
He's only mine

Elsa is the daughter of a mafia leader, everyone was afraid of her and god help the one who disrespect her. She's fearless, heartless, controlling, quite brave and of course beautiful but she doesn't know what's love. She never loved anyone she was never jealous she hated boys she thought they're bastards that use women for their body. Everything changes when Jack moves in town, when he transfers in her school and makes Elsa feel things she never felt. He was nice, respectful, handsome and he was mysterious and different. hat will happen when they meet? What will Elsa do when she relizes his the one she wants? When she realizes that Jack's only hers and will kill everyone who tries taking him away. !!!After you finish season 1, go over to season 2! it's COMPLETED!!! WARNING +18 Please be advised that this story contains mature themes, sexual themes,violence and strong language!

lustfulsuprises · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
45 Chs

Chapter 7

*after Jack and Elsa say I love you to each other she instantly ran in the bathroom closing the door and blushing like crazy as she bites her lip looking in the mirror*

Elsa's thoughts

Like i said last night was amazing even though I feel pain everywhere but it was worth it... I'm not a virgin anymore and jack is my boyfriend everything I could ask for although this morning I through he left but he didn't thank god...and now we even said we love each other I could feel my heart pounding like crazy so I washed my face then took his shirt off me only to realize all the hickeys he gave me I blushed like crazy and took a shower

Elsa:*15 minutes later walks out of the bathroom with a short towel around her as she looks in her dresser and puts on her black thongs and starts looking for a bra but suddenly she feels someone moving their hands down her sides then she realized it's not jack as she knows his hands and his touch *

Hiccup:you look so sexy right now? *he whispers in her ear*

Elsa:I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU! *grabs a shirt putting it on then pins him hard on the wall lifting him up as his hanging*YOU HAD YOUR LAST WARNING! *growls and grips his throat hard*

Hiccup:n-no... E-elsa... *starts gasping and moving around as he tries getting her hands off his throat *I'm s-s-sorry!!

Elsa:that's what you always say but now I won't have mercy~*smirks putting him down to catch his breathing *

Hiccup:thank you*he thinks everything is over but suddenly his chest starts hurting like shit and he sees blood dripping*

Elsa:*smirks looking at him as she stabbed him in the heart *oops~*chuckles*sorry ohh waiiiit~~i am not sorry *laughs and takes another knife stabbing his chest again*

Hiccup:AGHHHH!!! *yells In pain falling down as there's a pool of blood*h-help! *he faints and she laughs*

*Jack and Anna rush inside as they both gasp *

Anna:what the hell did you do?! *she looks at her shocked *no no no*kneels down and sees he's alive then goes to call the ambulance*

Elsa:ah ah ah no no little sister *smirks taking her phone way*i want him to die slowly~i warned him a hundred times the end has come *laughs without any emotion*

*Jack goes to say something but Anna goes first *

Anna:what's wrong with you?! Yes he's horrible to you! Yes he wants you but hes still a person!? He hasn't done anything bad!! *she stands up looking at Elsa*

Elsa:*looks at her and snaps grabbing Anna's throat hard making her gasp for air *DON'T YELL AT ME OR YOU'LL END UP NEXT TO HIM! *she slams Anna on the wall making her hit her head and bleed *

Anna:*looking at Elsa broken hurt and in fear as she's shaking and holds her head as she hisses and tears up*

Jack:*gasps seeing what she did as he pins her on the wall with her hands above her head and his leg between her legs*what are you doing?!

Elsa:*looking at him angrily*let me go Jack!?! *tries moving her hands off his grip but can't as she goes to kick him *

Jack:*before she kicks him he kisses her deeply sliding his tongue in her mouth hoping this will calm her down*

Elsa:*widens her eyes and doesn't kick him instead she closes her eyes and kisses him back allowing him to slide his tongue inside her *

Jack:*smiles a bit happy that she's calm and he let's go of her hands as she instantly wraps them around his neck making the kiss deeper *

Elsa:*smiles and moans a bit as she blushes and as he hands are wrapped around his neck she rubs his hair making him groan as now she slides her tongue in his mouth making the kiss deeper *

Jack:*shocked as he blushes then hears Anna groan and remembers about hiccup as he breaks the kiss panting*

Elsa:no.. No! Get back here~*bites her lip pulling him close again with their lips inches apart *don't ever stop kissing me do you understand*she looks at him*

Jack:*chuckles*bossy~*pecks her lips as he calls the ambulance then hears her groan as she turns her back to him but he sees her clothes*Elsa! Why are you wearing only that~*he stands up walking to her and slides his hands down her sides just like Hiccup did earlier*

Elsa:*blushes and shivers by his touch as she smiles and whispers*now this is you~*turns around *I was getting dressed but he came and touched me so I lost it... I hate people touching me *looks up at him*exept you of course*she smiles and blushes*i love it when you touch me and make me feel things I have never even dreamed of~

Jack: well god damn babygirl~~just me huh~*smirks*am I allowed to touch you like this~*he slides his hands behind her on her ass and squeeze her tight while he kisses her neck*

Elsa:y-yes Jack you can touch me l-like that *she let's out a moan and relaxes but slowly feels herself getting turned on*

Jack:*chucklss and spanks her but softly and looks at her in her eyes giving her a smile *put some clothes on before I do something I will regret~

Elsa:*jumps and blushes when he spanks her* fine I guess I will let this moment slip this once,since the ambulance is coming~*then she grabs her leggings putting them on, takes her shirt off putting her bra then a crop top as the ambulance come and take Hiccup and Anna bringing them to the hospital*

*at the hospital while they're sitting down with Elsa in Jack's arms thinking back to what she did to Hiccup and her sister*

Elsa's thoughts

This morning when I was getting dressed I felt hands touching me I knew that wasn't Jack because if it was my body would've reacted instantly so of course I snapped and boom... it was hiccup of course I've had it with him his life ends today so I stabbed him thinking he died but Jack and Anna ran in of course Anna spoke first she was pissed and that made me more angry and I slammed her getting her hurt... then Jack pinned me while I was still angry I went to kick him but he kissed me and the angry emotion turned into.... pleasure.... I kissed him back we made out of course anywayyysssss~~ now we're still the hospital waiting for news

Doctor:*walks out*first your sister is okay she might be getting dizzy sometimes but she's okay don't worry

Elsa:*calms down fully and looks at the doctor not even thanking him* that's good to know and ummm... About the man?...

