
Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul

A soul brought into a heaven not their own, and cast down into a hell that didn't seem believable. Can they figure out what's going on? Or will they even seem to care? Read to find out...

optimistic_writer · Otras
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17 Chs

New face on the street's

'The conversation between me and the others went on for a little while longer before everyone had to eventually go their own separate ways. It was a bit enlightening to meet them all, seeing I had expected those who lived in hell to be pretty harsh, but, I was proven wrong. Then again, even though they weren't' all that bad, it didn't mean the rest of the population in hell was the same. Wariness was needed to keep myself alive, and continuing to live was something I was definitely planning on doing.'

'Plans were going to be set in motion, and I had so little time before I had to get back to heaven. So, I was in quite the predicament. Not like I was entirely worried seeing I could now teleport, and also fly. Thing's were either going to go down very quickly, or at the pace of a snail. Choosing between doing thing's quickly and safely were going to be difficult, but who said I couldn't choose both?'

'All I needed to do was start the foundation, then, I could work my way up from there! Hopefully it's smooth sailing, but if it isn't? Well, I'd make sure to make it as easygoing as possible the next time I came down here. And oh boy, things are going to get interesting from here on out...'


"And here's the key to your room. If you need anything, then please, just come find me!" 'I said my thanks and closed the door, turning around and looking around my hotel bedroom.'

'Charlie decided to gift me a room inside the hotel, which was considerate of her. Now I had a place down in hell, indefinitely. Nobody opposed when she offered the option of me staying here. I'm just glad that I found a place I can call safe.'

"Look's cozy, hm, wonder what Collin would think if he knew I went down into hell..." 'He'd probably worry over me and reprimand me for doing something so dumb. He's a sweet, er, guy. The problem is the fact he's really trusting of others, which I can understand seeing he's probably lived in heaven his whole life.'

'I slowly walked over to my bed, a simple bed with a velvet-colored blanket and some inviting looking white pillows. The thing is, the size of the bed is barely big enough to fit me onto it, the upside is the fact that it look's oh so comfy.'

'Slowly walking towards the bed, I decided to sit down on it and pull out my phone. Needed to call V for something. A few buttons pressed and the phone was already dialing.' *Ring* ~ *Ring* ~ *Ri- (Hello Z, it's been a little bit since we last talked, yes?) 'At least he didn't sound upset.'

'All I could do was sigh, seems since the day I met him, he's been pretty enthusiastic about talking to me on a regular daily basis. He's probably a bit upset about me not calling him for a whole week.' "And hello to you too V, how are you?" 'Had to see how he was doing.'

'There was a few moments of silence.' (I'm quite fine, so, what have you been up to? I'm quite certain you've kept yourself busy.) 'He was right about me being busy...'

'I chuckle, just thought it was funny that he could easily figure me out.' "Yeah, you could say I've been really occupied lately. And what I've been doing? Eh, some of this and some that. It's a pretty lengthy list." 'Lengthy my ass! It was a workload nobody would want!'

(Don't forget to relax every now and then, it's important to not overly stress yourself.) 'He's making himself sound like a worried mother...'

"Hehe, don't worry about little Ol me. I'm doing quite fine down here in hell." 'Let's see how he reacts to me being down here.'

(...You've already learned how to use your portal's? Hm, as to be expected of you. You always did pick up thing's relatively quickly.) 'Seem's he already expected me to go down here. Not like I couldn't have predicted that. He is capable of looking into the future, and also being able to read emotion's quite well.'

"Yep, you were right on the money. I'm already down here in hell keeping myself occupied. And I have got to say, it's been preeeetty nice so far." 'Nice is me putting it lightly, it's actually been amazing so far. Of course, I expect that to change once I leave the safety of the hotel.'

(Do be careful down there. Hell's much different from heaven. There will be many unpredictable figures down there. Especially one's that wouldn't mind killing you just for fun.)

"Eh, don't worry about me. I'll handle myself just fine down here. But, I need to ask you something real quick." 'The question I was going to ask was detrimental to my plan's down here in hell.'

(Ho? And what is it that you need to know?) ' Seemed like he was curious, figured as much.'

'Lifting a hand to my halo, I began to mess with it.' "Is there a way to make my halo disappear? It's going to be really bothersome walking around hell with this thing hanging over my head like some sort of Christmas ornament." 'Demons would most certainly hate angels, thus, I needed to rid myself of my halo to walk around hell, even if it guarantees only a little bit more safety for my wellbeing.'

