
Hasihra in jujutsu kaisen

this is fanfiction about water hasihra giyu tomioka being twin brother of Megumi fushiguro in jujutsu kaisen world . there will be many things that you will see in future that will be influenced by giyu presences in this world there will be no harem since it doesn't seem fit with his personality. l will like to make him as much as himself in fix but there will be his character growth to since he moved on from his regret from past life

Gurpreet_Singh_3921 · Cómic
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19 Chs

The Flame Hashira in jujutsu high

Gojo was called straight to Principal yaga office after coming back from his mission , he told gojo about kyojuro . This had him little worried but he was little happy to that there was someone like him . Soon new first years will be coming and he have to deal with Zen'in clan for Megumi's admission .

Gojo was walking in hallway when he heard his students training , so he went there . Hakari, toge, panda , maki and giyu were training mainly giyu was putting them all into hellish training.

" My oh my , Giyu Kun you are putting them in hell like that , give them some rest " . Gojo while standing behind him said . Giyu answered " it better to go through hell while living then dying from a curse with regret for not being able to do much . "

"You really are trying to prove Yaga Sensei wrong that sorcerers can die without regrets" gojo said to giyu . He Just look at Gojo for some time and said " if you accomplish something before dying even if its protecting one life then a person can die without regret."

Gojo understood that since Geto didn't regret before dying since his family was safe . " So you can die without regret Giyu ?" Gojo asked him. "No , not it I find a way to remove the curse from tsumiki , I didn't give much attention to her going alone there and that was a mistake in my side . I can only die without regret if my family stays safe . "

Hakari came to them and said " so you have fever for protecting your family ." Giyu looked at him " yes and wanting this life not go waste knowing I could save people " ." What the guarantee that who you save will not kill someone else " Gojo asked .

" There is no guarantee of that but everyone start to think like that then it wouldn't that a second minutes before people start getting hurt. That why we need protect them and it also goes as a reminder that if they did something wrong then they are not safe either "giyu explanated his own point of view.

" That will make you clash with higher ups on daily basis " Gojo said to him . " If they don't change then they are not going to survive .they think things will be same always but that's not going to happen , maybe someone else like will come and this time in future they might not have any gojo satoru to fight for them . " giyu Said to Gojo .

" Are you trying to butter me up , giyu kun ?." Gojo asked in his childish way . " No I am just saying that they are too dependent on you , if you were not born and yuta still manifest Rika then killing was him was not even possible for jujutsu high . There best would be distroyed in seconds. " Giyu said to them .

They both knew that there were not many people who could fight rika . Yuki wouldn't have agreed or she would have taken him under her wing . Geto if not went rogue would be protecting yuta or if went rogue would have used Rika to distroy jujutsu high and took control .

"You really think things through .huh." hakari said to giyu . " I took gamble once while having a very small chance of winning , I always think things where chances start to become low , because I might not get another chance and making them strong is also another reason because I don't want to take a chance that Gojo dies for some reason and whole jujutsu society fall after that , so I am making people that can still hold that wait if something happens to him" giyu explained . This was little shocking for Gojo that Giyu thinks he could die but then again he almost died at hands of Toji .

Who knows if there was someone as strong as him or had something that could kill even gojo , their are still possibilities since even king of curse that was Strongest in jujutsu's golden age could die then their are way of killing him also might after all he already scene inverted spear of heaven and black rope.

" So I came here to talk about the new boy you and maki scouted . How is he ?" Gojo changed the subject because he didn't want to think about him dying when things are going to get little intense during Megumi's admission. " Kyojuro ? He is nice child , kind but passionate one , he wants to protect people because his mother said to him to help weak people . He respected his mother so , even now he wants to keep fulfilling her wish . Though he can be little dense to some things but he is telanted and learned sword style himself without any help" giyu explained everything about kyojuro to Gojo ." And what if there came an time when he can't follow his mother will , wouldn't he be a empty shell then ? " Hakari said to giyu .

Giyu said " No desire to protect people come form his passion and his mother word just give him strength to follow that path . " Gojo was now really interested in meeting kyojuro . " So tell me what you think of his potential to become a sorcerers ?" Gojo asked hakari . Hakari said " if he really have passion then that guy will even take giyu's hellish training to be strong enough to protect people, so will say he have high potential and I want to meet him , it seems like new first years are going to be fun . "


Few months had passed since Maki and Giyu scouted Kyojuro for jujutsu high . He was currently in his apartment and packing things that he will take to jujutsu high . There was not but some clothes that Giyu brought for him . There was few books that kyojuro brought to know what things happened after taisho era . He was pretty after knowing about the death that happened in WW1 and 2 .

Kyojuro learned many things about jujutsu high and curses from Giyu . He also learned that curses come normal human who can't control curse energy . Rengoku knew that it was not prople fault they don't even know about the existence of curse . From kyojuro prospective it was like human not knowing about demon and that normal people were made demons by Muzan .

Currently, his packing was all done and he was ready to move to jujutsu high . From what giyu said jujutsu high was old and structure resembled that building before the modernization . It reminded him of past and he was happy to see it . This interseted kyojuro , he never knew much about Giyu and the little they came to know about him was form shinobu. He always wanted to know about muichiro and giyu. they both were the only hashira about kyojuro didn't know much.