Doctor: the fact that he survived its a miracle*smiles*you can see your sister and the other man if you want...now I'll get going*he leaves *

Elsa:*nods then walks inside and looks at Anna on her feet* you will hurt yourself even more, so sit back down and don't act like a child

Anna:no I'm okay *rolls her eyes and backs up from Elsa*why are you always hurting me...just fucking control your anger issues...

Elsa:*looks at her also rolling her eyes getting annoyed once again*i can't fucking control my fucking anger issues. Besides it was your fault to stick your nose in my business

Jack: okay ladies enough...*sighs* just sit down Anna , we don't want you getting dizzy, all that matters is that you are fine *he smiles looking at Anna and standing next to Elsa *

Anna: yeah... I guess you are right *smiles a bit and gets dizzy as she falls and Jack catches her Instantly when she notices*

Jack:woah..! *quickly sits her down*

Elsa:*growls thinking she did that on purpose and she pulls Jack away from Anna and looks at her*stop pretending

Anna: I'm not pretending*holds her head looking up at Jack*can we just go home

*Jack nods and after he gets helps Anna get in the car he drives them home, helping them as much as he can but then he looks at Elsa*

Jack: I need to go home babygirl*he kisses her head*will you be okay?

Elsa:yes I will be just fine *looks at him and sighs*i wish you can stay thought....

Jack:call me any time okay even in 3 am *laughs*I'll come as fast as I can just for you~

Elsa:*laughs*just go dummy I'll be fine...I'll see you in school tomorrow *she smiles* byee

Jack: bye I love you *kisses her head again*see you in school babygirl~*he gets in his car and drives off*

*few hours later,Anna is asleep and Elsa is turning in her bed trying to fall asleep*

Else's thoughts

It's been 2 fucking hours! And I still can't fall asleep dang it Elsa what the heck!? Jack said I could call him anytime but I don't want to seem clingy... He has a family and they need him too..... Then a smile appeared on my lips when I remember when we said I love you I even giggled then I started imaging things with him and somehow I fell asleep

*hours later Elsa wakes up by the loud noise downstairs and instantly rushes there then sees it's a bomb ready to explode in 25 second*

Elsa:SHIT!! ANNA GET UP RIGHT NOW!??!! *she starts panicing and running as fast as possible upstairs*

Anna:what happened?!? *walks out of her room looking sleepy*

Elsa: THERE'S A BOMB COME ON! *she grabs her hand and runs outside with her while panting. Not long after that the whole house explodes in flames waking everyone up making them run outside and call the fire department and hospital incase if someone is hurt in this case their neighbors next door as they were on their balcony*

Elsa:I'LL KILL THE FUCKER WHO DID THIS!? *growls and clenches her fist angrily, going to walk off but Anna stops her*what!?

Anna: Elsa calm down you need to be calm*looks at her*you can't do anything else now expect call Jack... Please... We have time to find out who is behind this

Elsa:*looks at her and calms down when she says call Jack * I guess you are right...I need to borrow a phone! *she tells out and looks around*

*a little girl runs to her and hands it to her with a smile on her face*

Elsa: thank you very much..*she smiles at the girl then walks where there is less noise and calls Jack still breathing heavily*

Jack:*answers after few rings with a sleepy deep voice *who is this... *yawns*

Elsa:*thinks- dang he sounds sexy - then she snaps out of it *j-jack it's me Elsa there was a b-bomb that went off few minutes ago.... *gulps*

Jack:* processes when she said for few seconds then gets fully awake*what?! Are you okay!? Are you hurt?! I'm coming right over!..

Elsa: I'm okay , Anna is also okay...i think my neighbors are hurt but I need you here... If you're not here I'll end up killing everyone that pisses me off.. *smiles a bit*im waiting for you

Jack: I'm on my way babygirl*he hangs up and 10 minutes later parks his car where he can and get out instantly looking for Elsa*Elsa?!

Elsa:baby! *runs to him hugging him tight as she whispers *finally... *shaking from the cold as she's in her short pj's that are with dust *

Jack:*looks at her up and down frowning*here *takes his jacket off helps her put it on then picks her up*are you sure you're okay...

Elsa:*nods*i have nowhere to stay now... I'll fucking kill the FUCKER who did this! *she holds onto Jack as he kisses her head calming her down*get Anna ready you'll come to my house I'll talk with the cops

*after Jack speaks to the police officers he takes Elsa and Anna to his house, first showing Anna the guest room then he leads Elsa in his room closing the door behind them*

Elsa:*she looks around smiling,then she takes her dusty pj's off leaving her in underwear*hold me Jack please..... *looks at him as she lays in his bed*

Jack: you know I will babygirl*he smiles and lays next to her holding her *

*next morning he wakes up and sees her still asleep on his chest , he smiles and starts playing with her hair making her smile in her sleep but also waking her up*

....To  be continued...