
Vol. 1: Haru to Aiden - Chapter 16


I shook my head. “No. It’s fine.”

He tsked. “Don’t be ridiculous. Come here and let’s get it over and done with so we can go back to sleep.”

Before I could protest, he wrapped one powerful arm around my middle and pulled me back against him. His face close to mine and his lips near my ear, he said, “We did this last night. There’s no need to be shy.”

Shy? I’m not shy. It was just that the thought of him touching me again was making me weak.

Aiden moved me until I sat intimately close against him, his legs spread out and enveloping mine, his chest against my back and his face beside mine. And God, his scent, which I loved. Aiden just smelled amazing, like usual.

I found myself relaxing back and even snuggled my face against his chest as Aiden slipped his hand into my pants. I groaned softly when I felt his warm hand wrapping intimately around my hard penis, and my body shuddered when he started stroking.

“Aiden,” I said his name softly. “Aiden.”

Aiden’s stroking became faster, while his arm was tighter around me. I writhed, clutching him as he continued with the rubbing. He even teased my cock mercilessly, like he knew exactly what he was doing.

But, of course, he knew what he was doing. He was experienced in the sexual arena, after all, unlike me.

Suddenly, I wanted to learn more. I wanted to know more about these things and wanted Aiden to teach me.

With a voice that was barely above a whisper, I asked, “Aiden?”


“What is it like kissing the one you love?”

Aiden halted his stroking the moment that question left my mouth.

I licked my lips and then said, “I’ve never kissed anyone before. I don’t want to embarrass myself when I do it… Kiss, I mean, the person I like, for the first time.”

“Haru, are you asking me to teach you how to kiss?” He sounded a bit shocked, and his voice was dark and hoarse, too.

I nodded. “You can’t teach me?”

He sighed. “That’s not it.” He touched my chin and tilted my face until my eyes met his in the dimness of the bedroom. “Haru, when I teach you how to kiss, I won’t be holding back.”

It wasn’t strange that I felt elated at hearing that. I wanted him to give it everything he had. He was the one I loved, after all. Fuck, I knew I was a sly bastard, but anything, I’d do anything, to be intimate with Aiden.

I nodded. “Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.” I said the words in Japanese which meant please take care of me.

Aiden took in a deep, shaky breath. Then, “Fuck!” he said, which shocked me.

He shifted, which surprised me. Then in a flip of a second, I found myself lying flat on my back on the bed, with Aiden on top of me. I could feel the length of his hard body against me, and I was so happy that I wanted to jump with joy.

Aiden said, his hands cupping my face, “This is how you kiss, Haru.”

I watched him, mesmerized at the hazel-green of his eyes glinting as his lips descended toward mine. Then I felt his flesh against mine, pressing warm on me, and I melted against him.

My head was in a daze as he kissed me, teasing and tasting me, and I groaned with pleasure. Fuck, this felt so good. Aiden made me feel so good.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him, savoring the moment. I felt like my heart was about to burst with happiness, having Aiden doing this to me. This felt like a dream.

I tightened my arms around him when he urged my lips to part, and when I weakly obeyed, he plunged his tongue into my mouth.

I gasped as the pleasure soared, and then he became wild and passionate, devouring me and making my body shudder. It was like Aiden was hungry for me, his lips demanding, his tongue deep inside my mouth. He even sucked at my tongue, and I became so breathless and dazed I thought I might just die.

By the time he pulled back, leaving his moisture in my mouth and on my lips, I was in a daze.

“Haru?” Aiden’s voice drew my attention to him.


“Do you want me to stop?”

What the hell is he going on about? He’s asking me if I want to stop now? Like this? When I’m so fucking hard and him kissing me like that just now was so amazing?

I shook my head. “No,” I said. “Please, I want more. Teach me more, Aiden. Touch me more,” I begged.

I had been dreaming about doing this with him for so long. Why would I want to stop now that I finally had the chance?

Aiden cupped his hand to my face and said darkly, “I don’t want you to regret this. I’m a man, Haru, and I’m your stepbrother.”

