
Ch. 32 - High Quality Friends Indeed

I quickly sat down before my knees gave way.

"Uh…" I quickly ran through all the excuses I could muster up at short notice but came up blank. "I have. I'm sorry."

"Oh, it isn't a big deal, no need to apologise. I just wanted to know if it was you, or if something was wrong with the system," said Kai.

"Ah…" I massaged the bridge of my nose. I was very, very thankful that Kai was such an understanding guy.

"What are the papers for?" Kai asked. "I didn't think you knew much about science." Okay, thanks.

"Oh, they're for, uh…"

Again, the excuse making part of my brain drew a blank, so I decided to just tell Kai the truth about it all, diary included.

"I see…" muttered Kai ten or so minutes later. "That's quite fascinating."


"Can you send me over these pages?" he asked.

"I'm sorry?"

"The diary pages, the photos that Aron took of them. I'd like to have a look, see what I can do to help."