
Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul

A soul brought into a heaven not their own, and cast down into a hell that didn't seem believable. Can they figure out what's going on? Or will they even seem to care? Read to find out...

optimistic_writer · Otras
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17 Chs

A connoisseur of heaven!

"Well, this is quite the predicament." 'It was definitely a troubling sight. There was a lot more people than I expected. Then again it is heaven so I should have expected it. One thing that was troublesome however, was the fact I was still taller than everyone here, and by a HUGE margin at that. I was already drawing many eyes towards myself. I mean, it's not that I hate getting some attention but I'm a more quiet and reserved type of guy...so chatting isn't much my cup of tea unless it's about a topic I like.'

'I decided to just fold my arms behind my back and walk down the streets sidewalk calmly, but on the inside, I was kind of freaking out, but! I have a trick to my little panic attack and that's being good at having a poker face, wanna know why? When your AD/HD and Autistic you tend to be a bit of a weirdo at home. But when in the open world? I try to be as normal as normal can be, and that's quite hard for me. Heh, I rhymed.'

'Oh, and speaking of people staring? I was getting WAAAY to many head's turning my way for that to be considered normal. Some had their jaws dropped, might catch a fly if you don't shut it! Others had their eye's as big as saucers if I walked near them or walked over them. Yeah, I could actually walk over them. Imagine that? Walking over someone in public? I never thought it'd be possible and yet here I am doing it!'

'A good cup of tea might help calm the nerves. There were a few options to choose from, so, I just decided to pick at random. I mean, I could ask one of these people if they knew of any place's that might suit me. But, I just wanted to stick to myself for the time being. I wasn't exactly ready to go and commune with anyone just yet.'

'Oh! Did I forget to mention that everyone looked all...weird looking? Some had different shaped heads, like, triangles and stuff. Some were animals, some looked like tiny baby looking things, and...yeah...the list goes on and on. I was expecting the people up in heaven to look weird, but I didn't expect such a big variety of looks! It's like some sort of convention but an everyday type of thing. I know I'm saying the word thing a lot, but, that's the best way I can describe them seeing I don't even know what they are'.

'Enough said on the looks of these people, I needed a drink. And no, I don't drink alcohol. You must think I'm a boring person at parties. Wanna know how I feel about your opinions? I don't give a rat's ass! Drinking is bad for your health and it's a brain killer. I'd rather not become a vegetable by a deadly dose of idiotism.'

"Fuck it, I definitely need some tea or something." 'And find a place to drink I did. It was a little corner caffe. Seemed to be quite popular from the bustling groups of people coming in and out. I have money and a thirst to quench!'

'I sped up my pace a little as I walked up the caffe, half-eager for a drink and most assuredly eager to sit down to set my thought's straight. Needed to make a plan, I should have made one before I came into the city...but that's the past, now I gotta focus on the present.'

'And currently I was in front of the caffe, arms folded, chin up, face calm and not anxious whatsoever. I had this in the bag, just ask for a coffee or a simple beverage then get the fuck out of dodge. Should be as easy as pie, definitely not going to blow up in my face.'

'I leaned down to push the door open as I ducked under the doorframe to get myself in. Damn it, that's going to be a problem. Well, at least I look intimidating as shit with this demonic face I got going and my height. So, it's kind of a win in my book.'

'Stepstep ~ step, and I was in front of the counter. I wasn't focused on the barista behind the counter. No, I was focused on the list of food and drink items to choose from. There was a variety of cold and warm beverages to satisfy my pallet. I just needed to state what I wanted, which was a banana nut muffin and a caramel macchiato with extra milk, light ice and extra whip cream. I know that's not tea, but, I can change my mind anytime I want!'

 'I clear my throat to get the barista's attention, seemed he was talking to a buddy of his. I didn't really care though.' "Excuse me?" 'I asked aloud, hoping to get the guy's attention. Dude looked kind of cute, but, not my type.'

"OH! Forgive me! I was simply confirming something wi-" 'and que the barista going wide-eyed and slacked jawed as he gazes at my magnificent and glorious appearance! Kidding, the dude was shaking in his shoes like he was going to topple over any minute now.'

"I'd like a banana nut muffin, a cold coffee, which is a macchiato with caramel, light ice, extra whip cream and extra milk." 'Simple as that and nothing else needed to be said.'

