
Havilah's reign of terror

She was forced to marry the man her father chose for her, and just as she began to fall for him, she discover that she was pregnant for her old lover, read to find out what happens when the baby died by accident or was it murder?

Pastpassion · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Memories of the past (10)

Havilah had entered the bathroom in a rush, her heart beating loudly against her chest, her cheek flushed red at the sight she had just witnessed.

She leaned towards the door of the bathroom for support for a moment, as she had gone weak in the knee. Raising her right hand up, she brought it on her head and brushed through her head in frustration, confused at the emotions that were running high.

She looked at the not so small diamond ring on her left finger, which she suspected must have cost a fortune, bringing it to her face, she admired it for a while longer, before moving away from the door, walking forward into the shower.

Delighted at the lovely and enormous large shower tub before her, she looked at the different display of scented bath wash and chose a rose scented bath, when she had prepared the bath and was satisfied, she settled into the tub, a look of bliss appearing on her face.

It had been quite a while since Havilah had entered into the bathroom, when she had felt her body was relaxed enough and the tension from the day had left her body, she got out while wrapping herself in a white robe, her long hair washed and slightly dripping at the edge.

There was an obvious relief on her face, when she entered into the room and didn't meet Don there, taking her sweet time, she applied lotion on her body, after which she got dressed in a simple outfit of white tee shirt and jeans.

She had planned to sit in the room and maybe, call Claire and get the full gist of the guy she had earlier seen her with, but her stomach betrayed her, she cursed at the inconvenience and got out of bed, making her way downstairs to get something to eat.

On getting to the living room, the terrible smell of burnt food wafted in the air and a small amount of smoke lingered in the direction she believed to be the kitchen.

Not seeing anyone in sight, she decided to make sure that everything was alright, walking in the direction that the smoke was coming from, she came upon the kitchen as she had guessed, but what she saw wasn't what she had expected in all her imaginations.

When she had met no one on her way, she had been of the opinion that the maids were all busy with their duties. As for the master of the house, she believed he wouldn't just stay at home doing nothing regardless of it being his wedding day, after all he was a great business man.

But reality was far from her imaginations because they all stood in the kitchen. Don had a very displeased look on his face, he stood so tall and proud, making the large kitchen seem small and the servants were all huddled together, their expression was that of helplessness and fear, while Liam stood near his brother grinning widely.

Havilah tried so hard to stop herself from laughing but failed as a chuckle escaped from her, making the occupied of the kitchen finally turn around, seeing that they had noticed her presence, an awkward smile graced her lips as she stared at her husband who was wearing an apron and holding a pan with burnt food that was barely recognizable.

" Hahahahaha", Liam bursted out laughing. He was so dramatic about the whole thing, that Don's bad mood worsened.

" Even the dogs won't eat that"

" This is so unexpected, the great tycoon decided to cook, what were you thinking bro, Liam mocked his brother, holding his stomach that was hurting because of how much he had laughed.

Meanwhile, Don was so embarrassed that Havilah had seen him fail to cook a simple dish, frustrated, he stormed out of the kitchen, not wanting anyone to see his face that was reddening by the minute.

Liam who had stopped laughing followed his brother with a grumpy look on his face.

"Now we have to eat a very late lunch"

" What were you even thinking"

The tension in the atmosphere disappeared immediately Don had exited the kitchen, and the servants could breathe better.

They rushed around cleaning the mess that had been made by their master, while a few other hurried about making dinner.

Havilah stood in their midst, watching with awe at their precise movement while they cut and chopped. She was so fascinated at how they were able to make really lovely dishes in such a while that she made a mental note to learn how to cook.

Being an only child, she had not really indulged herself with the art of cooking as she never had interest in it, and her father didn't simply care, because of the belief that they had servants to cater to their every need. Not able to hold her curiosity any longer, she faced the head cook.

"I'd really love to cook someday, I hope you can teach me"

The middle aged woman with a kind face beamed in joy that the new mistress had taken notice of her expertise. Beaming with joy, she replied " It would be an honor to guide you ma'am"

While both women were having a conversation, the other servants were busy stealing glances at the beautiful woman that stood before them. She had a soft smile and a gentle looking appearance that made one feel at ease in her presence. They wondered what was special about her that their master had decided to marry her, given the fact that he had never brought a single woman home before, simply put, he hated women and couldn't be found in their company, many had even rumoured that he might be gay, but he didn't have many male acquaintance either.

They hoped that she was as nice as she looked, because they didn't want another devil in the house, their master was enough.

Suddenly, a loud gasp was heard. A maid carrying hot sauce tripped over a napkin lying on the floor, and the food in her hand went flying towards Havilah. Everyone's expression was filled with horror as they looked at the incoming disaster.

The soon to be victim was frozen to the spot, eyes wide in terror.

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