
Hate u love u

ADITYA_KUMAR_0485 · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 8 : Drawing him

"So, what should we do, guys?" Namjoon asked, looking to each other. "Movie! Movie!" Hoseok said, hopping excitedly. "What do you want to watch?" I asked him. "The Wailing..." Hoseok whispered and made some ghost sounds and noises. "You want to watch that too? Me too!" I squeated and we high-fived each other. He ended up laughing so loud, excited by himself. I giggled watching him so hype. "Let's save that for tonight. What should we do for now?" Jin asked. "Let's draw each other!" Jungkook suggested, happily. "WHAT," every one of us shrieked. "Umm.. Was it a bad idea?" Jungkook asked, feeling uneasy. "No, it's not. But.. Not every one of us are good in drawing.." Hoseok told them. Jimin nodded and added, "And what if we draw horrible? The person we draw will kinda offended.." Jimin told. Jungkook was looking sad since his idea was probably ruining the mood.probably ruining the mood.

"Yah. Let's just draw each other. I'm sure it's gonna be fun and exciting." I tried brightening the mood.

"Since Y/n wants so, let's just do it," Taehyung said, smilling cutely.

"What? You would say yes to her but not me?" Jungkook whined and pouted his . Tae shyly blushed and smiled. I looked over to Jungkook and I could tell he was staring at me. He quickly faced away, pretending he wasn't staring at me.

We all prepared papers and the drawing stationeries to draw each other. "Okay, we're all given 1 minutes to draw each other. Make it simple but nice, okay?" Namjoon said and we all nodded. We were all facing to each other and was supposed to draw each other. I must draw Jin and Jin was told to draw Yoongi. Yoongi has to draw Namjoon and Namjoon must draw Hoseok, who must draw Taehyung. Taehyung was supposed to draw Jimin, who was drawing Jungkook. Jungkook was supposed to draw me since they told him so. So the order is actually,

Me>Jin> Yoongi>Namjoon>Hoseok>Taehyu ng>Jimin> Jungkook. It's a little uncomfortable since Jungkook had to look at me to draw my face but I tried to not budge. Jin is really cute and nice to draw. I'm not really good in drawing, but I did my best. The others keep struggling and snorting, looking at each other's drawing.

15 minutes up, and we dropped our pencils. "Now, show each other's drawing," Jimin ordered and we showed them. The house was filled with laughter when we saw what they drew. Namjoon's drawing was the worst. He drew Hoseok with big bunny teeth, exaggerating Hoseok. Hoseok also draw Taehyung, horribly. He drew Taehyung's head too big. The other's drawing was terrible too but atleast we can tell who's who. But, Jin's drawing was nice. He drew Yoongi as an anime character. "Y/n's drawing is nice! It looks detailed and beautiful," Hoseok complimented me. "I knew I was that handsome," Jin joked and cutely giggled. "Jungkook drew Y/n quite well too," Tae added. I looked over to his drawing and he madly blushed. He drew me quite well.. I had to admit, it makes my heart flutter when he drew me, beautifully.