
Chapter 12

He reached Chip first and began barking excitedly, jumping up on him. Chip had risen to his feet but didn’t react to Howie’s antics.

Dakota ran up to him and grabbed him by the shoulders, but there was no recognition, no fire, no life behind the blue eyes.

“Chip!” Dakota shook him so hard his head rolled around on his shoulders. Still nothing. Dakota breathed a quick prayer that the dog wouldn’t attack and then backhanded Chip.

Howie barked and crouched, ready to spring, but didn’t attack. Chip’s eyes rolled inside his head and slowly focused on Dakota. Recognition flashed across his face and he crumbled in Dakota’s arms, sobbing.

Dakota held him for what seemed like hours until the weeping subsided. Chip straightened up and wiped an arm across his face in an attempt to dry his tears.

“I destroyed everything,” he said in a hoarse voice. “It’s all gone. The food. The shelter. The water. All gone. What are we going to do now?”