
Heart of Greed

Izekiel was once the purest angel in Celestar. He was polluted by the dream to escape the grasps of the first God's creator however, the only way to escape was to become a God himself.

Brother_Yu · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Broken Rule

Izekiel sat back down in the library chair in a daze. Noe had already left a few minutes ago, leaving a piece of paper behind, but he was still thinking about Noe's words, "having a dream is the start of greed".

Izekiel doesn't feel like what Noe said was wrong, but it doesn't feel entirely right either. He doesn't know how to describe or explain it, however he just feels like what Noe's saying isn't correct nor incorrect.

If Izekiel is still alive in the next two weeks, then maybe he could find the answer to that one day, 'if' he's still alive of course. From now on, it's either he dies while trying to murder the God of Creation, or he falls onto the land of humans before he could carry out his assassination plan.

'How did I develop these thoughts?'

Izekiel is an angel, a creature who should not have any ambitions aside from wanting to serve his God- a creature who should not have even a hint of curiosity and just follow his God around however, Izekiel himself is both curious and has a dream of his own.

Currently, Izekiel is curious about the right answer to his own thoughts about Noe's words. If he wasn't in such a tight situation, he would want to do anything to find the correct answer to it. That curiosity is something that he shouldn't have as an angel, so what would he be identified as in the end?

Izekiel is definitely an angel, maybe no longer the purest but as long as his halo is above his head, he is one yet, he doesn't seem like a mindless servant of God like the others. Once again, if this is because his form is close to divinity since he's biologically related to Altheist, then he must thank Altheist one more time.

'Now what exactly is in this letter?'

Izekiel carefully inspected the folded piece of paper on the dark wooden table without touching it to see if it was safe and not another trick of Noe. He could not trust the purple haired male because he had developed severe trust issues growing up in Celestar. Plus, Noe was and is the source of all his problems, otherwise why would he become a miserable existence like this?

In full honesty, Izekiel had once preferred not being alive at all. He is a being that's not supposed to yearn for something or have their own dream however, Izekiel is the most ambitious being there is.

Once he is given a taste of something whether big or small, he'd continue wanting it. Noe and the God of Creation were the ones who gave him a taste of what being in existence is like, so he'll let his greed take care of the rest.

Izekiel wants to live, not as a being with a lovely pair of wings but only knows how to follow orders of others, but as a God who could command others to bow at his feet with only one word. That is his ambition- his greed.

'It seems like the letter's safe.'

After confirming what Noe left behind was really just an ordinary piece of paper, Izekiel picked it up and unfolded it. Inside, it read:

[It seems like you're worried about that female angel spilling everything to Altheist, so I will help you keep her mouth shut.

According to the 4th rule of the Angel Code, angels are not allowed to fall in love or be in any kind of romantic relationship. That female angel might be the right hand angel of Altheist, but she is not so pure and had broken that rule.

She is currently in a relationship with a male angel called 'Cedric'. I have just recently ordered him to dye his hair bright green so it's hard not to spot him.

Do as you like.]

'So he's basically telling me to blackmail Al into keeping her mouth shut using her relationship with Cedric.'

Izekiel placed his hand on his chin.

'That's not a bad idea since violating a rule of the Angel Code is pretty much a death sentence if someone knows, but the thing that's making me confused is how Cedric was able to stay in Celestar. Although Al had broken a rule of the Angel Code, she has been receiving purity from the God of Creation by assisting him everyday, but what about Cedric?'

Every angel that has ever broken a rule of the Angel Code had fallen to their deaths from being unable to stand on the clouds of Celestar before someone even discovered they've broken a rule, so Cedric should've fallen already. There are some exception and ways to clear your mistake, but Cedric isn't someone who could do anything of those things. He is not an important figure in Celestar.

It is said that no angels have ever broken a rule of the Angel Code ever, but that's because the ones who have violated a rule had fallen and been forgotten. Al may never forget Cedric, but that doesn't matter because if Altheist does find out, all that he'd say is, "it wasn't an angel who broke the rule, it was a sinner."