 'V didn't even hesitate to answer.' (That's simple, all you need to do is feel it out. It's connected to you, thus making it a part of you. It's just like your wings, another extension to your body.') 'Dang it! That so was freaking obvious!'

'I bitterly chuckle at his words, a little embarrassed at my own incompetence.' "Oops, I didn't even take that into consideration...eheh." 'Makes me wonder what else I can control. Hm, maybe I could sprout more wings from my back? Or change the color of my flames? Those are thought's for later.'

"Well, that was the only question I had for the moment. But, besides that, how are you? Anything happen over the five day's we last saw each other? Or has it been five years? I don't actually know how slow or fast time passes for you up there." 'I was a bit curious to know how much time had passed for him.'

(Hm? Oh, it's only been five days. I simply changed the flow of time here to match the time stream in your reality.)

"Heh, I suspected as much from you. But, what's a time stream? I don't think you ever brought that up before." 'Not like I ever intended to ask him to even begin with.'

(What's a time stream? It's nothing important, just a way I can manipulate time. I can affect time in more way's than one, so, even I had decided to tell you, which I would have, it wouldn't have mattered at all. If I can change time by using this method, then, I can use other method's as well. Meaning you would learn about the other way's I manipulate time as well.) 

'My mouth formed into a 'o' shape; I understood what he was trying to say.' "Meaning if I asked about that method, then you'd want to tell me how you use the other methods as well? Hm, that'd probably take a lot of time, huh?" 'Being patient is something I'm good at, but, with him telling me all his methods? That'd probably take an infinite amount of time, and I wasn't even overexaggerating it!'

(Oh, most certainly. But, besides that, nothing much has happened here. Well, besides me viewing into your reality.) 

"Viewing into my reality?" 'What'd he mean by that?'

(When I first chose this universe for you, I barely glimpsed into it. Now that you're here though, my curiosity peaked and I wished to see what this reality was like, and I must say, I am not disappointed, did you know th-) 'Before he could say anything, I hurriedly cut him off'

"WAAAAIT! No spoilers!" 'Don't ruin the damn immersion you fool!'

(Ha? Wouldn't you want to know what I have to say? It could be advantageous for you.)

'I nodded, then shook my head side to side.' "Yes and no, I want to know but at the same time I don't. It would be helpful to have a little bit of insight into what's going on around here, but, that'd ruin the mystery of this place." 'I wanted to enjoy as much of this reality as I can, yet, I know I was fussing over my lack of information, but! I simply wanted to do it on my own. All of the fun would be sapped out of this place if I was told everything I wanted to know!'

(...Hm, I shall respect your wishes. But, whenever you feel as if you need a piece of information you can't access, come directly to me and I shall disclose it you and only you, however, if you wish to give this information to others, then I am fine with that as well.)

'V for the win! Definitely going to be my best man if I ever get married, but, I probably won't ever get married.' "Heh, I'll keep that in mind. Anyways, I think that's all I had to talk about for now. It was a pleasure speaking with you again, V."

(...it was a pleasure to me as well. Take care and stay safe, Z.) 'You bet your shiny ass I'll stay safe!'

"You know me, I won't ever drop dead! Just give me some time and I'll stand at the top, but, for the meantime? I'm just going to go at my own pace for now and enjoy the ride." 'Yep, not going to rush it!'

(If that's the case, then, you won't mind if I send you another gift, yes?) 

'Soon as I heard those word's I smiled, any gift from V thus far has been amazing!' "And what would said surprise be?" 'He probably wasn't going to tell me.'

(And why would I tell you? A surprise is meant to be a surprise.) 'Heh, called it.'

'Smiling, an expectant look on my face.' "Then I bet it's going to be a good one." 'My brain was already running a mile a second, trying to figure what he could possibly be sending me.'

(It'll be waiting outside for you, and, the first part of the gift is already sitting on the nightstand in your room.) 'Something's already here!?'

'But, I realized that if it was outside, I wouldn't be able to get it until I made my halo disappear!' "Alright, thanks V. I'll call you again sooner or later." 

(And as I said before, take care and stay safe.) Once he was done talking, I snapped the phone closed with an audible *click* and stuffed it into my pocket.'

"So where's the first part of my gift..." 'I said as I rushed up from my bed, quickly making my way over to my nightstand and noticing something that wasn't there before.'

