
Haru is now a student.

Haru, a military trained boy who enrolled in an academy to study. He met a lot of new faces during his time in the academy. However, he made the decision to continue his study because he wanted to gain more experience.

MazzPip · Acción
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4 Chs

Ch. 1.2.1: Learning about Haru

"You're welcome." Haru said.

Seeing him going back home somehow makes me sad. However, I'll see him again tomorrow. 


"Waahhh!!!" I was shocked. It was my sister tried to scare my. So she was behind the door.

"I knew it! He was your boyfriend!" Amira said.

"No, no, no!" I denied.

"It seems to me that you're in love with him."

"I like him, but not in that kind of way."

"Are you sure?"

"It's a little too early. I don't know a thing about him yet. Plus I just met him today."

My sister smirked. It seems that my answer won't convince her. 

"Whatever. But are you sure you don't even know a single thing about him?"

"The only thing I knew about him is his ability to fight." Seeing him saving me from those criminals made me think he is very cool.

My sister suddenly pulls my hand and took me to the table.

"Ma, come here!" My sister calls my mother.

"What is it, Amira?" Mama answered.

"We have a big topic to discuss tonight!" Amira took a short break. "Umara here told me that she don't know a single thing about Haru!"

"What?!" Mama seems shocked.

"This morning, he told us about himself. Do you want to know about him, Umara?" Amira asked.

My curiousity peaked. I want to know about his past.

"Sure!" I answered.

"See! I knew you liked him. Your face brightened!" 

"Ahh! Umara has grown already. It felt like yesterday when she was only a small child with no friends. Now, she's having a boyfriend!" Mama teased.

"Mama!" I panicked.

"It's okay, Umara." Mama said with a grin.

It seems that the situation changed drastically. I believe Amira initially wanted to tell me about Haru.

"Back to topic. Let me fill you in with what he told us this morning." Amira said. We're finally back on track. "Haru used to be in the military. He grew up with his grandfather who used to be one of the important person in the military."

I see. That explains why he is skilled in combat.

"He said that the reason he joined the academy is because he was told to." Amira added. "He only told us that much. You can ask him yourself, can't you?"

"Hmm… I'll find the right time to ask him." I said.

"Then, it's settled. I'll go to bed now. I'm so sleepy." Amira said.

"It's rare for you to to sleep early, Amira." Mama said.

"I'm just too sleepy."

Amira went to her room. Mama also goes back to whatever she's doing just now. I'll just go back to my room and lay on my comfy bed. There's nothing I can do right now. I don't have any homework whatsoever. I'll just watch some drama online.

While searching for a drama, I realized something. I never got Haru's contact info. I think it's weird to just ask randomly. Maybe soon will come the right time for me to ask.