'Silence passed, no order's being taken or anything. Place went deathly silent a while ago. Maybe it's because of my voice? Now that I think about it, it does sound really nice. Not to low or not to deep. Man, it sucked knowing my voice could confirm I was indeed young. I was hoping V would've made it deep enough to make me seem a bit older then how I look now. And yes, somehow, I could tell I looked young with this demonic face of mine.'

'Enough about my voice, the poor soul seems to be terrified out of his wits. I don't understand why he'd be terrified but maybe he thinks I'm some sort of high authority figure? I couldn't help but sigh and clear my throat for a second time to help him focus.' "I said my order, can you please take it?"

"O-oh! M-my apologies sir! I'll get that right away!" 'And go he did, without even asking for my name. That's minus one brownie point. Then again, I do stick out. So, it should be relatively easy to find me.'

'I turned on my feet as I strode to a nearby empty table to take a seat for myself. Didn't want to stand on my feet all day.' "I wonder if the chair will even fit my size." 'I didn't want to break a chair by sitting down on it, but, I wanted to sit and sit I shall!'

'A quick but practiced motion and I was down into my chair, or the stores chair. Definitely going to need to buy a place of my own. Maybe heaven gives you homes for free? I'm still uncertain with how thing run up here. I am so in the dark when it comes to information. Probably going to need to find some type of informant to help shed some light on what's going on and how things run.'

'Maybe it'd be a good time to call V? Yeah, I think I should give V an update on how things are going. With a little movement towards my left pants pocket, I took out my flip-phone. I know a flip-phone is kinda old and clunky, but I like them.' "Ok, contacts...contacts...AHA!" 'And the phone began to ring as I pushed the dial button.'

*Ring* ~ *Ring* ~ *Ri-* "(Hello? Is this you Z?) "

"Yep! Calling to give ya an update on how things are. And by how happy I sound; things are definitely going great on my end." 'Even though I was a little stressed, which I was. I at least haven't had any bad accidents or moments yet so that's a good thing I suppose.'

"(I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. I was expecting a call sooner or later. I expected you to be mad at me for the mask and the late warning. I do profusely apologize for that. It was never my intention to surprise you in a harsh way. I did say I would continue doing surprises, but I didn't mean it like that.)"

'He really did seem worried and possibly afraid that I might've blown a fuse over that little incident. Which, I wasn't actually all that mad. I don't really hold grudges so...no biggie.' "It's all good V, I don't hold grudges. And are you ok with me calling you V? I think it's kinda nice calling you V. Makes it a fun little thing between you and me, seeing my name is just the letter Z." 'I really hoped he'd be ok with it!'

'I glanced up for a quick moment to see if my order was coming or not, which it wasn't. I wasn't in a rush, and I wasn't going to be a busy body type of guy and rush the poor sods. It take's time to make the stuff I wanted. But, that wasn't what really caught my attention. No, it was the people looking over to my table and listening in on my conversation. All it took was a quick glance their way and a smile and they tucked their faces into their menus and phones. Hm, wonder what scared them away?'

"Sorry about that V! Was doing something, anyways, thanks for the gifts. It was a really sweet thought." 'Definitely had to give my thanks to the man for hooking me up with the nice stuff.'

"(You're welcome. I was simply doing what a friend should do for a friend.)"

"Aww, you were worried about me as soon as I left? That's so sweet of ya~!" 'I had to tease him, I've GOT to hear how a practical god reacts to some teasing over the phone!'

"(I-it was n-nothing. I was simply looking out for you.)"

'Oh fuck he stuttered! That's so funny and adorable! I made a god freaking stutter over a little teasing! Ha! I knew it'd be easy. Seeing how he's barely had any social interactions it makes sense. You'd think he wouldn't be capable of being teased seeing he's barely been in any conversations to really convey proper emotion, which is saddening if you think on it.'

"Listen V, Imma end the call. It was good chatting with you for a bit, but, I got some food coming my way so I gotta get ready. Call me when you feel like it." 'I say, waiting for a response back.'

(Farewell then, do take care. I hope for you to have the best of health in your journey.)

"You take care too, bye." 'And there goes the call with the only friend I know and have. I don't know if I'll make any friends, but, seeing it's heaven it should be easy.'

"S-sir! Here's your order..." 'I looked up from the table as I tucked my phone back into my pocket' "Ah! Thanks." 'I say, I reach out my hands to grab my order but...it wasn't what I wanted. You've gotta be kidding me right? It was a simple order...and yet that's a blueberry muffin! Are you saying that they rushed themselves because of fear and got the order wrong? Ah man...I wanted a banana nut muffin...boooo!'