"Key's?" 'I asked aloud, bending down and picking them up.' "Keys for what? Hmmm, eh, I'll figure it out when I see the rest of the surprise." 'Didn't want to ruin the surprise, now did I?'

'But first, I had to make my glowing nightlight disappear if I wanted to go outside. Hm, maybe see if I can make myself shorter? V did give me some idea's when he said it's just an extension of my body.'

'I think it's time I tried it out. See if I can do it. Hope it's quicker than when I first learned how to fly.' "Ok, concentration is key. Just got to imagine myself being shorter and my halo not being above my head. Hm, maybe I should make this mask recede? ...Wait, is it even a mask at this point? He did say it was a part of my body now..." 'I still couldn't figure out if this mask was a part of my face now, or if it was a mask I could take off as if it were some sort of game cosmetic I could drop and forget about, hm, I should have asked V when I had the chance, oh well!'

"Alright, this time though, I'm going to keep my eyes open." 'I stood rooted in place, a relaxed expression on my face. Simply needing calm nerves might help me do it more smoothly.'

'A few seconds passed as I stood still, unmoving in the spot I chose to stand in. And, as I continued to stay stuck in place, it finally began to happen. The halo floating above me began to slowly shrink and dim, the brightness it once held now diminishing at a rapid pace. And at the same time, I was also shrinking and felt as if I was getting lower to the ground. Within the time it took to even think about what I wanted, it instantly happened. I guess having calmed my emotion's helped greatly with having what I wanted accomplished and over with.'

'Walking over to a nearby mirror, I looked into it. My height had been easily affected, no longer at seventeen feet. Now I stood at around at least ten feet, which I wanted to be shorter, but it seems that was my limit. It was better than nothing, and luckily, I wasn't offput by the change in height, allowing me to not have to adjust to the reduction in eye level.'

'Glancing upwards to the top of my head, I noticed that my halo no longer floated above me. It seemed it disappeared entirely, that was good. And, I also made it to where my face changed as well! Couldn't risk being seen with the same face in hell, if there was someone up in heaven that had an informant down in hell, well, I'd be screwed.'

'Instead of the first face I had when I fell down to heaven, it was completely different. A normal humanish head, two black horns that were the same when I looked more demonic. My hair and eyebrows were still white and flamey, but not as bright. Overall, it was a major change to how I originally looked. Even my eyes actually had pupil's as well! My eyes had also become a bit normal. Albeit them having now turned into slitted eye's, with the blue coloring that I had originally when I looked completely human and didn't put the mask on.'

"All I need now is some kickass shade's and I'm set!" 'Did I forget to mention that when I shrunk down, a white misty like substance covered my entire body? I didn't even feel it!'

*pop* ~ clink

'I know that sound!' "Let me guess, some shades?" 'I asked aloud, looking to the source of where the noise came from, and I was correct!'

"Bet you we're spying on me, huh?" 'Looking up at the ceiling, I couldn't help but smirk as I put on the shades, they were pretty solid looking sunglasses.'

*pop* ~ fwsh

'Glancing downwards I noticed a note at my feet. I bent down and snatched it up, unfolding it so I could read it.' - I was most certainly not. How would you know if I was? What if I read into the future and decided to surprise you? - V ' Heh, he really does love surprising me. Glad I told him to start doing it.'

'It's probably a good boredom killer for him. Can't really blame the poor guy. Even I'd want something as a distraction if I was permanently stuck in a single plain of existence forever. Hm, maybe I should plan some fun thing's for me and him when I have the chance? Yeah, that's probably a good idea.'

'Enough said on that though. Now was the time to go see my new gift, and I have a feeling I know what it is, well, a hunch really. But, I needed to get outside to do so. I was on the second floor of the hotel, so it'd be a short trip to the lobby. So, with my plan decided, I chose to leave my room and see what's waiting for me outside.'


"And I said'z, fifty? Baby, I'm worth a hundred if you want me for the night! Hahaha!" 'Seemed Angel was in a good mood.'

"We cracking jokes? I have a few good one's already cooking if you wanna hear them." 'I briskly made my way down the stairs as I made my way to main floor.'

'Everyone present looked towards my direction. All of their eye's immediately locked onto me and some even narrowed, they began to reach into their cloths and even under the bar, hm, is there a shotgun under the bar?' "No need for the hostilities. It's just me, Z."

