
Hear The Liar Speak

I fell in love at first sight. To a man who I don't know. I regretted it.

Yu_Mira01 · Adolescente
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4 Chs

"I'm Smelling The Food. Smells Delicious."

[Wednesday: October 12, 2022; 3:43 pm]

I had been eating breakfast, lunch, and even dinner in the same place, just a little bit more and I'll surely grow tired of it. Gran is so ruthless, serving me the same food, over and over again. Saying: "The last time you came here with your friends, you said I'll be serving you the same food. No changes at all." That was because we rarely came here!

Anyway, despite being here all day long, I could not even see the shadow of that man. He is avoiding me, for sure.

That is why! This genius self-decided to spice my courtship some more and thought of an idea that is- to go to the back. I'm not stupid though and will not be approaching him, just looking at him, trying to know what is his interest.

So instead of entering in the front. I walk to the side, reaching the back. There was smoke coming out of the small window on top of the wall, reaching the roof. There was no way I could reach it. I thought: if you can't see from the outside, just enter. And so I did just that. I walk to the door as quietly as I can. Upon standing in front of it. I brace myself and my hand grabs the doorknob. Before I could even twist it, it twisted itself and the door was pulled from the inside. Not prepared for it, I stumbled inside and my body smash into something smelly, my face twisted into an ugly expression. Before I could determine what that is, my body leaned to the side ready to drop to the floor. It was a good thing...or not, my hand instinctively reacted and grab hold of something. It was to no avail because my face came face-to-face with the floor. I feel something wet, slippery, and smelly from my back to my neck and the back of my head. There was a sound of something dropping onto the floor. That substance slid down my face as I tried to sit up.

I look at myself and the unidentified substance on the floor. My face twisted again from the smell.

"What are you doing?" My head almost snaps from abruptly looking up. There stood the man I'd been missing for years...a week.

My nose twitched from the smell and I instantly answer without thinking. "I'm smelling the food. Smells delicious."

He was silent.


Les: I'm smelling the food. Smells delicious.

Husband: ...

Les: Did you cook it?

Husband: ...

Les: I want to eat it.

Husband: ... (I wanna see you try.)