

Carl is seen as a loser by almost everyone. Cheated on by his wife with his best friend, he thinks he had lost it all until he discovers something that would change his life forever. *** “Who are you?” “My name is Rogers, young master and you are the heir of Mr. Perkins Stewart, the world richest Man!!”

Boluwatife_esther · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Chapter One

Carl was happy. He wasn't happy because he was doing the dishes, he was happy because his wife had asked him to.

They had a fight a couple of days ago and she had stopped speaking to him, locked him out of the house that night and left him in the rain. He looked like a wet dog when she opened the door the next morning and saw him sitting on the doorsteps.

Was he expecting her to be sorry and welcome him with a hot cup of tea? No, but that didn't mean he didn't hope that maybe, just maybe she'd change.

That was all they ever did these days, fight. Carl couldn't remember the last time they had gone a week without fighting. It wasn't always like this. Five years ago, he had the dream wife, dream marriage, dream life. Bethany had loved him despite the little he had.

That single fact alone was the conflict surrounding his marriage. His friends had warned him against her, they told her that she wasn't right for him.

"Why don't you just listen to us, Carl?"His friends begged him.

"Carl, if you marry her, you will regret it."His nun at the orphanage where he grew up warned him.

Of course Carl didn't listen. He felt his friends were just jealous that a beautiful and rich girl like Bethany would even look his way.

None of them came for the wedding, not even his friends. Questions were asked and Carl had to lie that his family had died out just to avoid embarrassment. His best friend, Matt was there for him though.

After the wedding, he lost touch with everybody. In the town where he came from, disobeying family was more like going against the whole town so everyone stayed away from him so they wouldn't become outcasts too.

He had no one but Bethany was there for him. She loved him dearly and she was fine with whatever Carl gave to her no matter how small it was. Most times, she'd have to pretend to go over to her parents house so she could get food and money for them.

His wife was perfect. He held off having kids until they had saved enough money and she denied herself every pleasurable thing she could get just so Carl won't feel useless. That all changed when she had to go on a family vacation and Carl couldn't go because of his job.

Bethany came back a changed person. She became more snappy and she got angry at the slightest provocation. She nagged about everything in the house and talked down on Carl. He just thought it was her hormones and it would probably wear off after a while but it had been 4 years and he had given up hope.

He would do anything to get his wife back so when she woke him up this morning with a smile and asked him to do the house chores and she'll forgive him, he didn't give it a second thought.

When you're done with the dishes, you can wash the car as well. It's really dusty. Also, don't forget to pick up dinner and do the laundry!"She bellowed from the living room.

He smiled and shook his head, thinking about how his wife was a queen and should be taken care of. Most of the guys he walked around with called him fools for doing things for his wife and they encouraged him to smack her around and be harsh to her, just to dominate her.

He knew his wife, he knew Bethany wasn't intimidated by him or any man in general. That was one of the things that attracted him to her in the first place. He put the dishes away and used the back door to access the garage.

As he began washing the car, he heard the door open.

Carl, leave the car. Go to the store and pick up dinner. I'm starving."

He smiled.

Will do. Let me finish up here first and-"

No Carl! I can't wait for you, okay? Go get me something to eat, jeez!"

And she slammed the door and walked away. He didn't waste anymore time, he followed her inside to collect the money. He felt shame wash over him as he bent down to pick the money she threw on the floor.

The mall wasn't far from the house so he got there in no time. He knew the things she liked to eat so shopping for her wasn't hard. He had a couple of coupons so he was able to cut the prices and get her things she didn't ask for. He remembered she had a sweet tooth so he threw a couple of sweets and chocolates into the cart. As he began walking home, he got a text from her.

Add these to the list. I've sent more money."

He made a U-turn for the mall, dragging the already heavy bags back with him. He didn't have a car and she had forbidden him from driving hers. He didn't have money to take the bus so he basically walked everywhere.

He dropped his already bought items on the chair with an old lady and told her he'd be back quickly. This time around, it wasn't easy finding what she had asked for because the feminine products she wanted were unique and not sold in these types of shops. But she hadn't told him that.

After a long while of searching, he began to get tired. He hadn't eaten in over a day because he had nothing to eat and he wouldn't except Bethany left over some food or gave him some spare change.

If only he hadn't lost his job six months ago, he'd still be able to manage. With a worn out body and an empty stomach, he dragged himself home, only to receive the shock of his life.