This was his chance and since giyu has moved on from his past regrets he will be speaking with them . Kyojuro knew that of he had some problem talking to Giyu then shinobu can help him after her resurrection. kyojuro also told junpei that he will be going to live in school dorms but he will come to visit him and his mother time to time.

Then a knock came apon his door and kyojuro went to open it . There was a man in Jujutsu high uniform , he had white hair and a Black blindfold around his eyes with him was a boy in school uniform , he had black hair which were little ruffed . Giyu was also with them . " I believe you have finished your packing kyojuro ?" Giyu asked him.

" Yes my friend , I just finished my packing " then kyojuro looked at other two and said " why don't you all come inside for some snack or tea ." Gojo looked at him and said with smile on his face " we would have but I think we should go to school , these will help you take you stuff to car . By the way I am Gojo satoru , I will be teaching you at jujutsu high."

Giyu looked at Megumi and signalled him to introduce himself . " I am Megumi fushiguro , Giyu's twin brother . " Megumi introduce himself . " Oh ! I am Rengoku kyojuro , its nice meet both." Kyojuro said to Gojo and Megumi .

After that they put Rengoku stuff in the car's back and went to jujutsu high . For kyojuro this was exciting since he was a person who liked to see old places like that.

They were reaching near jujutsu high when gojo said " I believe you can see school from here ." He pointed at jujutsu high. Giyu was sitting between Megumi and kyojuro when kyojuro in Loud voice said " I see , its just as you said giyu it's really is old structure , I am excited to see it ."

" You like old structures kyojuro ?" Gojo asked him . " Yes , I like things that are old and history of things interests me ." Kyojuro answered to Gojo question . Megumi was not much interested in this conversation .

Giyu asked Gojo hoping an answer " I believe you will be taking them for a practical test after we reached Jujutsu high. " Gojo responded " No , the test will be tomorrow , today you introduce them to second year's and I don't think Yaga Sensei will like it if , I took both of them to test right after they entered jujutsu high , since will not be able to give his orientation speech . " And then he laughed like child . Giyu understood gojo was going to do something .

They reached Jujutsu high and when they entered both Megumi and kyojuro understood that someone was watching them . After seeing them looking left and right giyu said " we under master tengen protective barrier . She is looking at you , Don't we about it . "

Hearing the name kyojuro said " Tengen this name remind me of Tengen " . To this Gojo looked at him , Megumi just said " huh ". Kyojuro then explained " Tengen was name of my old friend tengen Uzui . This reminded me of him ." Gojo took this opportunity to know more about kyojuro and asked " so what kind of person was Uzui ?"

To this kyojuro replied " he was a carefree person just like you . He has white hair and he liked to call himself god of festivals and he liked to used word flamboyant for things he think were cool " . ' so he was pretty much like me ,huh' gojo thought.

After that they went to orientation room . Giyu went to his class. When he entered maki, inumaki and panda were standing at side talking about something , giyu pretty much guessed that it was about new first years. After seeing him enter panda asked " Giyu's back guys , giyu how many first years are there ? Are there from any major clan . "

Giyu looked at him and said " no there are not many just two , Megumi and kyojuro but I believe we might get some new student like yuta came . " Panda nodded and then he looked at maki and toge . They then asked " so are they going to test after this ?"

"No, Gojo sensei said that today after orientation ,he will introduced them to you . You already know little about Megumi but not much about kyojuro. " giyu told them . They knew Megumi because he was giyu's brother but he only known about kyojuro from maki and giyu since they went to invite him.

After orientation Gojo was showed them there dorm room . Kyojuro looked around and said " there are many empty rooms around here , Mr gojo ? " " That because we only get two or three students every year , you see sorcerers are quite rare and we are always understand . Though you can choose any room you want and no need to call me Mr since I am you teacher you can call me Gojo sensei ." Kyojuro nodded at Gojo explanation and said " yes, Gojo sensei " with a big smile on his face .

After that they went to meet the second year's students . Panda and. Inumaki took quite an liking to kyojuro in just one day . Giyu had already expected this since he knew what type of person kyojuro was . Maki was still little hesitant but didn't mind kyojuro much . Megumi was also with them and panda , maki and toge started to tease him from the things that they heard form gojo and giyu . For this they got quite a piercing glare from Giyu but Gojo also joined them and they didn't stop after gojo interference even giyu do nothing about it and just see his little brother get angry at them .

Next day Gojo took Megumi and kyojuro for test and have them exorcise some curses . He knew Megumi will do good but he was interested in kyojuro since giyu said that he possesses talent and it was true kyojuro was able to easily exorcise the curse . Giyu gave him a Katana and told him to not use breathing style since this was a test to see his capabilities as Jujutsu sorcerer. Giyu had taught some things about curse energy and how to use it to kyojuro and he was a quick learner .

But giyu had no doubt about it since kyojuro learned flame breathing only from the scrolls that his family had since his father was not interested in demon slayer job after his wife death. kyojuro learned form scrolls and become a hashira and showed the amount of talent he possessed . He used cursed energy and katana to exorcising the curse and he was able to do it before Megumi . In few days kyojuro became friendly with everyone in Jujutsu high.

Giyu decided that now was time to resurrect kocho since it only took water breathing that he had 100 %mastery on to resurrect her .

(Sorry for any grammatical mistakes...)