

Xian died drowning, but he still haven't accept his death. Given a second chance in life, he woke up one day in a body of a tyrant king. He is Alive! What his Queen want to kill him? Xian: My Queen, you cannot kill me. Queen: Why not ? Xian: If you kill me, then who would satisfy you at night? Queen: ...

ClegFuji · LGBT+
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32 Chs

Chapter 28: Samael ( 1 )

Aizel couldn't believe what he's seeing, the jet black hair and his ash gray colored eyes.

" His Majesty." Aizel said in disbelief looking dumbstrucked at the young man before him.

Why? How? The last time he saw the man was when he left the imperial palace, how come he's right here in front of him, not to mention his former appearance. No matter how one sees it no man can travel from the Imperial place to the Eastal Plain with just a mere days or weeks. It's impossible!

Aizel thought of the possible ways his majesty managed to reach that place in a short amount of time, not to mention disguise as the second brother Eagle!

Seeing how his Queen looked at him with confused expression Xian couldn't help but to pull the young general and suddenly kissed him without minding the pairs of eyes that's watching them.

Feeling Xian's lips against his own, Aizel couldn't help but turn red from the embarrassment. Not only that his subordinates are watching them, even the wounded dragon is looking at them! How can his majesty do something so indecent in front of many people?!

As Xian was about to deepen the kiss and slip his hand inside the poor general's clothes, two people suddenly appeared in front of the crowd. One had long brown hair and a pair of jade colored eyes and at the back of the man is a wounded young man with silver colored hair. These two were indeed Ignez and Lionel who just escaped from the battle against Eagle.

Seeing his friend and the young general kissing before him Ignez couldn't help but curse out loud. Why in the world do this bastards choose to make out at the time like this?! Ignez said inside his head.

" Xian!" Ignez called the young king after remembering something important.

Hearing his friend's voice, Xian looked at the two men as his face suddenly turned serious.

" Ellis!" Seeing his brother severely wounded and being carried at the back of the man before them he couldn't help but try to run toward their direction and check for his brother's current state but unfortunately, his body is still weak from the poison.

Seeing this, Xian immediately holds Aizel's waist not letting him fall completely on the ground.

" What happened?" Xian asked, looking at Ignez for explanation.

" There's no time to explain, we need to go!" Ignez said looking at his friend. He couldn't the disaster chasing them manage to reach them. Seeing the battle being him earlier if Eagle managed to catch them, they would be buried six feet underground.

Knowing how serious the situation is, Xian nodded his head, but before he can say something, he felt something coming from his back and immediately dodge carrying the young general on his arms.

" Dagon. " he said, looking at the wounded man before him. If his guess is right, seeing Ignez and Ellis' current status, it wouldn't be long before Eagle comes to their current location, and even though he has wounded the dragon, even with his queen's help they wouldn't be able to stop the two brothers.

Pulling out a black sword on his hand the slash towards Dragon with a single hand, creating a wind like blade forcing Dragon a few steps back.

Seeing this Xian clicked his tongue and looked at the soldiers around him. He ran towards a soldier making him carry his queen and then looked back at Dragon.

" Everyone, this is an order retreat! Eagle is coming this way, take your queen and follow the man before you! He will take you to a safe place. I will hold off Dragon as much as I can!" Xian said as he ran towards Dragon and attacked him.

" Your Majesty!" Aizel called, trying to stop Xian but his body is still weak not to mention his eyes begins to blurry.

Hearing their king's order the soldier couldn't do anything but retreat following the young man that's carrying their commander. Seeing the soldiers trying to leave the dragon tried to chase after them to prevent them from leaving but even before he took a few steps, he was already blocked by Xian.

Looking at the young man before him, Dragon laughed. " Do you really think you would be able to stop me, huh, Samael?"

Xian smirked hearing the name coming out from Dragon's mouth. " We wouldn't know unless I tried"

Dragon laughed louder " I don't know either to call you bold or stupid. You poisoned the cold hearted general instead of working together with him. Don't you think you would have a better chance defeating me that way?"

Xian chuckled hearing what Dragon said.

" And you think I'm stupid not to know your plans for my Queen? Even though I only spend some time here as Samael, I know well enough that you guys already have a plan against my Queen, isn't that right second brother?" Xian said turning his head at the side and there appeared a man with ash gray colored hair and a pair of hazel colored eyes.

" Eagle, finally you're here!" Dragon said, walking towards Eagle.

" Here brother, drink this" Eagle replied giving a bottle to his brother. Dragon took the liquid and slowly his wound started to heal.

" Well then shall we start again, your majesty?" dragon said grinning at Xian.

Hello everyone! Sorry for not being able to update constanly. To be honest, I'm just borrowing my cousin's laptop to write every chapter and because of her school i wasn't able to use it often.

Anyway, for you guys who's continuing to read and follow this story thank you very much for your support. ( ^ w ^ ) I will try to update as much as I can but due to my circumstances I hope make any promises. ( v _ v )

Anyway, once again, thank you very much for your support and if you have any question or anything you want to say, you can write it in the comment. I read all of your comments and it's giving me motiovation to continue on this story.

Once again thank you very much. ( ^ w ^ ) see you all next time! See ya ~

ClegFujicreators' thoughts