To Althiest, an angel who breaks his rules never existed, so that means that Izekiel shouldn't exist either.

'Al must be doing something to keep Cedric in Celestar.'

Izekiel's lips suddenly curved into a smirk. He figured it out. He figured out how Al was keeping her secret lover in Celestar. There is only one way for Al to keep Cedric 'pure', and that was with a 'transmit gem'.

The transmit gem is a purple gem that changes depths depending on how much was transferred onto it. In this case, what was being transferred is was purity. The more purity transferred onto it, the darker it would be and the more that the purity is used up, the lighter the gem would become. The gem could also store things and once again, the more things stored, the darker it becomes and the more things taken out, the lighter it becomes.

'I wonder where Al could've gotten a transmit gem though.'

While transmit gems are incredibly useful and many would love to get their hands on one to take and use another's mana, belongings and store their own items, the gem is usually small and hard to find. Because of this, Izekiel found it strange that Al was able to get her hands on a transmit gem in the first place.

Just then outside the window, Izekiel spotted someone with bright green hair walking in the halls of the palace however, Izekiel knows that the man clearly does not work or have permission to go in the palace. Not only that, but he also had bright green hair like 'Cedric' who Noe had forced to die his hair.

'The direction he's going... doesn't Al usual like going to the palace gardens ever few evenings after work?'

It seems like Al was going to the palace gardens to secretly meet her lover. She must've given him a pass to get into the palace too.

Izekiel wanted to laugh. If the God of Creation knew that the angel he seemed to adore more than his own son was violating his own rules right under his nose, how would he feel?

'He'll find out sooner or later but before he does, it's my advantage.'

Without any hesitation, Izekiel immediately got off the chair, threw the letter away and left towards the garden, leaving dozens of books on the library table without even caring. Who would dare scold him anyways? It's not like the God of Creation gives a shit about him either.

Izekiel tried to walk as fast as he can towards the palace gardens without making any loud noises to alert either Cedric or Al that someone was coming their way. He didn't want to miss catching the two of them breaking the rules, but he couldn't walk fast and quietly efficiently since the floors were made of marble . If only his wings weren't still wounded by Noe.

'Fuck as soon as I get my freedom I'll be sure to let that fucker know first!'

By the time Izekiel arrived, he saw Al approaching the green haired male. He hid behind a pillar, watching as the two greet each other with smiles and a few "I missed you so much".

'... Didn't Al just go to the garden yesterday? Why the hell would you feel the need to miss each other after one day?'

Izekiel suddenly felt thankful to Altheist. Falling in love seemed to make people stupid and he was already a fool, so there was really no need to make him dumber than he already is. The decrease in IQ would probably make him stupider than Altheist's common sense if he had any. Izekiel swears that he did not think that just so he could insult his father. He swears.

"The gems getting lighter, let me transfer you some more purity," Izekiel heard Al say, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Al, thank you for helping me," Cedric smiled as the gem in the centre of his metal necklace turned into a darker shade of purple than it was before.

"We are together, so of course I'll help you. Half of it is my fault anyways."

"Once again it's not your fault Al. It was me who brought you into this relationship and made you commit a crime against our God," Cedric held an apologetic smile.

"It was both our decision!" Al said firmly. "It's been so long since we've gotten to meet and you want to argue about this again?"

'... You two just met yesterday though...?'

"Lady Al!" a male angel with light blue hair and glasses started making his way towards Al. Cedric had successfully hid behind a pillar before the angel could spot him.

"Yes Maxwell?" Al answered nervously, eyes glancing towards the pillar her lover was hiding behind.

"His majesty is looking for you," spoke Maxwell, pushing his glasses up.

"Oh I see. Let's go then," Al then left with Maxwell.

Cedric then let out a sigh of relief, but when he turned to his left, his beige eyes met golden ones.

Cedric who nearly got a heart attack, "..."

Izekiel who was standing behind the pillar that Cedric had quickly hid behind,"..."

Eh, it's probably edited enough?

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts