
Chapter 3

Scavengers were usually solitary, but it wasn’t unknown for them to attack in groups of two or three. The poor bastards were one of the horrible legacies of the Xini—people who had been stripped of their humanity by the rape and pillage of the planet, experimented on or harvested for organs, limbs or bodily fluids, or punished for attacking the Xini ships or the aliens themselves and left alive. The dead were the lucky ones. Now reduced to the basest instincts and robbed of coherent thought, these sad souls survived in the wastelands, foraging for whatever food and water they could find. They were vicious and dangerous and had no respect for the sanctity of lives other than their own.

Survivors seeking refuge in Dallas told gruesome stories, relating tales of making it through the Xini invasion only to suffer at the hands of their own species.

The noise repeated again.

Whoever is out there isn’t aware of my presence. They’re not worried about stealth or secrecy