
Hear The Liar Speak

I fell in love at first sight. To a man who I don't know. I regretted it.

Yu_Mira01 · Adolescente
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4 Chs

"I'm Going To Pursue Him!"

[Monday: October 3, 2022; 1:20 pm]

My friends laugh. They had been laughing since we exit that place. I clench my teeth, looking at their hysterical selves, the embarrassment finally caught up to me.

I reprimanded them to shut up, but who are they again? Of course, they never listen, instead, it grows worst that I can feel my vein bulge.

After how many long, they stop, gasping for breath. Clearing her throat, my friend Tani said: "Congrats girl, for being the only single-"

Fei cuts her off with a cough, but Tani did not even pay attention to her and continued: "-who acts like those kinds of cheap boys on the street, whistling at every sexy girl who walks in front of them."

"I do not!" I announced.

"Yeah?" Freyz said slowly. "That's what he thought though." She glances at me before returning to polishing her overly perfect nails. "What'd you gonna do about it?"

I stayed silent for a few seconds until I announced loudly: "I'm going to pursue him, what'd you gonna do about it?" I copied her way of speaking, she scoff lightly and did not pay me attention anymore.

"You go, girl!" Someone shouted from not so far away, disrupting the moment of silence.

Finding my supporter, my chin held up high, nose sticking to the sky, I walk away proudly. Determine to get that man, mine.



His smile slid off and he look at me blankly. His lips slightly curve up into one side, as he spoke the words slowly: "Sorry, I don't have a cellphone." His gaze looks away. "Find someone else to flirt with." Without waiting for any response, he walks away, without looking back.

It was the first time they ate to the end without any words spoken. They finish immediately, paid, and left.

The atmosphere was quiet and awkward until it was broken by Louise's chuckling. All of them started to laugh, except for me, of course. My mind keep replaying his reply, making me embarrassed, and at the same time angry.

They may be laughing...

...But they all knew deep inside, there was a cold feeling they could not shake off.



Me: How come I've never seen him before?

Hel: He's always been here.

Me: What?!

Freyz: He's always in the back. Never interacting with the customers.

Me: How come you all know, but I don't?

Louise: I never knew-

Tani: Because you were focused on the other handsome boys eating!

Me: Oh.