

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · Ciudad
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17 Chs


Chapter 14

Shasa opened her eyes then looked at me then took a breath with a huff.

"I feel like I'm the worst son-in-law, Mas. It feels like my sins are piling up every day," he complained.

"You and Sha are the same, what should we do. It's impossible for us to tell the truth. You might be shocked, you'll continue to get sick. You don't want that to happen."

Shasa did not respond to my words, maybe he was just as confused as I was at this time. Turns out, my problems didn't end after I got married.

In the past, Mama and my extended family asked 'when are you getting married?' If now the question changes to 'when is your wife pregnant, when will you have children?'

"Later we will think of a way out, bro, InshaAllah there will be a way. Our intentions are good, we want to please our parents."

I nodded in agreement, what can I do. Now everything goes awry, to be honest, it's wrong to lie, it's also wrong. It didn't feel like we had arrived in front of Shasa's shop. Several people seemed to be tidying up the front of the shop, Shasa came down after greeting me, then I left him heading to my office.

I only stopped briefly at the office to sign some papers, then returned to Shasa's shop to help her prepare for the opening of her new fruit shop.

After giving some instructions to the Secretary and my subordinates, I immediately went to Shasa's shop. One hour until the opening ceremony, there must have been many guests present at this time. Shasa has invited some of his friends and past loyal customers.

Half an hour later I arrived at Shasa's shop. As I expected, the atmosphere was getting busier here. Some of the guests were already present, I got out of the car and looked for Shasa's whereabouts.

Two new employees who will help Shasa are busy arranging fruit on the table. Seeing my arrival one of them came closer to greet me.

"Welcome sir, Mrs. Shasa is inside," he told him.

"Thank you!" I answered briefly.

I entered into the shop, Shasa was talking to a man. Seeing my arrival Shasa waved his hand, the man who was with him also turned.

Marcel, was he also invited by Shasa? I approached with a feeling of dislike, I don't know why I don't like it when Marcel is near Shasa.

"Hey Bro, just came. You know I brought you with you earlier." Marcel greeted me with a cheerful face.

Shasa excuse me to see the situation outside, now only the two of us are in the room.

"Hmm, I have some papers to sign earlier. Have you been here for a long time Cel?"

"It's only been half an hour I think. Oh yes, you are very kind to allow Caca to sell again."

"Of course, Shasa has been kind enough to help me. I also have to repay her kindness."

"Good Bro, that's a real man."

Shasa returned with two drinks and a small plate containing several pieces of cake. We enjoyed the treats given by Shasa while waiting for the show to begin.

According to the plan, at 10 o'clock the store opening ceremony started, Mama and Papa were also present to give prayers so that Shasa's shop would run smoothly and be successful in the future.


"Why is Mama's face so pale, Mama is sick huh?" I asked over dinner.

"It's just a headache Syam, I've already taken some headache medicine. After eating, I lie down for a while and the pain goes away," Mama replied.

Papa hasn't come home yet, this afternoon Papa said he would meet his old friend who had just returned from America. After dinner Shasa accompanied Mama to her room. I watched television accompanied by Shakira, for some reason my heart felt bad from earlier.

My mind is not calm, the television broadcast in front of me does not attract my attention at all. Shakira came out of Mama's room with a worried face.

"What is it?" I asked when Shasa arrived near me.

"Mama's body is hot, Mas. I've been taking medicine, now I'm sleeping. I'm worried Mama, what's wrong, Mas," complained Shasa.

"Hopefully it's okay Sha."

"Amen!" Shasa said then come sit beside me though not too close.

We were silent with our own thoughts, until suddenly we heard a scream from inside the room.

Me and Shasa looked at each other then both shouted, "Mama!"

I immediately jumped then ran to Mama's room, I opened the door roughly. Mom wasn't in her bed, so I immediately ran to the bathroom.

"Mama!" I shouted in panic to see Mama lying on the bathroom floor.

Shasa, who had just arrived, screamed and immediately rushed to hug Mama's body. He shook Mama's body repeatedly but Mama didn't wake up either.

"Pick up Mama, Mas. We'll take her to the hospital!" shouted Shasa made me aware of my shock.

Immediately I lifted Mama's body and took her to the car garage, Shasa followed beside me and helped open the car door.

"Mom why, sis?" Shakira followed us confused.

"Fall in the bathroom, don't ask too many questions just yet. You just wait at home!" answered Shasa quickly.

"Yes, Miss. Mas be careful with the car!" message Shakira.

I nodded then drove the car after the gate was opened Mr. Security. Kupacu my car at high speed, I'm afraid it's too late to save my mother. In my heart I kept praying that Mama would be fine.

Shasa holding Mama's body leaning on his body. Gurat sad and worried clearly depicted on Shasa's face. Luckily the streets started deserted because it was after office hours.

We arrived at the nearest hospital, Mama was immediately taken to the ICU room. Shasa and I waited outside the room with anxiety. Without realizing it, since Mama entered the ICU, Shasa was already in my arms. His head rests on my shoulder.

My hands were not aware of embracing even gently rubbed his back to calm Shasa. Until Shasa realized and immediately pushed my body away from him.

To be continued