
Her roommate is missing

Aroush look at the phone after ending the call with Jad, she smiled then plugged it and went out of the room, it's after she left that she remembers She might need the phone to call Chika when she find anything important about Kal and chika might want to call her too so she stroll back to the room switched off the power source after removing the phone from charging point and she went out after closing the room, she moves directly to A'ish room that's Kal best friend and course mate.

She so lucky to find A'ish at the room, she entered the room delightedly saying peace be o

Upen you, A'ish answered "Peace be upon you to" she also welcomed her with a warm hearted delight, and asked her to sit showing her the the bed.

Aroush waves her two hand, saying " No i am actually in a hurry, please did Kal tell you of where she is going, it's been hours she went out and not back yet since morning", Aroush asked looking less worried Hoping that A'ish knows something about her roommate (Kal) where abouts.

A'ish contortion seem to be shock, "what do you mean she isn't around since morning?, Ask you can see it's just now that i come back from class, and i keep telling myself i will go and check on her after i rest to see the reason why she did not attend not even one Lecture today, i thought she isn't feeling fine", A'ish said with a worried face.

Aroush exhaled a heavy air before saying "Where will she be, i think we should call her family but we need to do it in a way they won't figure anything" Aroush advice.

Ai'sh shakes her head with confirmation, "Yes it might be she went home let me try her mum number" A'ish said with relief even after knowing Kal won't go home without telling her, but still another part of her is telling her Kal is surely at home. So she dialed the number then put it on laud speaker for Aroush to hear their conversation.

Calling Kal's Mom's number she answered the call in just few seconds, "hello Mama good afternoon", she greeted Kal's mom with respect bowing her head a little as if mama was seeing he. "Good afternoon my dear how are you?" mama replied to A'ish in a soft voice.

"I am fine" A'ish replied shortly.

Mama smile in a way Ai'sh can hear the sound of her pleasure "Oh that's good i am just about to call you, and you call first, where is Kal please give her the phone i want to speak to her have been trying her phone number but not reachable" Mama said. Aroush heart pounded hearing what Mama said, she looks at A'ish and whispered to A'ish to not tell Mama that Kal is no where to be found.

A'ish wipe the sweat that suddenly flow her face from her forehead she is not a good liar her voice tremble as she speak had it's been mama is not in a noisy crowded place she would have pigure something is wrong " um eh oh mama it's nothing ...... she suddenly remembered mama do not ask if something was wrong so she quickly said "ok Mama i will tell her to call you she's now in class i wasn't so fine that's why i do not attend and for her phone it's because we do have some power problem in our hostel". She lies trying to put some confidence in her voice.

"Ok don't worry dear, you please tell her to call me when you meet her", Mama requested before ending the call with A'ish, she is actually not suspicious of anything because A'ish use to call to greet her from time to time. Ending the call A'ish looks at Aroush who was standing struggling in her mind with different negative thought, kidnapping and raping is the first thing that come to her mind when Kal's mother respond with asking where her daughter is, her heart decided to beat faster than before thinking what if Kal is kidnapped or rape somewhere around the school.

The sudden thought about the students that are recently kidnapped who are students of Faculty of engineering on their way to collect water from school Bohol to student hostel, made her legs quarks, also the thought about how raping female student while out early in the morning is becoming seriously a regular thing, increase her fear about her roommate.

Seems like Aroush and A'ish are thinking the same thing with the way they said same words at the same time " why not we report to school authority" they both said, that's what we need to do but we need to go and find chika she might have found her Aroush Advice.

She snapped, "

Yeh you are right let go to the garden and find her" A'ish said rising to standing position extending her hand a little to carry her veil, roll it over her head pick the room key and they went out together to the main hostel entrance after A'ish close their room. Where are you going this late evening Sarah said holding a plastic kettle seems like she is from toilet.

Aroush narrated what happened to Sarah with a fear face, sounding so weak and in fear. Sarah was shocked too, she look at them open mouthed her eyes wide open, "i think it will be good if we can report to security office and students affairs, i will call Nas to help us and report to students affairs am very sure if we said we are to go and inform students affairs and then security office it might be late they may closed, so you guys should head to students affairs.

"Yes you are right, please call him, Aroush said as she walks hurriedly, the thinking of being rape or kidnapped that keeps coming her mind made her want to go and inform before something get serious.

On their way out of the hostel asking whoever they come across with if any of them saw Kal, but non of them saw her, they walk directly to garden where they saw Chika roaming around, Aroush raise her voice a little and call out chika's name. Chika turned and swiftly trudge to them did she come back Chika asked coming closer.

No we need to go to students affairs Nas will go to security office, A'isha said to chika what! Chika said widen her eyes don't tell me you all are thinking of what am thinking, Aroush slightly closed her right eye looking at chika what are you thinking, she ask with a curious gaze.

She inhaled a heavy air before exhaling it, keep quiet a little without saying anything.

Please what are you thinking say it, A'isha begged

Chika waves her two palms " i don't want to say it but my stupid mine keep asking what if Nur kidnapped or rape her", chika said with disappointed face, Aroush heart beat faster than before, she likewise that of Ai'sh now that Chika said it their anxiety increases they totally forget about the guy stalking Kal.