
Episode 1: First Encounter

So we were writing an End of School exams. 5 days to complete 10 papers and I was worked out by the third day. Studies and midnight class sessions were killing me and I couldn't opt out now when I was so close to finally being out of Junior High. I think I slept after the first paper for the third day, Wednesday. Nicky is such a jerk. I was having a cold swim in my dreams this hot day and she just had to wake me up with her hunger issues. She's an old friend I had before we all came to this school. More of like close friends than best friends. I don't believe in best friends. I've suffered enough best friend heart break and I don't want to fall victim anymore. Long story.

I'm awake now with red eyes and she's saying something I can't hear. Well I follow her but my brains are still in the pool in my dreams taking the bath. I think she says we should get some food because I see we're heading to the canteen. Nicky offers to be in the line and I gladly accept to sit and wait for her to get the food so I can leave this place.

As I sit , OMG! There's a guy standing some meters away from me and he looks....well, my type of guy. Tall, not so taller than me.


Nice haircut.

Well I imagine he comes up to me to ask for my contact but hey this is the real world and no one notices some girl like me. I wasn't not so bad looking but i had this pretty bad haircut and I was avoiding people or people were avoiding me.....whatever.

I sigh at the thought that this boy comes up to me and leave with Nicky as she's done. I think I'm fully awake now because she's talking about her ex and blah blah blah. I just saw the guy of my dreams and I'm planning our marriage in my head but this girl is distracting me. So we get to the dining hall to finish our food and head back to the hall to complete the last paper of the day.