'And that got everyone to relax, although Angel was gawking at me as if I was some sort of piece of candy.' "Is that you, Z? Well hot damn do you look different! Wish I could do that, it'd make my job really fun~." 'Did he not have the capabilities of transforming his body? I guess it might depend on if they even have powers to begin with.'

'Smirking at his words, I made my way over to the bar and immediately wrapped my arms around husk and softly squeezed him against my chest.' "Yep, it's been something I could do for a while. Needed to change up my look's if I didn't want to stand out like some sort of famous celebrity."

'Husker just sighed and allowed the suffocation to happen, already accepting his fate of being snuggled. The snuggling would never stop!' "I plan on heading out and exploring hell. Not sure what I want to do though. A few ideas are already brewing but I'm unsure about them."

'Angel piped up at that, seemed he wanted to say something.' "I could help ya out. It'd be a good tour guide for you. Been down here for quite a while so I know my way around these parts." 'Should I? Mmm, no. I want to go alone for this trip.'

'Shaking my head side to side, I dismissed his request.' "No can do, Angel. I plan on going out on my own. Don't want to ruin this visit by being told where everything's at.'

'Angel shrugged and went back to talking to Vaggie, who seemed to want to die. Poor girl, she's probably going to need new ears by the time he's done.' "And I plan on leaving right now. Just wanted to say goodbye and that'll be back sooner or later." 'I give Husker's head a few more pat's before releasing him.'

"Cya guy's later." 'I wave over my shoulder as I made my towards the front door.' "Don't know when I'll be back, so, expect me to be gone for a while." 'And that was the last thing I said to them as I closed the doors behind me and looked onto hell for the first time. Me falling into the hotel didn't count, that was just a glimpse of a building. What I wanted to see was hell in its entirety.'

'Looking around and smelling the air, I couldn't help but frown a bit. The air seemed to have a sulphury scent to it, didn't really smell all that bad, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. However, I'm sure I'll get used to it sooner or later. And speaking of what hell looked like on the outside? It was short of amazing, most of the building's looked destroyed and in need of repair, while others seemed unscathed with barely a scratch on them.'

'Seeing its hell, I already expected it to look bad. But, it wasn't entirely awful with what I was seeing now. Though it could definitely use a touch up.' "Well, let's see where my gift's at." 'Yet I wasn't out here to sightsee just yet, no, I was eager to see the gift V left for me.'

'Casting my gaze around, I didn't notice anything yet, but then, something began to move in my pocket.' "Huh"? 'I couldn't help but exclaim as I reached into my pants and brought out the source of the vibrations.'

'It was the key's, they were glowing and shaking. That wasn't all though, they seemed to be pulling me towards something. All I could was oblige and slowly walk in the direction of where the keys were attempting to go to. A few minutes later and I was facing a dark alley, completely unlit and barely wide enough to fit a car, and yet holding something that would be called a gem in my eyes.'

"V, buddy, are you joking with me right now?" 'Grinning from ear to ear I walked into the alley, and you want to know fucking why? Because the gift was a vehicle, not any type of vehicle, nah, it was a fucking mustang! A fricking 1969 ford mustang boss! I've always wanted one of these growing up! Oh man is this a dream come true or what!?'

"Oh, you're so damn beautiful." 'I didn't even dare to touch it just yet. It was like an expensive art piece in my eye's, pretty much invaluable and unsellable. The color coating was a beautiful black, the tires seemed brand spanking new, not even a speck on the whole car!'

'Hearing the engine was something that I needed, if it sounded like what I hoped it would, I think I might just orgasm from the pure joy I was feeling.' "All right, time to make this baby purr." 'I inserted the key into the driver side door and opened the door wide, making myself comfortable in the driver's chair. The chair was made of leather, I could tell by the texture and sheen it had to it. The vehicle had an all-black interior, chairs, dashboard, everything. Even the window's had a dark tint to them.'

"Alright, let's hear you make some noise..." 'Swiftly bringing the keys to the ignition, I slid the key in and turned it, and what I heard, made me grin like a crazed maniac!'

~VooooRRR ~ VooooooRRRR ~ 'That, my friend's, is the sound of an engine pouring out more horsepower than your mother's minivan. Every time I revved the engine, the walls around the alley seemed to quake. This thing was fucking beefy.' "Alright, nice and slow, don't want to ding the paint on this bad boy." 'Easing the car out of the alley was a bit hard, seeing it was such a wide vehicle, oh, the car was also a bit bigger than normal, probably to help accommodate my size.'