'I tried to smile out of politeness and not say anything, but I was most certainly scowling. Oh boy, yeah...the barista just froze from my smile, oops...might as well tell him.' "You seemed to have gotten my order wrong. I asked for a banana nut muffin, not a blueberry muffin." 'And there goes all the blood from his face...are they really that scared of me or something?' "It's fine though. I like blueberries as well." 'And he's back! Almost thought he died on the spot.'

'I hold my hands for the food, silently waiting. Seemed he didn't get the message and thus made this waiting game awkward.' "I'll just take that, thanks." 'I will still be nice even though I'm upset, can't be a dick now can I?'

'I grab the food and set it down on the table as I prepare to pay for it by reaching into my wallet and-' "Oh, uhm, sir! You don't need to pay for it! I messed up and should pay for it instead! It's the least I can do to make up for my mistake..." 'And now he's looking down at the ground all embarrassed and sad. Jeez, that's adorable. Why is everyone I meet so adorable?'

'I waved my hand side to side as I told him.' "No need, I still want the muffin so I'll pay for it." 'A few dollar bills come out of the wallet as I pass them to him. It was a hundred-dollar tip with a few dollars for the meal. Even though I'm slightly pissed I still want to tip him, aren't I just a lovable guy?'

'The barista looks at the money with a sour face, clearly still fighting with his emotions.' "Just take it please." 'I goad him into taking it by placing it into the pocket of his work apron.'

"T-thank you sir." 'He hurriedly nod's and runs off into to the back of the caffe.'

'I just sat in silence, contemplating the possible ways I can kill myself. Strangulation? Drowning? What would be a good way to get rid of this awkward tension in my body? Possible accident during an acupuncture session?'

'I couldn't help but release a tired sigh as I got up from the chair with my order and headed out of the caffe to get some fresh air. I wasn't all that comfortable eating in a store that had people still staring at me. Of course, it didn't matter seeing as soon I got back outside that it continued to keep happening. Do I have to strip tease to make them pass out or something?'



'sniffle' - "Weird. That sneeze came out'a nowhere." 'Said a certain spider.'


'I couldn't tell what time it was; I mean, I didn't see any sort of clock on my phone when I looked at it. Maybe the time of day is controlled here somehow? Some sort of artificial star? Some sort of remote that could simply say On/Off and bam it's over and with?'

"What a drag." 'Definitely wasn't feeling it right now. I was getting more and more upset by the minute. The attention was fine from the start, but I've been walking for hour's and all I've seen is people gawking here and there and allllll the way to timbuktu. Secondly is the food I got not so long ago. At first, I thought it was just the muffin they got wrong, but nope! It was apparently my drink as well!'

'They gave me a fucking HOT CHOCOLATE! How do you even do that!? I asked for a macchiato! I asked for so many extra thing's to be added to my drink to the point that it should have been easily rememberable and yet I got screwed over!'

'Deep breath's Z! DEEEEP BREATHS! It's a hot chocolate, I can work with that. Well, I already drank it so I'm pretty much whining over nothing at this point. However, I'm allowed to complain about it later on! I thought today might be a bit better from the start of me getting here. Yet it gave me a silver platter with a letter on it saying "Nope" and a side dish of "Fuck you". If I had a stress gauge it would be in the red.'

'I still won't hold a grudge! The muffin and drink were still good so I'm a little happy. But, I won't be going back to that place anytime soon. I'll give the place another chance later on but not right now. I don't have time to deal with that. What I need to do is...something. I need something to take the edge off. I thought getting something in stomach would help but I was dead wrong.'

"I just feel like puking." 'Yep, my anger was making me kinda nauseous. Like, you ever get that queasy feeling when you get so mad that you feel like you wanna hit something but at the same time wanna throw up? If I had puke in me right now, it'd be black goop...just a big puddle of all my pent-up emotions.'

"Alright, just...go do something to distract yourself. Maybe fly into the sky? Mmm, no. I don't know if you need some sort of license or some shit. Ugh, I wish there was some sort of guidebook." 'Wouldn't that be helpful?'

'All I could do was hum and walk. Hum and walk, hum aaaaand walk. I needed to clear my head just a tiny bit to think straight.' "Ok, I got it. I'll just try talking to some people. Maybe direct confrontation with someone might make thing's easier. Yep, it'll be wayyyy better than the last time I talked to someone." 'It's worth a shot at least!'

