

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · Ciudad
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17 Chs

Shasa's Rejection

Chapter 5


Shasa slapped my cheek with all her strength, the feeling of the tin began to spread my fanned. Without looking in the mirror I'm sure that my right cheek is red right now.

"It turns out that Mas is the same as Mr. Ronggo, what for you treasure can be to stick to whatever you want!" the omel with anger.

" That's not what I mean, I ...."

"Enough Mas! I admit now I owe you. But don't worry, I'll pay it off soon. Excuse me!" cut Shasa in a furious tone.

The withdrawal of his sister's hand that looked at us in disunderstanding. They stepped out of the warehouse leaving me still stroking the frowning cheeks.

"It turns out you can be persuaded in the subtle way Sha, okay! We will see later, you will come to beg for my help!" my hiss is angry.

Immediately I left the place feeling angry and disappointed. Why is it so hard to conquer the hijab girl, or my wrong way. Suddenly it struck me with my words, I was too hasty in acting.

Yes, I shouldn't have made that request right away. Of course Shasa feels angry, what's the difference between me and Mr. Ronggo.

Ah, damn it! I curse my stupidity. I have to apologize to him today too. Hurry up I head to my car, then drive at high speed.

Shasa's shop is my goal right now, I have to meet Shasa and apologize to him.

Halfway through I was forced to stop because the fire of the fire department siren asked the drivers to pull over. One by one fire engine passed me, there were 7 cars according to my count. It must have been a huge fire to eat up to that many cars that were brought by Damkar.

After the cars were invisible again, I started running my car again. Getting closer to Shasa's shop the road got worse, until I arrived at the intersection to the shop I could not pass at all.

The road was closed by the Police, the Police diverted the flow of traffic to the right direction of the road.

I parked the car on the side of the road, because my goal was to go straight instead of turning right.

"Sorry sir, why is the way forward closed, if I turn right I have to turn far sir!" my protest to the Police Officer who is arranging the flow of traffic.

"There is a fire in front of sir, forcuma Mr. the road continues also the mischief can pass, the fire is very large. More than ten shops have caught fire!" answer the Police Officer patiently.

"Shop fire, what's the fire near JPO sir!" I asked was-was.

Somehow I feel that my guess is right.

"Yes, that is the location."

That's where Shasa's shop is, without thinking, I broke through the police line by jumping over it. Then ran to the location of the fire.

"Hey, where are you going!" asked the Police Officer.

"Sorry sir, my shop is being confiscated," I lied.

The police officer motioned for me to leave, as soon as I ran as fast as he could. My breath was almost dislodged, but I kept running. Arrived it was located many people were gathered there. It turned out that the fire was very large, the shops lined the street were all on fire.

I was shocked to forget to close my mouth because it turned out that Shasa's shop was also on fire. It was almost completely devoured by the red hero.

My eyes are looking for the existence of Shasa and his younger brother among his people. After a long time searching here and there I finally managed to find Shasa who was sitting on the grass opposite his shop.

I was afraid that he who was crying was being hugged by his sister, the situation was really chaotic. Strangely, when the fire was like this the hawkers were looking for opportunities to sell. Incidentally, I called the hawker.

After buying three bottles of mineral water, I approached Shasa and her engrossed.

"Sha!" call me doubt.

Shasa looked up, her tears still wet her smooth white cheeks. Kusodoran two bottles of mineral water which were immediately welcomed by his younger brother. Shasa refused my gift drink bottle, she stood up angrily.

"what are you doing here again. Want to mock me, insult my misfortune. Or force me to accept Mas's request!" She shouted with tears.

"Sis, calm down. Be patient, don't be angry, "persuade her sister.

"It's better, leave now from here!" Shasa pushed my body with the rest of her power.

Of course that didn't mean anything to me, instead Shasa, who almost tripped over a rock scattered on the grass. I quickly caught his olling body about to fall into the ground.

"Calm down, I deliberately want to apologize to you. Gak nenjana until here instead witnessed a fire like this, "my stall tried to calm Shasa.

Shasa instead became increasingly hysterical in tears, the hijab was wet with tears. I feel sorry for him, surely this event hit his mind.

"Everything's up, Mas, I have nothing else. My sister and I live a kara in this city. We are not here to have anyone else, "complained Shasa, hugging her sister who is now also crying.

Jedarrrr ... the lightning sound suddenly struck exorbitantly. The wind starts to feel cold a sign of rain will soon fall.

"If you want, while you can stay in my house. There is Papa and my Moms. You can stay in the pavilion behind my house!" my proposal after thinking for a moment.

Shasa looked at me in disbelief, maybe she felt suspicious of me. I tried to smile, it was only natural that he felt suspicious of me because of my talk in the warehouse earlier.

"Damn it, let us be fined refugees for a while!" reject it.

"Yes Mas, let us just be here first, it's better to just go home!" connect Shakira his younger brother.

I felt hopeless with Shasa's rejection. How can I carry out punishment from that behavioral friend at this time.

Not to mention Papa's ultimatum, no! I don't want to be married to Zuriah!

"All right, I'm saying goodbye first. If there is a problem don't hang up contact me!"

To be continued