'A few seconds later and I was out on the street with a vehicle just begging to driven!' "Alright, time to see how she run's..." 'Don't you dare let me down V. You've gotten my expectation's up, so please, don't shoot them down!'

'The car was a stick shift, which I loved, so it would be an interesting experience driving it. Slowly easing my right hand down to the gearshift, I softly clutched it as I revved the engine, three...two...one! "Burn rubber motherfucker!" 'Had to say something catchy, I felt like a true badass with this car!'

'An engine roaring and tires screeching was all that could be heard as the back tire's peeled out on the asphalt! As soon as the car launched forward, I was pressed against my seat from the force of the launch!' "Hoooooly shit!" 'At this point I was laughing like a maniac as I sped down the road like a madman.'

'Everything was blurring as I continued to drive, shifting from gear to gear to go faster and faster, not even slowing down for a second. But, the fun had to end sooner or later. I didn't want to crash my car on the first drive.' 

'I gingerly pressed my foot down on the brake as the mustang began to slow down.' "Well that was a fun experience." 'My adrenaline was at an all-time high, it's a thrill for the heart if you liked going fast.'

'My pace on the road slowed down to twenty-five, mainly due to various obstacles being in way. Cars were wrecked everywhere; rubble was scattered from place to place. I wanted to push eighty on the speedometer, but I had enough excitement for now, and the fact that driving so fast just a moment ago was pretty reckless on my end.' "Now it's time I actually start looking around and figure out what I want to do." 'There was plenty of options to choose from, the best option's I had listed was claiming some buildings for my own. Needing to recruit some demons for my plan's was also a must.' 

'There was all sorts of shady character's hanging around on the streets, even the alleys were jampacked with demons. Guess I should start doing a recruitment drive.' "Welp, guess it's time to get dirty...hm, wonder if there's a gun in the glove compartment." 'That was something I immediately decided to check, and guess what? There was! A beretta 92, a type of pistol I heavily favored. I used to go shooting with my father all the time, I was a gun junkie when I went shooting with him, I'd always collect the shells as souvenirs.'

"Well, guess I have something to defend myself with." 'I have powers, I already know that. But, I still didn't know how to use them. A pistol is perfect for close and long range, especially if you wanted to put a few holes in someone's stomach right up front.'

'I also noticed that there seemed to a few extra clips, hm, convenient. The last thing that was in the compartment was another note.' - A means of defense for yourself, also, hope you enjoy the car. Thirdly, the car is a part of you. So, if you need access to your vehicle, simply recall it from your shadow. It's been made to be compatible with your shadow melding. - V 'Huh, so the car's a part of me? Cool, didn't know that. Mean's I should pretty much have some sort of special dimension to store my belongings.'

'That was that, a new gun and a new ability I could use at my disposal anytime I wanted. Well, the gun wasn't something I planned on using every day of the week. Now that I had a weapon for confirm some slither of safety for myself, it was time to pull over and make a name for myself.'

'I began to pull over to the side of the road, slowly coming to a halt as the engine idled. The car was turning head's it's way, wouldn't be surprised seeing I hadn't seen hardly any car's down here on the streets, besides the wrecked piles of scrap that were scattered everywhere.'

'A few turns of the key and the car was off, hm, makes me sad not hearing that beast of an engine running anymore.' "All right, time to get shit done." 'A pull of the door handle and I was out and about.'

'Casting a quick glance around I noticed I was being watched by quite a few unsightly faces. Seeing I was being watched, I decided to smile and wave. My smile seemed to deter them for the moment as a few flinched. Heh, serves them right for checking out my ride...'

'Looking back to my car I could tell that it'd definitely be stolen if given the chance. Wonder how I'm going to make it disappear. Maybe direct contact with it?' "Only one way to find out I suppose..." 'Touching the car with my hand I began to see what I could do. Trying to find a connection to the car was going to be hard, seeing I didn't know how to even do this. Just going to have to wing it.'

'Attempting to feel out some sort of connection with it was a bit troubling, I probably looked like an idiot just standing here and staring at the car intently, even with shades on. I continued to focus and focus, and I felt a tingle. It was the same feeling I felt when I first opened a portal, or when I shadow melded. It felt so familiar that it was easy to pinpoint, especially if I recognized it.'

