
He Is More Than Just A Billionaire

Coming from a poor background with no parents, Alex was a boy one would say has no future but being blessed with supernatural wisdom and being a step ahead of everyone together with supreme blessing, Alex is someone you wouldn't want to understand estimate. Even money and fame means nothing to him but for some reason Alex seem to have one thing his really passionate about and that it ....

ThatAuthor_Xander · Fantasía
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21 Chs

A Dream

Alex got home after and after playing with Bruno for a while he went to bed. Alex slept peacefully but then he started having weird dreams, this dream was more like a vision tho as he could a grand battle between both light and darkness. He surprised at this but was even more surprised when he saw mr.old man Richard Breeze in this battle, he was among the light thankfully.

The battle was really intense and despite how intense it was non of the light warriors where dead they weren't even scratched, it shows just how skillful they where because the dark side where also skillful and aura they had was definitely not that of an amateur but for the light warriors were just on another level and everything was going fine until some one of the light warriors started manifesting and in the next moments he was dark and due to him being in the mist of the light warriors he was able to cause confusion and managed to attack the light warriors

The light warriors got scared at this and they lost their strategy and this gave the dark warriors a chance and they decided to even the fight and even overpowered them, this caused the light warriors to retreat by opening a multiple portal but not everyone got out as few went to earth but even the dark ones followed and a lot of them but a few what appears to be light generals stayed to protect the portal to avoid any more demons going through the portal aand it was 7 of them remaining and surprisingly this seven where holding their ground as despite the dark warriors being in hundred of thousands of even millions they did not go down as they weren't distracted and they amor seem to glow showing they were serious now

Everything was good tho but then seeing they could hold thier ground who appears to be the commander decided to go to earth and make sure the rest of those light warriors did not go astray and bring them back, Alex saw all this but couldn't see the faces of these generals, all he could see is light on their faces and with that Alex woke up

Alex woke up sweating and saw it's morning, he got up and did his routine but wasn't going to work today due to him being the ceo he won't need to go to work everyday. After Alex had eaten in the dinning he went to the living room and simply laid while thinking of what he just saw

Alex laid there for hours without moving while trying to understand what he saw, both Bruno and Michael noticed how he had been laying in the same place for hours and decided to cheer him up as they asked him to follow them on a work as it would clear his mind which he agreed

While walking on the islands gardens, it actually helped as Alex was not as worried as before any longer. He played with Michael and bruno and it was quite fun

"So tell me sir, why where you worried earlier" Michael decided to ask

" I had a crazy dream" Alex said as he proceeded to tell Michael the what happened

"So you had a dream of the battle between light and darkness" Michael said to be sure "like demons fighting Angels"

"Yes I did" Alex confirmed " but what's crazy is that I saw Richard Breeze and he was in his prime "

" Mr. Richard? He was there?" Michael said " did you see any thing else, like the commanders of the angel and demon"

"I wasn't even looking at the demons cause they were getting their ass whooped, I was focused on the angel but I couldn't see the commanders"

"Where the demons really loosing that bad to you" Michael said still emphasizing on the demons which made Alex wanna look at him twice

" But anyways it's a dream" Alex said to brush it off

Later in the night, Alex got back to the mansion and checked his phone to see several missed called and when he checked the callers id he Cupid, she called him over a hundred times and alex did not even bother calling back but he did see another missed call from Elsa which he also ignored as it didn't natter to him but then he got a messages saying

*Meet me at fagito's golden restaurant*

This was the most expensive restaurant in the world and Alex was for sure not going to go but he decided to give a response

*I understand that your just hungry for food but at least have a little dignity, you don't need to sell your self respect for just two plates of food...that's if it worths it*

Alex sent the message with a smile as he went to have a bath and watched TV with Michael and bruno



Immediately Elsa's phone gave the notification bell she checked her phone and was shocked to see Alex replied but was then furious at what the reply says but she tried her best to stay positive

" At least he replied and if he wasn't interested in me he wouldn't have replied at all" Elsa said almost as if she couldn't read or get the meaning of the message Alex sent " He will definitely show up, he's just playing had to get but I know he's dieing to get me"

... . .....

Back at Alex's island, they where all done watching TV and decided to go to bed, Alex went straight to bed while Michael went to put Bruno to sleep but he did not go to bed and instead he came to check on Alex to ensure he was asleep, after confirming that he went out of the mansion and then out of the island but the mansions system did not make any alarm or sending a warning as even to go out of the island a code must be inputted in the mansion system but Michael just went out and walked right through the barrier with out getting hurt

"Apparently, thousand of year of war is about to resurface this time, we won't lose" Michael said with a serious expression and a serious tone


authors note: please guys don't forget to vote with power stones and please add to your library, if you find any error please point it out or simply comment error and I'll go through the chapter again to fix that, thanks guy appreciate the support and please remember you are loved by the Almighty