'And attempt to talk to someone I did' "Excuse me, hello?" 'Walked up to someone and act polite, check!'

"Hm?" 'The person I decided to approach seemed to be some sort of dog guy. White fur, small white wings, a cute visage. He seemed so easy to cuddle with if you tried!'

"I was hoping that you might possibly know of some sort of guidebook to help me out? I'm uh, new to this whole being dead thing." 'Tell a half-lie, check! Act embarrassed to make yourself seem more approachable? Check!'

'The dog guy wasn't facing me at the time so when he spun around to face me, he ended up looking only at my legs, and thus began the neck craning. He had to look up, and up, and up, to see my face. And see he did, because I was smiling a toothy grin that could make babies cry.' "U-ugdf" 'Did he just choke on his own spit? Because I swear, I just saw him jump in his cloths for a second there.'

"Yes, hi. Like I said, do you by chance know if there's a possible guidebook to help with people like me? Uhm, people who are new to this whole angel business?" 'Play it cool, keep the smiling going!'

"U-uh, y-yeah. There's usually guide's all over heaven to help you familiarize yourself with it. They also give out pamphlets if you'd rather do it yourself. But, the guides are usually really insistent on helping you. So, if it were me asking for help then I'd just accept the guide as the one to help me." 'Wow, this dude only stuttered twice and was able to talk without stopping? Color me impressed.'

"Is that so? Wonderful!" 'I couldn't possibly strain my face to smile anymore, it just hurt at this point.' "Could you possibly tell me or point me in the direction of what a usual guide looks like or where I can find one?" 'I'm so glad I got someone who can help me. I expected to ask so many people just to find the answer on how to get a guide. Ironic seeing I'd need someone to guide me to a guide...'

"Oh! If you need a guide, then all you need to do is go and push that button on that pole over there!" 'He seemed to immediately light up with the thought of helping someone' "It's super easy. A guide will be notified and come right your way!"

'I could only hum at that. I wish I had known sooner, but no skin off my back!' "Thank you." 'And away I go! A little bit of walking and I was already across the street!'

"And a push of the finger and my wish shall be granted..." 'Yep, I was being funny about it. I had to do something to cope with my boredom and frustration. I usually talked to myself just to help ease my nerves. I know that may seem creepy but it's one of the few ways I deal with pent up emotions.'

'My right-hand index finger pressed against the obviously neon blue and very bright button with what seemed to be an angelic baby on it.' "And now comes the waiting game." 'Wonder how long I'll wa-'


"SON OF A BITCH!" 'I shouted in surprise from the obnoxiously sweet and dare I say loud voice that seemed to make my ear's ring. Am I hearing heaven's golden bells or something? Like jeez!'

'I spun around to face my would-be victim of a pummeling, but, my anger was quickly vanquished like an ice cube on a burn as I looked at the most adorable little thing ever' "Oh.My.GOD!" 'And I lunged for my prey that would forever be mine. I was not letting go until the end of time!'

"Buah!" 'That is the sound of a tiny sheep like cherub being absolutely smothered to death with a hug of want!'

"I am forever keeping you as mine now." 'I know I'm a guy and I'm acting kinda girly, but I can't help it!'

"S-sir, I-im supposed to be your g-g-guide!" 'I was pretty much crushing the poor fellow, so I had to loosen up my hold a bit.'

"You will be my guide, but you're also going to my pet from now on." 'Yep, I was doing that. He was oh so adorable and oh so fucka-ehem, I mean huggable! Totally wasn't going to say something else! Hehe...heh...heeeeeh....'

"Just point your adorable little arm and I'll go the way it points!" 'My happiness chart went from a bright red to a very bright green! Smiles all around people, smiles alllll around.'

'The poor little guy was too flabbergasted to even stutter a word, but on a bright side he did point the way to somewhere! Even though I'm pretty sure he's doing it robotically at this point.'

'The trip was quiet as I walked with him in my arms, he was so small and cute that I had to bring him up to my face just to snuggle with him from time to time. He'd always turn a bright red just from embarrassment and stutter like a blown fuse. I was most assuredly going to have to do something to make him stay with me for the unseeable future.'

"Hey, what's your name by the way?" 'I know it's kind of rude to ask for his name first, but he is my guide. Albeit a guide for only so much longer.'

"M-my name? I-it's, Collin." 'Collin? Interesting name...'

"Ah, well then. My name's Z." 'And let's see how he reacts to my name.'