'And soon as I tugged on that source of familiarity, the car slowly began to break away into a inky mist that began to magnetically pull itself towards my very own shadow. It was jaw dropping to watch, especially when you were the one doing it.'

'Within the time I activated my ability, it only took a fraction of a few seconds to pull the entire car into my shadow. And with a nod of satisfaction, I began to walk to the sidewalk, but, not before glancing around a bit. Heh, I was seeing quite a few disappointed looks. Seems I was right on the money with some of these guy's and gal's wanting to possibly steal my car.'

'Smiling to myself I began to walk down the sidewalk with my hands in my pockets. There were all sorts of opportunities around me to be taken. And speaking about what was around me, there was freaking vending machines with drugs in them! Ha, that's funny, drug's being openly for sale in public as if being given out like candy on Halloween.'

'Law's most likely didn't exist down here, but, I wasn't too sure if that was the case or not. Maybe there were some law's that existed? But what types of law's would they be? Possession of weapons that can cause true death's? Starting war's down in hell? What type of ridiculous law's did they have that made hell function?'

'Maybe I could ask Alastor or somebody else in hotel when I have the time. Now that I have some possibly trustworthy people I can rely on, it'll make my life a bit easier. Any possible solutions to make my transition in hell and heaven easier would be a great boon.'

'Glancing to the side I saw a group of at least a few demons, ranging between the numbers of seven or so. That seemed to be a good starting number for a recruitment drive. Recruiting them with money would probably be the best option if I wanted them to bend the knee, so to speak.'

'Turning their way, I began to walk slowly and calmly, a lazy smile on my face as I came closer and closer to them. It was obvious they already saw me the moment I started heading their way. Not sure how this is going to go, but eh, doesn't matter all that much to me.'

'I was within earshot range, so it was best I said my greetings first.' "Well hello there, lovely time, isn't it?" 'Politeness was key to making a stable path with your underlings, or future underlings.'

'That got a reaction out of them. Some of them immediately snatched weapons from their waistbands or coats, or any sort of place they could tuck away some sort of weapon. Hm, a bat, some crowbars, pistols and a tommy gun? Interesting...'

'Raising my hands to show I meant no harm I came closer and closer to them, almost right into the entrance of the alley.' "Thaz enough from ye'z, bub! One more step and you'll be lying in a puddle of your blood!" 'I looked to the one who spoke, seemed to be some sort of hellhound.'

'Stopping in my tracks I kept my hands raised to show I wasn't going to try anything.' "Of course, I mean only peace. And, I also want to speak with you." 'That seemed to spark a bit of their curiosity.'

'The hellhound grinned a wicked smile, clearly trying assert some sort of dominance or instill some form of fear.' "Yeah? And what would you have to say'z to us, eh?" 'Asked the hellhound.'

'Even though I'm receiving hostility from him, I can clearly tell I've gained some form of interest from him.' "Simple, I wish to hire you to work under me." 'Instead of dragging this out, let's just jump straight to the point.'

'The hellhound clearly looked befuddled as soon I told him what I wanted, clearly he wasn't expecting that, but, he was still cautious to trust me.' "Yeah? And what would'z we be getting out of this, huh?!"

'Smiling, I shadow melded towards him in the blink of an eye, appearing right next to him as I put a hand on his shoulder, looking down to meet his surprised gaze.' "You'd gain quite a bit, truth be told. You'd gain money, a powerful boss, territory and so much more. If you don't believe me, then, well...I could do a payment up front for your services." 'Definitely saw a spark of greed in his eyes.'

"How much dough we talkin?" 'The hellhound seemed to lose all interest in fighting me, or even insulting me anymore.'

'I hummed, raising a finger to my chin and tapping it in thought' "Hm, how does a weekly payment of five thousand sound? The five thousand would have to be split. five hundred for each of your buddies here, and, two thousand for yourself seeing you must be the one who's in charge here." 'There's seven demons' here in total, the hellhound and six others.'

'Dollar signs appeared in the guy's eye's as he looked up at me, clearly already thinking over what he could buy with that much cash.' "You'z got yourself a deal!" 'Glancing around I could tell the other demons around him were also ecstatic about being paid such a big amount of cash, hm, the economy must be really horrible if he's easily willing to accept such a meager amount of cash. The amount I was offering was about as much as a lowly salary worker working at a general store would gain.'

