
Havilah's reign of terror

She was forced to marry the man her father chose for her, and just as she began to fall for him, she discover that she was pregnant for her old lover, read to find out what happens when the baby died by accident or was it murder?

Pastpassion · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Memories of the past (6)

Don stared at Havilah,lost of words to say,his mind raced hard to find something to tell her,an answer that would satisfy her without making her annoyed but he found none,simply staring on,the energy to dance lost,with his bride still in his arms.

"Why did you choose me?Why did you ruin my life,I barely know you,You could have chosen any young lady from any reputable family but no,you just had to choose me,Havilah said,on the verge of breaking down.

Don felt his heart ache for the young woman before him and he hugged her tight letting her shout to her heart content.

"I will make it up to you,he promised her patting her on the back like one would do to a young child.

Luckily for him,Mr Harris just happened to pass by when he saw the his daughter having a breakdown,he went over and stared hard at her wondering what to do such a child who was bent on tarnishing his image.

"You will pull yourself together this moment and apologise to your husband,Mr Harris scolded his daughter giving a sympathetic look to Don,"am so sorry that you had to witness this,he apologized to his son-in-law".

"It no problem sir,she is my wife and responsibility now,I don't mind if she throws tantrums once in a while,Don replied not taking offense at his wife.

Havilah straightened up at the sight of her father, cowered at his presence.

"You better behave yourself,he said with a tight smile on his face,making her stand even straighter if that was possible,"look around you,people are watching every movement of yours and would not hesitate to spread rumours once they notice that all is not well with you,this marriage is important to me so you had better make it work,he warned her threatening,about to walk away when he saw Don looking at him with a very displeased face.

"I know you are her father,but I am also her husband and like I said earlier before she is my responsibility and I wouldn't want you speaking harsh words to her,Don said taking note that all was not well between the father and daughter duo.

Mr Harris was not pleased with this,but he had no choice to obey Don,a man more powerful than he was.

"Of course,he said with a fake smile plastered on his face.

He walked away leaving the couple alone again.

Finding herself alone with Don again, Havilah didn't know what to do as she was scared of saying the wrong things to displease the man before her,after seeing how even her father was scared of him,she mentally scolded herself at her earlier outburst and wondered why he had tolerated her.

Meanwhile Don noticed that Havilah might be tired as they both had been standing for a while now,the desire to dance lost,he held her hand gently and led her to the seat reserved for them,knowing that she might not have eaten,he seeked her opinion and found he was on point, stopping a waitress who was passing by,he asked Havilah to order any thing she might fancy.

It-ttt a buffet sirrrr,the poor waitress stuttered,terrified at the powerful man before her internally cursing her luck for passing at such a time.

Havilah noticed the distress of the waitress and waved her off,saving her from passing out,letting Don know that she did not mind getting her food by herself.

"I just don't want you stressing yourself,he expressed worriedly.

She smiled at him,touched at his concern and unknowingly lowering the shield she had put around herself.

They stood up from their seats and walked to where the food was placed,Don behind Havilah ready to offer her help if she needed any while also taking note of her choice of food, remembering to ask her if she had any allergies to which she replied negative to.

The aroma of the food was heavenly and the display of different dishes,both local and continental was simply hard to resist,making one salivate and praise the chef who had prepared such delicacies.

Havilah filled her plate with as much food as she could not caring to act coy and shy like most ladies would do in the presence of a man,she simply acted natural letting Don decide whether to appreciate her for who she was or be disgusted at her really large and unlady like appetite.

He watched her eat,not taking anything for himself as he felt full,contented with watching her eat.

When she had finished her food,he made her sit down while they both watched the entertainment taking place on the stage

After a while,they made their way into the crowd,going around to thank the guest for their presence,exchanging pleasantries and jokes with acquaintances.

Havilah noticed how none of his family member was present and wondered what why that was so,but she kept her observation to herself not saying a word.

She sighted her friend Claire with a man and couldn't help but think they did look good together,she wondered whether he was someone special or just a friend, putting it at the back of her mind to ask her friend later.

Suddenly she was engulfed in a warm embrace,the person sniffing emotionally,it was the house keeper Ms Leila who couldn't help but tear up that the young miss wasn't a little girl anymore.

"Miss,we will miss you so much at the mansion,the house keeper said, releasing her from the hug.

"It alright,I will visit as much as I can, Havilah assured her.

"I wish you the very best in your new home,she prayed, dabbing her face with an handkerchief to stop the tears.

The middle aged woman left them alone but not before greeting the Miss's husband,Havilah watched her back with a fond smile.

"You really seems close,Don asked.

"Yeah,she nursed me from a young age and mothered me when my mom died".

Am sorry for you lose,Don said offering his condolence.

Just as Havilah opened her mouth to reply,a commotion was heard and when they turned to look at the source,a young lady was seen making her way furiously to where they stood while security tried hard to restrain her.

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