'. . . . . . .? . . . . . . .?' "You gonna say something about my name?" 'The silence was killing me!'

"Hm? Why would I? Was I supposed to say something about it?" 'Said Collin as he cutely looked up to my face, d'awwwww!'

'I couldn't help but chuckle. This little guy was just so adorable!' "Nope, not a thing. I was just curious if you were gonna question why my name was a single letter." 'I was expecting that at least.'

'Collin scrunched up his face in confusion, seemed as if he was almost pouting. His face was so squishy and adorable to the point of where I couldn't tell what expression he was making.' "Z? What's wrong with your name being a single letter?" 'And there goes my heart. He doesn't even think there's something wrong with it!'

'A smile splayed across my face as I brought his face up to mine.' "Not a thing, not-a-thing-at-all-!" 'Which was most certainly the truth!'

'The walk was still as silent as ever. We both seemed to be quiet individuals. I would've thought a cherub would've gone on about how wonderful heaven is and all that. I was however wrong, very wrong. Also, I have a last name, just never shared it with you! So, ha! I mean, how would I live in a society without no last name?'

 "I'm surprised you're not gushing about heaven to make me see it as a wonderful place, which I do, don't get me wrong!" 'Even though my first few minutes spent in heaven were annoying. It was still a beautiful place to look at it and walk through.'

'And boom goes the adorable sheep!' "It's a wonderful place! Filled with laughter and friendship and love! It's such a beautiful and magical haven where there's no strife and only happiness!" 'Aaaand I take back my words on him being one of those cherubs that didn't gush over heaven. He very much so made heaven out to be a bastion of...feelings and love.'

'I snorted at that.' "You're gonna give me diabetes with all the happiness you're radiating." 'He was like a shot of sugar and nothing but sugar.' "It's funny how I already expected heaven to be like this, but not like this. It's a mix of what I expected and didn't expect." 'That was the truth of it. I mean sure it isn't my universes heaven, but it's still heaven regardless. Shit, I don't even know if my universe had a heaven to even begin with.'

'Corrin couldn't do anything but smile! But really, he couldn't do anything seeing he was being held in somebodies' arms like a child.' "Well! That's just the wonderful wonders of heaven!"

'He really likes saying heaven, huh? Can't blame the guy for liking the word. Most people usually say, no, yell go to hell on almost a daily basis to people they hate or some sort of dumb shit like that. People really do have anger issues, even without trying.'

"Then that make's heaven quite wonderful indeed." 'Had to agree to make him happy, must keep the little sheep happy!'

'And happy he was.' "That's wonderful to hear! I'm always eager to see those who truly cherish the wonderful aspects of heaven!"

'Ok, enough cuteness or I might implode from the inside.' "Huh, well then. You keep being a happy little fellow then."

'And that was that, our conversation was pretty much over besides being shown around the city. There wasn't just one city, but multiple cities. That's what my little buddy told me anyways. I didn't even dare to test how long I could last on my feet. I really didn't want to do that much cardio, even with a new body. I'm willing to test the limits of my body sure. But I'm not willing to kill my legs on the first day.'

"And that's about it! Whew, been a while since I've done this!" 'Said Corrin.'

"What do you mean a while? Isn't this something you do constantly?" 'Wasn't it like his job?'

"Erm, yes and no. I don't do this much anymore. I actually go down to earth during a person's final moments with a few other cherubs!" 'Collin seemed ecstatic just talking about it. Sadly, I was going to keep him. So, consider yourself out of business.'

"And what do they have to do to get up into heaven?" 'I was definitely curious. I mean, a chance to learn a little bit of information? I was definitely not going to pass that up.'

"Oh, we do some of this and some of that! We tend to focus on the people who haven't done much good in their life and give them a chance of redemption! We don't often do people who are already selected for heaven. If someone's already selected for heaven then we leave them alone, but, on rare occasions were given a chance to interact with those people! But only if it's a possibility for them do something good before they pass on!"

'Motor mouth much? Wait. That's me calling myself a motor mouth as well. Ugh, I hate it when my word's come back to bite me. And secondly, damn does this little guy have lungs. Does he have a second pair of lungs or what? He didn't stop talking once!'

'I smiled' "Well, I have an offer for you." 'Here's my chance!'

"An offer?" 'Got him hooked...'

'I nod.' "An offer for you to visit earth whenever you want. I have access to do so without any restrictions." 'Not a bullshit answer seeing I was given power's with pretty much no restrictions as far as I know.'

