
has been cancelled

After his master died in the hands of the Azure lightning sect, Frank escaped to another another Continent to start his rise in power to avenge his masters death with the sect and all participants. using the fallen black lightning manual they killed him for ,Frank sets to rise in the martial arts world but distrustful towards man he grooms Demon beasts as his aides and companion in the journey taking the cultivation world a storm with his wits and battle power. . . stay as he journeys the martial world to find it's mysteries while fighting adversity with little plot armour. . I'm new to writing so do forgive me if I suck too much. Also English isn't my base language so I will fuck up a lot of spellings and stuff ,I apologize in advance book should get better as I progress ,so there is little development in the first chapters of it . Feel free to criticize, curse and advise me . I welcome all thank you should you read my book .I'm so bored over here just so you know I'm improvising the whole thing ryt now so ignore the plot holes *if u looking for some smut chapters I'm working towards it won't be much though*

broken_pen_ · Oriental
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24 Chs

chpt 5, white string vines

Few minutes of dodging the baboons ruthlessness attacked n tanking some I finally managed to move away . Coughed out blood and tried to stabilise my shaken organs. Game time is over I said then used white claws. I attacked an early stage baboon swiping at its stomach, organs went out and it died. Dam that's stronger than I expected I mumbled .

using electronic dance i moved to another jumping towards it and smashed it's head .Moving from one side another a slaughter for the baboons began but when it came to the mid stage ones things got harder. They attacked in sync covering my escape punching clawing and blocking the fight went on. Mid fight saw a shadow covering me looking up saw leader smashing down on me .

I jumped up to meet it and claw met fist and its arms got ripped off the impact sent me crashing down . The other 2 tried to smash my while I'm down n I rolled to the side n got on my feet .Attacked one of them and ripped it's neck apart with the claws then got kicked by the Other I flew back did a flip landed on my feet and jumped to attack the leader my white claws pierces through its eyes to the brain killing it .

Turning around I attacked the last baboon but it jumped to the trees to escape. Ran after it caught up fast then my claw met the back of its neck killing it at last. I took the bodies into my space ring then went to investigate the treasured tree they were watching. when I reached the tree gotta say I was surprised it's a white string vine with 5 fruits on it .

It's said eating it's fruits helps with increase a cultivators foundation.

Can't believe I found a treasure like this out here ,with this I can finally make my foundation stronger before reaching the next realm.

I took the fruits put them in a medicine bottle and put em in my space ring then went on to fight some more beasts .Later that day in the bamboo hut I was sitting down after recovering my Qi took out the 5 fruits and ate them all at once.

Soon a mild refreshing feeling of the medicine filled my body I quickly Ran the black lightning manual and guided the medicine all over my body. when half of the medical efficiency was over I felt my body was getting over saturated so I started focusing on my meridians and dantian but with the high amount of medicine concentrated on them my meridians began to swell and hurt I moved some soon my dantian was filled too and started swelling n heating .

Soon I was gasping and breathing heavily trying to suppress the pain it went on for 5 hours by the time I was done I was covered in sweat and black impurities on my skin. Removed them from the floor using my Qi then went to the stream to wash myself. Returning to the house I decided to look at the effects and was pleased .

My dantian and meridians had a 30% increase in with and my Qi also became purer and denser than before now I'm sure I can fight peak Qi absorbing stage cultivators and even win. Stimulating my Qi I felt it now ran smoother and faster than before ,then I was overcome by the feeling of emptiness in my stomach feeling hungry I took out the body of the mid stage age leader I killed today and cut some pieces to eat .

Being too lazy to start to fire and grill the meat I thought of using my lightning to cook it. held a big piece on my hands and sent my lightning Qi into the meat but being my first time I sent too much and burnet the meat ,the second was better but still burnt ,third was rather raw but after some practice finally managed to get it right .

When I felt it was right I started to chow down on it soon as the good flavor of meat hit me and the Qi in it enriching my body took out some wine drink with it. Few bites later I realized I forgot to add seasonings to the meat made a mental note on it for next time after a good meal I feel asleep .

In the morning a young me could be seen near a stream practicing battle arts with his body flickering with electric sparks moving around fast and sometimes jumping from bamboo stick to another this sometimes lightning claws would form on his hands and he'd cut and strike the bamboo and air .An hour later the electric dance came to a stop and Frank could be seen resting on the ground.

After resting Frank set out for more battle training, going deeper into the forest Frank moved silently concealing his presence avoiding fights after a 3 hours of searching he soon found a high stage yellow core earth bear sleeping in its cave ,He stopped concealing himself and threw a rock at the bear just as it was about to hit the bear smacked the rock and rose up to its hind legs letting out a loud roar .

Frank used electric dance and attacked using white claws ,bear saw the attack and swiped down its paw covered in brown aura of earth Qi .The two attacks met and Frank was pushed back a little by the 3.5 meter tall bear . seems like I can contend with it strength wise but the earth element restricts my lightnings effects a little bit while increasing its defense and brute strength.

After sliding to a stop Frank went on the attack again clawing at side the attack landed leaving a scar the bear got enraged and roared swinging at him. He dodged to the side and punched the at the dragons and sent lightning in its body. Bear twitched a little and Frank stabbed it's leg with both claws ripping it apart for a more damage.

The pain woke the bear and with a swipe of its giant claw Frank tried to dodge and block but the attack landed sending him flying away crashing to a boulder close by .Urgh Frank groaned spitting a mouthful of blood kneeling on the ground. The bear charged at him again Frank rolled away at the last moment leaving the crashing into the rock leaving it with cracks from impact .

He rose up and attacked the stunned bear wounding it's neck, he blocked a overhead swipe then punched it's elbow breaking it.

The bear groan in pain he took the moment to stab it's throat delivering the killing blow .Dammed thing if I don't make a coat out of you I won't be sleep well for years .