

Five seemingly normal teenagers share one secret they all have supernatural abilities that one would only find in books and/or movies. Jenesis, a girl who has psychic powers, wants nothing more than to be normal. She was six when her powers first started to awaken, by the time she was seven she could see and talk to spirits and when she turned eight she began to receive vague memories of her future self; they were mostly about the following day. When she turned 12 she started secondary school and all the things she tried so hard to hide began to surface when she met 4 upperclassmen. — “I saw what you did yesterday.” I hear a voice say form behind me.“Excuse me?” I reply as I turn around to look at the owner of the voice. He happens to be someone I recognize as a student of class 2-3 I think his name was Asher something Jenelle mentioned him about a month ago saying he's good eye candy. “Yesterday, you stopped that girl from crossing the street and a huge accident just so happened to occure barely 3 seconds after.” Ok don't react don't react. “That was just a random coincidence dude.” I reply. “Well those random coincidences seem to happen often when you're around.” Umm stalker much. “I don't know what you're talking about.” , “Oh really just last week you stopped one of my friends from running past the crossover just in time for a teachers car to come speeding forward. ” ....... Oh fuck..

Just_JAZZY · Adolescente
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7 Chs

Strange(Creepy) Girl

"So you're the fifth." The creepy girl says over exaggerating the word 'you're'. "Excuse me", I say in a confused tone. This girl is not only creepy but crazy as well.

She then has the audacity to put on a disgusted face, like rude. And say's "Just come with me and make my job easier."

"Yeah, no." this girl really is strange. Now she looks confused." What did you just say to me? ", "I said no." ,

" Bitch, did you really think I'd follow a complete stranger to God knows where who could also be planning to do God knows what to me like some sick pedophile?"

" I'm sorry, WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!", " Which one, a pedophile or a bitch? ", She then looks at me in disbelief and yells. " WELL I'VE NEVER BEEN MORE DISRESPECTED, DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!" Great now she's acting all high and mighty.

"You're just a random basic human that's been blessed with a power only people of our world should have.", " Infact right this second you should be bowing down to me." I don't like this girl, I don't like her at all. "Goodbye crazy lady." I say I walked over to the windows. Our classroom has a bunch of metal windows but the corner is missing an entire section so up to a below average to slightly above average sized person could fit.

So with that I jump out the window and into the grassy field surrounded by trees (thank God they keep the first years on the first floor or that wouldn't have been pretty) and began to run until I make it back to one of the main buildings in the school and from there run all the way until I catch up with Jenelle.

"What the hell happened to you!?" Jenelle says after looking at my out of breath state and grabbing onto my shoulders to keep me from dropping to the floor. "Water, I need water." I say between coughs.

She sighs " You're lucky I always keep an extra water with me.", "Thanks!" I exclaim after drinking the entire bottle. "This school is too damn big. I can't even take a run without getting tired because of the distance." I state as we continue walking the rest of the way.

"Hmm." is all she replies when we finally reach the gait we both part ways. I began making my journey home with only seeing 5 spirits roaming around. Waw a new record, never seen that little in 15 minutes before.








When I finally get home I take my key out of my shirt pocket and reach to open the door to find it's open. "Mom probably got home early today *sigh* she could have at least locked back the door."Sometimes I feel like I'm the adult in this house.

When I enter the house it's quite….very quiet. But me being how I am I'm not gonna make a sound either. I first look around the living room for Hannah. She's usually either here or in my room.

And there she was on the couch looking straight at me with her long black hair and eyes covered by her bangs. In the dreams she showed me her mother never used to give her much care, only drank and smoked.

~And she'd cover her eyes with her bangs to hide the marks left from her mother's beatings. I felt sympathy for her even when she was sick and dying her mother never batted an eye in her direction and when she did die there was no funeral.

Her mother just got her boyfriend to throw her body out. Her little brother was 2 when that happened so Hannah was desperate to watch over her brother and latched her soul onto something that would stay near him at all times.Which was his teddy bear,the same bear lying on my bed.

When Hannah did manage to latch her soul onto the teddy bear she found her mother started to actually care for her son but she still didn't want to trust her and stayed to this day Hannah visits her 52 year old brother.Who also happens to live across the street.

(He gifted Jenesis the teddy bear when she was a child)~

Hannah pointed to the stairs and I immediately knew someone was in the house. I then threw some random fake flowers out of a vase, grabbed the empty vase and made my way upstairs with it above my head ready to swing it at whoever the intruder is.

When I finally make it up the stairs I look around to see if I can find the intruder to whack them in their head with the vase but I find no one. Just when I was about to turn around a white cloth was placed around my mouth and nose.

While struggling to get the person off of me my eyes started to get heavy and I eventually passed out.

835 words

hehe I may or may not have forgotten to upload this chapter. But!!! My excuse will forever be school, the term started September 4th and I've just been a busy bee so I kinda forgot to uploaded it after it was finished..

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