I shook my head. “I’m not going to regret this. Please, Aiden. I need this.” I even sobbed a little to tell him how much this meant to me, how much he meant to me.

He came to rest his forehead against mine as he said, “Just so you know, I won’t be holding back. I’ll make you come here.” He moved one hand and wrapped it around my hard penis. “And in exchange, I’ll be taking you here.” His hand moved to touch my asshole.

I shuddered at just hearing that. Aiden had promised to take me. Fuck! Aiden wants to fuck me. Is this a dream?

“I want this to be clear between us, Haru, and that is I can take you, right? I can fuck you here?” He touched my asshole again.

I felt my body shivering at just the idea of Aiden doing that to me, putting his hard cock inside me.

I nodded at the same time I said, “Yes, you can take me in my asshole, Aiden. I want your cock in my asshole.”

Aiden tensed and sucked in a shaky breath. “Fuck,” he said softly under his breath. “Fuck.”

He looked…shaken up. Was he thinking this was too much? That this was so fucked up that I wanted him to take me?

Oh, no, I didn’t want this to end just like that. Not when I had come this far.

I moved and pressed my lips against his, begging him with kisses. It worked because I was just about to move back when Aiden refused to let me go and pressed his lips hard against mine. Then his tongue thrust into my mouth and ardently explored me, stroking and teasing me forcefully and brutally, so much that the inexperienced me couldn’t keep up.

I groaned and became breathless in an instant, my head in a daze, my body hot and quivering. When Aiden finally terminated our kiss and allowed me to breathe, he moved back and pulled my shirt off me, followed by my pajama pants and then undies.

Naked and my dick sticking out, I felt embarrassed and even tried to cover myself up by pulling the duvet over. Aiden wouldn’t let me and made me lie bare before him.

I watched him as he took off his own clothes, and I could only stare in awe at the sight of his nakedness. His muscular body was toned and hard everywhere, and his honey-tanned skin was glowing under the dim light. His eyes were dark and his face hard as he stared down at me, as if he were drinking in the sight of me.

I felt my insides shuddering when I saw his cock. It was stiff and hard, and fucking large, even larger than I had ever seen when he had been naked and taking baths with me.

I involuntarily licked my lips at the mere sight.

“Stop looking at me like that, Haru.” Aiden’s voice drew my gaze from his penis to his gorgeous face. “I swear I’d think you want me for real, not just because you want me to teach you how to make love.”

I do want you for real, I wanted to say but kept my mouth shut.

I said, “But it’s big.” Again, I shifted my gaze to his penis.

He smirked. “It is, isn’t it?”

I felt my cheeks burning hot. My dick looked like a beansprout compared to his, even when erect.

“Now then,” he said as he wrapped his hand around my legs. Then he pulled me down just a little, until my penis was closer to him, and I knew what he intended to do. I held my breath, my heart racing.

Aiden leaned down, opened his mouth, and took my rock-hard penis. I gasped at the intimate contact, and my body rushed with so many erotic sensations that I nearly screamed out.

Fuck! I felt like I really was dying right now and had gone to heaven. This felt so good.

His mouth was hot and wet around my penis, and as he sucked at me, I felt tears in my eyes as my body writhed with passion. Little groans were escaping my lips as I cried out.

“Aiden,” I said his name softly. “Aiden.” And then I came, the release so intense that I felt out of breath. Never in my life had I imagined I’d get to feel anything like this, especially with Aiden being the one responsible.

I was still shuddering with pleasure when Aiden kissed me, his lips against mine, and I tasted my own come in my mouth. I wrapped my arms around him tightly as he kissed me long and hard, with wildness and passion that drove me insane again.

When he moved from my lips, it was to pay attention to my nipples, and when he took the left one into his mouth, I squirmed. I didn’t know a male’s nipple could be so sensitive in someone else’s mouth.

I loved this feeling. I loved this sensation.

Aiden kissed, teased, and licked me. He even gave my nipple little bites, and I groaned.

“Aiden,” I groaned out, panting at the same time. “Aiden…”