

Xian died drowning, but he still haven't accept his death. Given a second chance in life, he woke up one day in a body of a tyrant king. He is Alive! What his Queen want to kill him? Xian: My Queen, you cannot kill me. Queen: Why not ? Xian: If you kill me, then who would satisfy you at night? Queen: ...

ClegFuji · LGBT+
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32 Chs

Chapter 31

The young man bowed his head in respect once he saw Xian.

" Your majesty" he called while bowing down.

" you may raise your head ." Xian said, smiling at the young man.

" You know him ?" Eckart asked, looking at him with his questioning gaze.

" Indeed, without this young man, my plans wouldn't be able to work out at all, perhaps I wouldn't even think of those plans in the first place without this child." He said and then looked at the physician." I also thank you for thanking Chiron. Without your help he wouldn't be able to open a new path and achieve his dream."

" Your Majesty, you don't need to thank this old man. This child had great potential. It's my honor to be able to take him as my disciple." The Physician said, bowing his head.

" I see, that's good to hear." Xian said, smiling as his gaze goes back to the young man. " Don't disappoint your master now, work hard and learn as much as you can, I have a lot of expectations for your growth."

" Yes your Majesty, I won't disappoint your expectations!" The young man said as he smiled from ear to ear after hearing that his majesty has a lot of expectation towards him. If only he knew that Xian only plans to use him for his own benefits he probably wouldn't react the same way he is right now, but of course he doesn't know any of it.

" So can you help me fix my wounds? I would also like for a full body examination as well." Xian said, smiling at them.

" Of course, your majesty! " They said and immediately started fixing his wounds first.

Feeling that the young Junon was still looking at him for an explanation, Xian looked at the man and smiled. He's not really the type of man to explain things to someone whether they're his ally or not. Ignez and his men back then have gotten used to this attitude of his. They just do as they were told no question asked, but of course he knew that he's situation isn't the same as before. People here don't know him or how he does things at all; Even so he doesn't plan on explaining himself right now nor in the future.

" I should probably go to my Queen right now. He's probably suffering right now." Xian said, smiling just as soon as they finished patching him up and checking his body if there's anything else wrong.

He immediately stood up and walked away. Yes this is the best way to get away from an unfavourable situation. WALK AWAY


Aizel is clutching his fist on the sheets as he catches his breath. He feels like his body is being burned inside out. It's getting harder and harder to breathe. He feels like he's losing his consciousness. He wants something but he doesn't know what. He wants this thing to end but he doesn't know how.

Slowly the door creaks open as a man with an ash grey colored hair walks inside the room looking down at him with his devilish grin.

There's only one thing Aizel thought when he saw the young man.

He's enjoying this. He's enjoying his suffering.

" Hello Wife. " Xian said, looking at his Queen.

He's queen is very adorable right now. He's gripping into the sheets, trying to catch his breath. He's face is red and his clothes are a mess. He's robes barely cover his chest and his legs don't even have any covers at all. Only a piece of fabric is the only thing that's preventing him from seeing his lower half. Indeed this is the scene that he wished to see.

" How are you feeling, wife?" Xian asked, smirking teasing the man before him.

" Y - Your majesty… " the young general begged, calling him.

Xian walked closer and lifted up his chin " yes wife?"

" Please… Y- Your majesty… Please" the young general begged again looking at the devilish man before him.

" Please what My Queen? Tell me. " Xian asked grinning as he slowly licked his lower lip.

Aizel moans with the touch of him. He wants more. He wants this man to touch him more. To explore every inch of his body. He wants him to make a mess out of him.

" Your Majesty… please.. Uhhh.. Please.. Touch me" Aizel begged looking at the cruel man before him.

" Of course wife it's my pleasure to serve you" Xian whispered and kissed his lips, slipping his tongue in and expertly exploring every inch of his mouth, making him gasp out of breath, while his hands skillfully stripped him naked as he gently laid him down and stared and him like he's memorising every inch of his body.

" gorgeous" Xian exclaimed.

Aizel felt embarrassed and ashamed, he doesn't know why even though he already saw his body multiple times but he couldn't help the urge of covering his body. His stares are making him uncomfortable, making him want to dig up the ground and hide himself.

" don't" the man commanded and pinned both his hands over his head. He then kissed his lips as his hands gently traced his skin, slowly exploring every inch of his body.

He then traced his legs up to his thighs using his fingers making the Aizel moans to his touch sending shivers to his body.

Xian then kissed his neck nibbling and sucking it, leaving some marks on his fair skin as his kisses slowly travels down on his chest sucking his pink nipples and playing with them with his tongue.

Aizel could help but arc his back, moaning, with all of the man's touches. " Y- your majesty… please I want you…"

Xian smirked. " Don't blame me if it hurts, wife, you ask for it." He said as he suddenly pushed himself into him, making Aizel groan in pain, gripping the sheets while pleasure slowly creeped in with every thrust and movement he made.

Zian kisses his lips again while his hand takes the liberty to play with his sensitive part making him moans in ecstasy.

For the whole night up until dawn, Aizel was played in the palm of this man ,taming his body to where he wanted it to be, keeping him on the edge. Showing him a different kind of world he has never been, cursing his body to submit to his commands, and he knows after this night… he knows he will never be the same again.