'Patting his shoulder with a smile I let him go, putting my arms behind my back as I glanced around at all of them.' "Let's make one thing clear, you now work for me, thus, you'll be working under me. I need you to spread the word that I'm hiring, get as many demons as you can, money's not a problem. We are not a gang, no, we shall become an organized crime syndicate mafia!" 'Looking around I noted that many of them seemed enamored by words, good.' "Right now, as I am, I am barely known. But, that will change as my name is spread all throughout hell. The name of our organization shall be known and feared, respected and idolized! The name of our mafia shall be The Laoch Familia! That shall be the name! Laoch stands for warrior, so fighter's we shall be!"

'Stopping to catch my breath, I glanced around to gauge their reactions. And their reactions were something I was looking for. They had admiration in their eyes, hunger for power, a need for respect. This is what I needed to see to ensure my plan was going to succeed.'

"If you are to spread the word of my recruitment drive, then, be as lucrative as possible. I do not want the attention of those who will only cause me problems and future issues. I'm putting my trust in all of you. My trust isn't something to be considered as unimportant, no, my trust mean's a great deal. As long as you have my trust, then, you have my backing." 'I looked each and every one of them in eye's once I finished talking, making sure they understood that I was serious.'

'Turning around I looked to the hellhound again.' "Do you have a phone?" 'I asked.'

'He seemed almost distant when I gazed at him, his eye's glazed over as he stared at me, but, a few snaps of my fingers in front of his face seemed to pull him back to reality.' "U-uh yeah! Mmm, why'z ya need to know?" 'He was curious to know why I asked that.'

'Chuckling I began to take out my phone and flip it open, going to contacts and selecting add new contact.' "I'll be putting you as my right-hand man for the time being. Thus, I need your number, as well as your name."

'Looking him in the eye's I could tell he was surprised, then, he immediately became prideful at the fact I chose him for such a position, jeez. I've barely even recruited this guy and he's already considering this a big deal? Hm, seems I got a good one...' "Ah! Why didn't ya'z say so sooner?! The name's Scrapper! And my number? Here, lemme give you my phone real'z quickly." 'Digging through his pants he pulled out a cracked phone, seemed to work fine seeing he was able to power it up.'

'He extended his phone to me, which I obliged with taking it. A few minutes later and my contact was added with the name of boss on it. Smiling I handed him the phone back.' "And now seeing we've gotten ourselves situated for the time being, I plan on giving you a small payment. To ensure you that I was being truthful." 'Reaching into my pocket I took out my wallet, grabbing a good stack of money.' "This is five thousand for you and your buddies. Remember to split it in the amount I've told you to do so." 'I say as I held out the money, and, within a fraction of a second it as snatched out my grasp.'

'I raised an eyebrow at that. Didn't expect him to snatch it so quickly. Speaking of who's doing what, he seemed to notice me staring at him, which he nervously chuckled in response.' "E-eheh, sorry, b-boss. Didn't mean'z to uh, do that. Just uh, was eager is all." 'Scrapper scratched his neck with an aloof smile as he sweated bullets, clearly realizing that what he did was disrespectful, especially seeing he did that to his new employer.'

'Instead of being upset, I wasn't fazed in the slightest.' "It's fine, just make sure you don't do that next time." 'There's a difference between horrible bosses and caring bosses, I care for those who I consider my friends, or even allies, thus, I have no reason to really be angry with him.'

'Seeing I was about done with them, I decided to make sure to finish up the conversation with some parting words.' "Before I go, I need you to find some sort of location that can be used as a meet up. Can't have any recruit's getting lost without directions, now can we?" "I said, looking down at him with a smile. What? Smiling's something I consider common for myself at this point!'

'Scrapper nodded his head quickly, clearly agreeing with my word's.' "Of course, boss! Can't have them getting lost like some kids on Halloween! I'll make sure to handle it and then some. You can count on me!" 'Hm, He'll be a useful subordinate. He definitely has a good head on his shoulders, albeit his cockiness needs to be toned down a bit.'

"Good." 'And that was that, and with a wave goodbye I vanished from their view, continuing onwards to complete my goal's.'








"Well'z then, what're we waitin for! The boss said to get stuff done! Stop lollygagging and get a move on! We have new's to spread, the Laoch family is going to be running the show from now on!" 'And thus, began the spread of a new name, a name that would shake the very foundations of heaven and hell!'