
He Is More Than Just A Billionaire

Coming from a poor background with no parents, Alex was a boy one would say has no future but being blessed with supernatural wisdom and being a step ahead of everyone together with supreme blessing, Alex is someone you wouldn't want to understand estimate. Even money and fame means nothing to him but for some reason Alex seem to have one thing his really passionate about and that it ....

ThatAuthor_Xander · Fantasía
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21 Chs

A Believer

After a long while of traveling through the wilderness Alex finally arrived at the Paragon realm. He was glad to finally be seeing buildings and people rather than just the thick wilderness but unknown to him, he just arrived at the region were meliodas and anos were going to "talk things out". They both agreed to discuss about their leadership over the paragon realm to avoid any war.

Alex walked across this part of the paragon town and was surprised to see people using magic. As soon as he went deeper into the town he suddenly recieved a notification.

{ Demons up ahead }

Alex had been fighting beast but have never confronted a demon before and he wanted to test his strength against it.

{ You shouldn't go after the demon, you will only let the demon lords know you are here and that will blow your cover}

"So what should I do now"

{ I'll have to surpress your aura and light scent to avoid them noticing you}

Alex walked deeper into the town and saw both paragon and demons living and sleeping together. He could see different type of hybrids of both race, he decided to ignore all this and focus on getting the next two commandment.

He followed the system map and it led him to a small hut. He got closer to it and knocked on the door

" Who are you" an old man opened the door and walked out " are you one of those demons"

" You know that the paragons are living with the demons" Alex was surprised at this as he thought the Paragon were not aware even tho it was so obvious they were demons

" Of course I do" the old man said

" Aren't you scared they will kill you for this, what if I was a demon . You could have been attacked sir"

" I have not been given a spirit of fear boy, but power and love and indeed of a sound mind. I do not fear them for they can only kill my flesh, instead I fear the one who can kill both the flesh and soul"

{ Ding you just meat a believer}

' huh?, he believes in I AM"

{ Indeed now get straight to the point}

" Sir, I am here to recruit your son as one of the commandments "

" My son? are you a commandment" the old man asked

" Yes sir, I'm the commandment of love"

" Ahh, my boy is in the garden taking care of the sheep's" the old man said as he pointed to the direction of his garden

" Very well sir, I'll go find him" Alex said as he went towards the direction


Meliodas and Anos was about to meet at the same town as Alex. They decided to meet at noon unlike the wilderness that was darkness, there was actually day and night.

Immediately it was noon everyone has went inside as the two greater demons in charge of the paragon realm was about to meet. Meliodas was dressed in a suit inner and a pant with small pair of shoes while anos wore a track suit. This two who were considered rulers of the paragon realm were dressed so casual like they were actually. Meliodas a demon of wrath and Anos a demon tyranny were both at the same place.

" Well, well,well Anos, we meet again. Let's talk about this whole ruler of the paragon realm before things gets out of hand" meliodas said casually

" The only reason I want to rule the paragon realm is because you can't control your armies" anos simply said

" What do you mean"

" Your demons killed on of my own and rather than causing a war I'm simply asking to be in control to avoid that from happening "

" You I can't do that but rather than this can't we put this behind us"

" We are demons, we don't forgive anything. I'm simply trading war with power"

" But anos"

" Do you accept, yes or ... No" anos said getting serious now

" ... No"

" Very well then" Anos said and as he said the a huge explosion was heard. Meliodas turned around to see he's fallen comrade who accompanied him. This was a result of Anos destruction magic

"Let's not try to avoid the inevitable now " Anos said but meliodas did not reply and simply turned around, Anos looked at meliodas and could see a black marking on his forehead and in his eyes nothing but darkness. And the inescapable war bagun.


Alex arrived at the old man son location and could see him fighting of a tiger as the sheep's ran to safety and just like every dramatic story a sheep was left behind and now the boy was distracted, he quickly ran towards the sheep and brought it out from the tree root that it was stocked in, Alex had a lot of questions but the most important one right now was how exactly did that sheep chose to run towards a tree when every other sheep was running the opposite way. The young man saved the sheep but before he could turn the tigers jaw was already at his face, obviously this was Alex's line as he jumped in and took it out with a single punch. The tiger has yellow aura so it's threat level was next to none

Alex did not waste any time at all and introduced himself he told the young man how his dad had told him where he was and told him he is one of the commandments.

" So what's your name " Alex asked

" I'm Arthur"

" Alright nice to meet you Arthur, are you a believer"

" Yes I am" Arthur said

" Please do allow me to anoint you and join me on my mission to get the remaining commandments"

" Sure" Arthur said as he got on his knees, the system had given him an anoint oil to place on the commandments head to activate their commandment

{ Congratulations you have found one of the commandments}

{ 2/10}

{ Commandment of Honor found}

{ Honor thy father and mother }


Hey guys, I'm going to stop asking you guys to vote or comment and would simply just keep updating, note this would mean I won't reply to you even if you do comment, and guys remember Jesus loves y'all

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