiel asked.

"Loyalty," answered Klien. "I heard that he has trust issues so he hates being taken advantaged of and traitors the most. There's lots of rumours going around saying that he was betrayed before so his heart had turned cold. Someone also said that he awakened his power from the desire of wanting to get revenge on the people who betrayed him."


"Are you ok? You showed a strange expression after hearing that. Were you betrayed to? Was another angel the one that wounded you?" Klein asked in a warm and gentle tone that made others really want to open up and trust him. He was a person that made other's feel extremely safe next to.

"No, it was me who betrayed someone," Izekiel clenched his fists, gripping tightly on the small knife in his hand. "A God... I betrayed a God."

"I've never heard of an angel betraying someone," Klein seemed shocked. "You guys are usually great characters in children's fairy tales."

'Fairy tales? Then people do know about us and judging from Klein's expression, they trusted us too. That means the only reason why no angel has become a God from prayers of others is simply because we were created that way. No... maybe it wasn't because angels were created that way but because humans don't need us at all. A God is what they need, not us.'

"Caw! Caw!" the cawing of a murder of crows resounded around the area, causing Izekiel to snap out of his depressing, emo thoughts. A crow with red eyes then landed on Klein's shoulder, staring right into the man's eyes as if communicating with him while the other crows stayed back. Klein then showed a face that clearly said that he was very worried about something.

"I'm sorry Izekiel but you might not want to go to the capital for maybe a few days? There's something happening there so I need to go and help but I'll tell one of the crows to show you the way to the capital," Klein spoke hurriedly as wind started to gather around him.

"It's fine I'll go with you. Maybe I could help too," Izekiel said calmly but in fact he was very confused.

'Wasn't Klein's ability mind reading? Then how was he able to communicate with animals and control wind?'

"How could I lead an injured person right into danger? I'll go help the others myself. Have a safe trip Izekiel!" Klein shouted while waving as he left with the wind.

After Klein left, all the crows began to fly away except for one, the red eyed crow. The crow then flew towards Izekiel, landed on his shoulder and let out a small 'caw'.

"So is this way the way to the capital?" Izekiel pointed forwards. The crow stared at him as if it was looking at an idiot while also seeming a little disgusted.

'… Did I somehow offend it with my stupidity?'

On the empty streets in the nation of Var, a barefoot angel with a crow companion could be seen. The angel didn't seem to be bothered by the pain on his feet as he continued to walk on rubble and glass. It's pretty obvious that it hurt, seeing that the angel's feet was bleeding, but he never stopped to take a break or made an expression that showed that he was in pain.

Izekiel continued to walk day and night, never stopping to find food or sleep. If someone saw him before and after, they'd never be able to see the difference since he was originally very pale plus, not taking a break was never a problem for an angel. Angels were pretty much designed as working machines after all.

"Caw! Caw!" the red eyed crow flapped its wings while tapping Izekiel's shoulders as if it was talking about his wings. Although Izekiel can't talk to animals like Klein, he still understood that the crow was most likely telling him to do something about his wings. Fortunately, he knew how to hide them along with his halo, but his white clothes were still stained with blood.

"Surely people won't mind seeing blood since there's already an emergency in the capital right?"

"Caw! Caw!" the crow flew from his shoulder and landed on tree branch that had a slightly dirty white hoodie on it. Problem solved.

Walking near the gates of the capital with his hood up, Izekiel saw lots of nervous looking people there. When he approached them, everyone turned to looked at him with hostility and cautiousness. He decided to ignore them and continued walking towards the gates.

"Hey, you gotta pay an entrance fee," three men wearing uniforms saying 'security' blocked his way.

"Entrance fee?" Izekiel showed a confused expression.

"That's right. If you don't pay then we can't let you in," the man who looked like he was in charge extended his hand, "$1500, pay up."

Izekiel wasn't sure where to get that amount of money, but all of a sudden, he felt something heavy appear in his pocket. Taking it out, he saw it was a shiny block of gold. In an instant, the attitudes of the security guards immediately changed.

"Willing to spend this much gold in one go while wars are going on, you must be the young master of a good family no? Ah well you see young master, there's an emergency going on right now, so if you need any protection then you could pay a little more and..." even though the security guard didn't finish his sentence, his greedy look was enough for Izekiel to know what he was suggesting.

"No thanks," said Izekiel before walking right by him.

"Hey you spoilt brat!" someone shouted, "if you're just here to go sight seeing then get the fuck out of here! This ain't no place for someone like you!"

"You'll die in second. I bet you haven't even experienced the world we've been living in!"

"Hey young master, how about you hire me for some protection? I have an earth ability!"

"I'm the strongest here! As long as you buy some relics for me then I'll be loyal to you forever!"

"You greedy shits! Just let that arrogant bitch die! I have never seen someone so stupid! Who the hell walks right into a disaster?!"

'… For some reason I don't want to become a saviour anymore.'

As if seeing right into Izekiel's mind, the crow on his shoulder smacked him right in the face. Everyone went completely silent.

Passersby, "...…?!" is it really ok to hit a rich young master in the face so easily??!!!!

Izekiel, "..." I suddenly want to eat fried chicken- no, fried crow!

All of a sudden, a scaly hand burst through the gates and destroyed the concrete ground next to Izekiel.

'… What the fuck!!! No one told me the 'emergency' was a fucking dragon!'

Izekiel: I think K*C would taste really good right now

Crow: .... Caw! Caw! (I'm not a chicken you little shi-)

Also crow: I'm a bird you can't do shit to me


Uhh, there's no mistakes right?

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts