

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · Ciudad
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17 Chs

Not About Me

Chapter 17

"Shasa, you haven't answered my question!" I complained angrily.

"We succeeded in fulfilling Mama's wish, Mas! Soon Mama will have a grandchild!"

"Yes, Allah. Thank God. It's true, Sha. You're pregnant, I'm very happy Sha. You're happy too, right?"

"Yes, I'm happy Mas. For Mama's sake!" replied Shasa in a flat voice.

I don't care even though Shasa says he's happy for Mama's sake. I'm happy because soon will be a father. I hugged Shasa tightly, I whispered a word of thanks which he replied with a nod.

"Come on, let's tell Mama and Papa the good news!" I asked still hugging him.

Mama and Papa are enjoying their breakfast, Papa is feeding Mama because her health is still not fully recovered. Luckily Mama didn't have a stroke, she just couldn't stand for long.

"Good morning Mom, Dad!" I greeted after telling Shasa to sit in a chair near Mama.

"Mmm, morning!" answered Mama indifferently as usual.

Papa smiled at us, he was well aware of the theatrics of our intimacy in front of him.

"Pa, Ma, we want to deliver happy news. Good news for Mama, here!" I gave the pregnancy test kit to Mama.

Mama took it, immediately the expression on her face changed. Mama smiled happily, she touched Shasa's cheeks gently.

"Is this true honey. Are you pregnant?"

"Yes, Ma. But I'm not sure, because I haven't seen a doctor yet," said Shasa.

"Hisyam, take Mama and Shasa to the hospital this morning too. Mama is sure that Shasa is pregnant but to make sure we go to the doctor. Check your health as well, Sha!"

"But, Ma. Your health hasn't recovered yet," I remembered because Mama was so excited.

"No, Mama is healthy. You see, Mama can walk alone, right? Come on, hurry up, Syam!" Mama stood up and walked up and down excitedly.

Papa gave the code to follow Mama's wish, I rushed to get the car ignition key in the room.

Shasa led Mama to walk to the car garage, they immediately got into the car as soon as I opened the car door.

"How late are you, Sha?" Mama asked in the middle of our journey.

"It's been more than a week, Ma. Almost two weeks in fact," Shasa replied, glancing at me.

"Fix, Mama is sure you are pregnant, Sha. Syam, hurry up and bring the car, Mama can't wait to know for sure!"

"Yes, Ma. It's already speeding, really."

Mama looks very happy, a sweet smile continues to grow on her lips. And the smile widened when Mama heard the doctor's statement after examining Shasa.

"Congratulations ma'am, you are positively pregnant," said the doctor kindly.

"Alhamdulillah, thank you, Doctor," Mama exclaimed happily.

She hugged Shasa who just looked down, whether because of embarrassment or annoyance. He just looked at me in silence.

Shasa was also still silent on the way home, he reasoned that he was dizzy when Mama asked him why he was silent.

That night, when I came home from work I did not find Shasa in my room. I looked for him in Shakira's room but he wasn't there.

"Mas, look for Mbak Shasa, okay?" Shakira asked seeing me enter her room.

"Yes, where is he, Kira?"

"In the guest room, Mas! Earlier Mbak Shasa said goodbye to Mama. She said she wanted to sleep alone, Mama has given her permission."

I gawked at Shakira's explanation. Shasa wants to sleep alone, not all this time he also sleeps alone in my room. With a sense of wonder I followed him into the guest room, it turns out the door was locked.

"Sha, Shasa. This is Mas, can you open the door for just a moment!"

Shasa opened the door and let me in.

"What are you doing again, Sha. Why do you ask to sleep in the guest room anyway!" I complained.

"I don't know, Mas. I just want to. I don't know why I don't like seeing Mas' face, it just makes me want to vomit," Shasa replied curtly.

"Yes Salam, you hate me that much. You want to vomit when you see my face?" I complained.

"Yes, indeed. Already ah, get out, I'm going to sleep!" he drove fiercely.

"Sha, I'm coming to sleep here, okay!" I cooed before he closed the door.

"No, Mas. And you need to know, our agreement still continues!" he said.

"You mean?"

"What's our agreement, Mas, forgot? We promised that we would separate after more than a year, now that I'm pregnant. There's no way we could separate while I'm pregnant, so we'll separate after this child is born!"

"What? Don't be mad at you, Sha. That's impossible. I thought you started to accept our relationship, especially after you got pregnant," I said in disbelief.

"No, Mas. I'm doing this for Mama. Not because of Mas!"

Shasa closed the door roughly, I squeezed my hair with annoyance. Shasa, what are you thinking?

I returned to my room, without changing clothes I lay down on the couch. I deliberately did not sleep in bed, who knows later Shasa changed his mind.

A week long time has passed, Shasa still persist with his attitude. My mother even supported it, because Mama thought it was a request for our future baby.

Feeling that everything I did was in vain in Shasa's eyes, I finally returned to my pre-marriage habits. Going home when the clock shows midnight then leaving for the office early in the morning without breakfast. I came home just to sleep alone.

While Shasa is also getting busier with his shop, I hear he's starting to expand his business. In front of the shop made a small tent that serves to sell fresh fruit juice. Buyers who have bought fruit at the shop can ask for juice to be made from the fruit they bought earlier.

For visitors who have bought fruit at Shasa's shop, they don't ask for fees to make the juice, or it's free. This idea was quite successful, because many people were interested in the word free, especially since the juice was not just fruit, but added milk and other decorations to make it look attractive.

To be continued