'Collin's eye's widened astronomically large at my words. Seemed he definitely didn't expect that' "That'd be wonderful!" 'Hook, line, and sinker!'

"But I can't." 'DAMN IT! NOOOO! I must win him!'

'My smile strained a little' "Why not?" 'Two words, speak in short bursts. Gotta make him talk and tell me the reason!'

'Collin smiled, a soft smile full on display.' "I have a duty to help those in need. It would be nice to visit earth whenever I want, but I already do that when I help people. Secondly is that I have friends who would worry." 'Ah, so it's like that. Well, I won't allow you to back out now.'

'I nod my head in understanding.' "It's good to know you take your friends into consideration. But, what if they're not your friends and only work partners?"

'Take the bait! TAKE THE DAMN BAIT!'

"Pardon?" 'Collin seemed to frown at that.'

'I smile softly, not a mean smile but just a gentle smile.' "Have they ever called you their friend? Have they ever personally invited you to hang out? Have they ever offered to just chat?" 'Please say no, please say no!'

'Collin definitely frowned at my words, but not at me. He was obviously trying to find something to refute my words.' "Well, I mean...there's that time I...wait...no...they weren't there that day. Hm, well...there's uh..." 'And I have come out the victor.'

'I put a hand to his head and gently began to pet him.' "Stay with me and become mine. I'll keep you by my side forever and always. No reason for you to be alone if I'm willing to be your side at all times, right?" 'Sound like a yandere, definitely not satisfied with my word choice but eh.'

'Collin was blushing up a storm, definitely heard my words in a way that seemed to fluster him.' "B-b-b-be yours?" 'Aww, he squeaked out the last part! How utterly adorable!'

'I nod.' "We'll do a soul contract. You sign your soul over to me and I'll make sure to take care of you. I promise to be good to you."

'Collin seemed at a loss on what option to choose. He could leave his job and go with this complete stranger...who seems to give off a warmth that makes him feely tingly. Or, he could leave his job and leave behind his friends. But, are they even his friends? And his job...does it even matter if he leaves?'

'He's always tried his best during every visit to earth. The cherubs he worked with only cared about getting the job done. He, on the other hoof truly cared about the good deeds that could be done by someone in their final moments, and yet, his friends never really cared. He would always talk and talk about how great it was...and they wouldn't care. They'd always make a...face at him whenever he tried getting them to see the beauty of their work...and yet they didn't care. But...did this man care? Maybe he could find his answer if he asked him.'

'Collin cleared his throat and got ready to ask a question that would determine his life from here on out.' "Well, before I give an answer. Which I will give one. 'Collin paused for just a moment, a moment to really consider his words.' "What would YOU do if you had my job?"

'That's easy.' "I'd do my job with passion."

"Passion?" 'Collin mirrored my words, seemed he was curios on what I meant'

'I nod my head, an answer already on the tip of my tongue' "I'd do it with passion because my mother would do it with passion. She made me who I am today. Wanna know what my birthday is? Valentines day is the day I was born. Wanna know what my name comes from? You'd think she picked the letter for simplicity, but you'd be wrong. She picked the letter from Zacharia in the bible." 'I was being honest, as honest as I could be.'

"My single lettered name holds meaning and power, my birthday holds love and compassion. My birth was a moment of breath and beauty."

"I almost died at birth. Death by strangulation from the ambilocal cord. I was dead the moment I was out. I was completely purple all over. They had to hurriedly remove the cord just to see if they could help me breath." 'I had to stop for a moment to wipe a tear away.' "And here I am today, in heaven." 'I may have been thrust into heaven, but, I think I did enough good to earn my spot here. Even if it isn't my heaven.'

*Sniffle* "That was so beautiful." 'Oops, I got a little too emotional there, ehem.'

'I brought him closer to my chest as I hugged him softly. I just need something to hold right now.' "I'm guessing I already got the answer I want?"

"Yes..." 'It was worth it, most definitely worth it.'

"Then let's make the deal, just simply say you'll be mine and that's it." 'I don't know how to do it, but, I think my emotions will guide me...'

"'Then I guess I'm yours then..."

"And I'll be your as well."

'And I felt it, a tug, a connection. He's now mine to do with as I please. But for now? Now I'm just going to stand here and enjoy this moment. I never really got to talk about my life in such a way, especially on such an emotional level.'








'...I'm glad I got to make this deal with him, he'll be great company to have.'