
she will be mine soon I want to help

Every thing ready?

yes boss everything is ready in accord to

your plan,once she is out of the hospital

we are moving to the city.

that's good to know, I want you to go down town and buy us food also go to

the flower shop and get me a blue rose.

ok boss I will do that right away.

that will be all thank you.

ceo Alex may I have a moment of your time in my office?

"sure no prob doc.let's go then.

Doctor mark office

"so what do you plan to with her Alex?"

mark asked frantically.

"it's none of your business mark,I can do

whatever I want with her,and for your

information I will be going back to the city and I'm taking her with to the city"

Alex said assuredly.

"are you crazy or what cousin,she isn't just any playing thing you can pick from

the street she is a woman with an innocent soul,what are you thinking?

"look mark I am aware of that ok, don't worry about anything thing ok"

'i plan to make her mine anyways,

she is all I want now,and nothing and no

one can stop me from having and protecting her' he assured himself internally.

mark, surrender to his cousin's upcoming scheme he is yet to show the world.

"so what's your next step now cousin?"

mark asked espectant of what will be his next word but got no reply from him

and then he stood up from his chair.

"I will see you around cousin"said Alex then turn around and walk out through the door.

Alex pov

finally I can have her to myself, call me selfish but I want to help and have her to myself, she has been the only girl that matters to me since high school,and now circumstances have led us to each

other again so I can't let this opportunity slip through my fingers no i have waited far too long,I swear you will be mine..

inside Emily's ward...

how are you feeling today, asked a nurse checking the host connecting to her hand

"am doing good "replied Emily with a smile.

ok miss do call me when you need me

just ring the bell next to you and I will come running over ok.

ok nurse no problem I will do just that ok.

saying that the nurse headed out and shut the door behind her.


I wonder when Alex will come visit me again am starting to miss him now

"come back to me soon ok"she said then lay down on her back.

while thinking on other things the door was pushed open revealing the godly figure she just thought of.

"I thought you were still sleeping"he said moving closer to cover the distance between them,he sat few inches away from her on the bed,"how are you feeling now, have you had breakfast yet?"he asked raising a hand to touch her chick,oh how he could just touch those rose colored lips of her or better still suck on them,"no Alex,my breakfast is on the way. "she said nearly turning red from his touch under his intense gaze.

"ok,I will be leaving now,I will be back in two days ok," he said.

"oh so soon?,do you have work to do and will take you two days to finish?"she ask hearing her voice nearly breaking at the news."yes I have work to do and my flight will leave early tonight so I have to put things in order before going ok"he said.

"ok have a safe trip."she said with conviction that he will come back.

"yes, thank you 'love',when I come back I promise to take you out ok,so get better before then ok",he said the word love internally and stood up.hearing him say that,her eyes glow with excitement and nodded like a child waiting to get a promised candy from her father if she does good.seeing she was ok now he closed the distance between them and gave her a kiss at her forehead then departed for the door when he heard her calling him"Alex",he turn to meet with her eyes and"come back soon"she said which earn her a nod from him and he left.

please rate my work guys, it's no easy ok

lots of love ❤️❤️❤️